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Everything posted by eym_sirius

  1. Why don't you walk when it's cold, fitfabandfree?
  2. The "topic police" just kill me! Have you noticed that they sometimes just go from topic to topic complaining about the placement of a topic in a particular forum. I think that these people are probably being told what to do and where to go in their workplace or at home and their just trying to exact a measure of control here on PCOM. They're constantly frustrated. The funniest ones are the ones that say, "I'm gonna REPORT YOU!!" "You keep saying mean things to me!" I agree with you, GB! How difficult is it for a person to look at the topic, see who's discussing that topic and then to
  3. Another really great point! It's certainly a personal choice to live your life where the search for truth is secondary to pleasantness. I've done it both ways, first in Pleasantville, blissfully unaware. The problem comes when a person decides that he's ready to deal with the truth -- whatever that means. Now, I'm aware and I put everything to the truth test. The stories that I was told in my childhood that just aren't true - It's better to know, even though the knowledge means expulsion from the garden (tying your farmer's analogy to the adam and eve myth) a bigger waistline, less family ti
  4. The whole thing can make one's head hurt! I think that it's good to consider the way that things work. It doesn't mean that a person is any more in control of his circumstances, but it can put one's mind at ease about the context in which we live our lives. It's also good to put down in writing what you think about the way that things work. You can get an idea about your depth of thought, your abiltiy to analyze and to prioritize and you can use your own words as a mirror to see if you like the reflection of your analysis. I recall as a young person thinking about the concept of "forever'.
  5. You bring up a decent point, that being - "If it's in another dimension about which we have no awareness and will not, in our lifetimes become aware - If it involves a perception or other manner of detection that is beyond our scope, then what's the point? It's about context. We have "human brains", that's true. But we can use those human brains to gauge truth, or at least the things that we percieve to be true. I use the phrase "Does it ring true" as a test of rightness. I figure that I have my human brain for a reason and that it should be used to analyze, comprehend and come to terms wi
  6. adult - Displacement refers to a change in the existence of something to create a net-zero change in the universe. We can't make anything disappear or appear or change elements from one to another. How could we leave a version of ourselves in the past while continuing in the present and not create something from nothing? Form follows function. What would be the purpose of alternate dimensions in nature? Take people out of the equation. Say, in a million years, there's no more human life on Earth. The purpose of alternate dimensions is ________ fill in the blank. Time travel - if you le
  7. Are you so heavily invested in Fox, MrsH, that you no longer have opinions separate from them? Have you gotten to the point that a single word that contradicts FOX is a personal attack on yourself? I see you pasting Fox links, with scant insight from YOU - the one whose opinion matters. It's not just you, Mrs. H. I see this as a behavioral phenomenon. Complexities overcome people so they latch onto a lifestyle, a news source, a mindset and then the individual stops being an individual, but a conduit for the, in this case, news source. Consider this - You'd have no trouble dispatching me w
  8. The science experiment had ZERO to do with time travel. If Fox got "time travel" out of an experiment involving quantum mechanics (the experiment seemed to show that a string plucked at an extremely high frequency while being cooled to near absolute zero appeared to display a tiny second detectable charge, separate from the other), then there was a giant misunderstanding of what the experiment means. It involved two identical items existing simultaneously, not at different times! Its application into the real world? Maybe to get another experiment funded by the federal government. Other t
  9. And there's no going back. Besides, even if you COULD go back, there's no guarantee that the alternate reality would be an improvement!
  10. And it was published by --- let me guess -- Fox News! Mrs. H quotes , well she really doesn't quote, she just references and links Fox News as if it were either a legitimate news source or if it had credibility in the scientific community. I'll say it again - Why have we not had a time traveler, if the future and the past exist (as "adult" described it) concretely? At some point (as adult described it) in the future a time-traveler would have come back here. And not just "A" traveler, time travel would be the vacation trip of the rich and famous! What I say is that the future hasn't
  11. Really? What was the name of the time travel visitor? I read the article. It was junk science, not even science fiction. I can't believe that you took it seriously!
  12. I don't think that's correct GGGM. e. coli is a bacteria found in the large intestine. How it ends up in food is through lack of hygiene on the part of those preparing the food, lack of washing vegetables that have been fed manure or have been visited by feral hogs, UNDERCOOKED MEAT, where the meat is not heated sufficiently to kill bacteria that was spread from the large intestine to the meat through sloppy slaughtering procedures or (one of the most common) having that same situation in place with the steaks and chopping/grinding the meat into hamburger and (again) not cooking the meat thoro
  13. Turning 16 is really difficult and the peer pressure is tremendous. Not "peer pressure" to do bad things necessarly, but pressure to account to your peers and then to have to endure a scathing comment. It's easier to say, when someone asks about her birthday, "I told my mom I didn't want a party" than to say "We had a party with just a few people and ___________" and to have the other people say -- "How lame!" Teen insecurity and angst! I suggest giving her a choice, one being to give her the money that you'd spend on a party. Then, when her friends ask what she got for her birthday, she
  14. Worse than that, instead of renewing my wildlife tag that was already made, the State had to make a NEW tag for me. And they didn't even ask for the old one back to recycle or whatever! So it ended up being a net minus for the State by not grandfathering in previously bought tags.
  15. I'll address the four dimensional question later. I get that you think that the past and future exist now. I infer from that theory that you consider time travel a possibility. Is that right? If so, why is it that we've never been visited by a time traveler, if the past and future exist concretely? Also, regarding time travel, how would you get past the issue of displacement? I suppose that presents a problem for regarding the past and present as concrete, whether a person or object passes from one time period to another or not. You see, it's the issue of displacement that helps mold my th
  16. That's the problem, LPPT! People confuse the teachings of jesus with religion. Treat others the way that you want to be treated! Get the stick out of your own eye before you talk about the splinter in someone else's eye! Love your neighbor as yourself! That's pretty much it! Religion took life more abundantly and turned it into a list of things that you should not do, based on the preferences of the elders of the day, a couple of thousand years ago! Religion has absolutely nothing to do with science and it's only related to jesus in the same way that chickens are related to dinosaurs!
  17. Of course the link is biased. The home site is called "all about god". The websites are called "all about science" and "darwins theory of evolution" I don't want to take this discussion to talking about religious deception so I'll leave it there.
  18. Neanderthals were related to homo sapiens sapiens (man wise, wise) but did not make it out of the Stone Age, except in the fossil record. I would be interested in hearing from those who do not believe in the science of evolution to explain the emergence of humanlike creatures that went extinct.
  19. I think that the issue has dynamics that precludes an "either/or" answer. Doctors can have their patients' best interests at heart, and still try to milk the system for all of the money that they can stuff in their bank accounts. Here's an example. I had surgery last year. My doctor sent me to have an MRI done because it was covered by insurance - not because I needed the MRI! He never looked at the MRI. He didn't need to - He knew what the problem was, knew what needed to be done and performed the procedure with precision and in a way that got me back to complete health. He recommended ph
  20. First, thanks for the input. It's valuable. I think that the characterization of time as a dimension is lacking in any kind of support. It goes without saying that an object in motion is three dimensional. To describe it thus as a way of depicting time as a fourth dimension is not logical. Gravity is a force that applies to three dimensional objects, yet it is, of itself, not a dimension. It is a force of nature described by a law of mass attraction. The "point in time" reference is something that I say doesn't exist. Yes, as you are able to depict, in your mind, a linear graph of your life yo
  21. Your thought-filled assessment brings up a lot of very important points. First, "most don't give a crap". I agree. Why should most people think about time, except as it relates to them? The answer would seem to be relevance, assuming that an individual cares about what notations are made in the margin of the story of life. But if a person is not thinking about the meaning of life, if time is limited to what his watch says, if his consideration of time is limited to the t.v. show lineup for the evening, or when he gets off work, then what does that make him? The answer seems to be "normal".
  22. It's a beautiful sound, isn't it? You can listen to them run for a long distance, but invariably the rabbit will turn so that it doesn't get away from familiar terrain. The dogs bark as they disembark from the truck. It's a different sound when they strike a hot trail or actually jump a bunny from his hiding place! A high-pitched long-note series of yelps and they're off to the races!! It's something that you don't forget - I haven't been rabbit hunting in 35 years and the experience is still fresh!
  23. This is an excellent point that you make, Thoughts! You expressed it beautifully! Throughout the course of man's history there have been religions/belief systems that died out or "evolved" because their foundations were faulty. People used to believe that demon spirits overtook a person when he or she had a seizure. Today, we know that seizures can be largely controlled through medication, not exorcism. Science allows people to (((((eventually)))))) get to the truth, because ((((((eventually))))) continuing to believe in demons and ghosts and goblins makes the individual look like a nutcase ne
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