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Everything posted by eym_sirius

  1. Likewise, I agree and disagree. Maybe her music IS about her life and I just find her life uninteresting. When I first heard "Stand By Your Man" - I knew what that song was about. "He Stopped Loving Her Today", "For The Good Times" "You've Never Been This Far Before", "Kaw-Liga" -- On and on, I could tell you what these songs were about from the very first time that I heard them. Taylor Swift? I've heard her sing a bunch of times at various events and I can't tell you what a single song of hers is about. The melodies weren't compelling, the lyrics were forgettable, if you could understand them
  2. Country music just isn't, anymore. What it's about is who can fill the seats of a large sports complex. The people who pay money to see the performer on a large screen TV (?) because she's ant-sized to the naked eye - those are young people to whom "the crowd" is part of the experience. This is a trend that few performers have spoken out against. Instead of Wynonna speaking against Taylor Swift (blaming her for being popular?), she should be speaking out FOR country music, which is about real people in real-life situations. It's time for another Outlaw movement to, as they say, put the "O
  3. On most topics, I lean toward progressive. However, I don't look to party affiliations or popular liberal leaders to tell me how I should consider issues. I'm fine with the decision to end the life of this killer. Unlike some other people, I don't believe that all life is precious - especially this one! Because the acts were so heinous, I don't think that justice can ever be acheived. We just have to be satisfied that the system did all that it could and what it is there to do, which is to enforce the law. While revenge is negative, I suggest that this be viewed as a more positive func
  4. I'd love to hear you go into more detail about the reasons behind that opinion. Go ahead. Anything?
  5. Matt, What I know about you - all that I know about you - is what you've told me in this thread. But you told volumes about yourself in your choice of words. You're presently disgusted with people who have too much to drink. You presently feel a need to laugh at people who make spectacles of themselves, whatever their personal problems/issues are. You said these things yourself. No, you can't laugh at them. Yes, you are held to a higher standard of behavior than the boys at the water cooler. I don't know you, but I was right about your not having formal seminary training, wasn't I? How d
  6. You claim a position of leadership, but "haven't learned the lesson" about the responsibility of being held to a higher standard? You should know better than to post here? Why? Because someone might question you? Real pastors love to discuss their life's mission, which is why I think that you are not formallly trained, but instead, more of a "weekend warrior". Ethics training would have told you that you should have gone over to the guy who peed in his pants and instead of laughing at him, said, "Hey friend, let's get you home". But you can't stand being around drunks (as you stated) and your
  7. This had just sounded like you had observed these things yourself. And it sounded like you couldn't stand to be around "drunks" and you laugh at them, whether they are conscious of your position, "that's funny, I don't care who you are" or not. And that you seemed to be pigeonholing all people who overindulge, as drunks, instead of having the disease of alcoholism. I would just think that a person having a religious/spiritiual background and perhaps training (not sure if you're ordained or a "lay minister") would extend jesus-styled compassion. There's also the hard judgment that you seem to
  8. Tell 'em Glenn - That if they haven't brought their mowers in for you to winterize them -- NOW is the time. Winterizing will make it so that when Spring comes around, the mower starts right up. You can tune up a mower like nobody else. The blades need sharpening! The spark plug needs replacing! The lines need cleaning out and the fluids need to be drained! Y'all give Subby a call! He's a great guy, easy to talk to and he will do you right!!
  9. Matt, you asked the question, "I can't laugh?" The answer is -- No, you can't. You say that you "can't stand being around drunks" and that you laugh at them while they pee in their pants. How in the world can you turn around and counsel that same individual that you can't stand to be around and laugh and giggle at? How can you point and stare and make fun and then counsel that same person, "lead him to Jesus"? If you're laughing, then you're a follower, not someone who leads the way - Unless you initiate the ridicule.
  10. My point, of course, is that "hate" is a very strong emotion to feel toward a person who may or may not, according to a number of factors, register .08 on a breathalyzer, instead of .075. Another point is minimalizing another human being by calling HIM "a drunk", because he may or may not have been drinking before he drove (not against the law). A third point is the matter of allowing the individual due process under the law before judging him and declaring HATE for the person.
  11. So -- .075 is okay with you? That would mean that he's not "a drunk".
  12. I think that diabetics having a spell smell like alcohol. I think that "drunK" is a condition and not a person.
  13. If you follow NC-17 to the tonk, you might never come back!! (the "tonk" is short for "honky-tonk, a password-protected forum where speech/picture restrictions are relaxed somewhat, but not all of the way. It's available to paying members only, who also get the benefit of no flood control. )
  14. I'm not sure that I agree with you, Pubby. I think that a rating system will not encourage "good posts", but rather discourage thought-filled ones. We already have emoticons that people use instead of putting their thoughts into actual words. Now, people won't even bother with the emoticons - They'll just rate others, depending on whether they agree or disagree with them.<br><br>I think that the notion that using this system to encourage "good posts" is a specious one because the critical-thinking skills required for analysis are often viewed as unpopular. Bad posters, or the one
  15. I like the voice recognition feature, where you speak into your computer's speakers and it types what you're saying!
  16. I'll be hiding in this bunker while you stroll through that mine field! Nice knowing you!! Go ahead and share, though, JMT.
  17. Some people should be tested -- for their ethics. I think that it's altogether irresponsible to spread rumors about, well, anybody! It's like this - If you know something about someone and it is factual, then say it because it's the truth.
  18. King Tux Rentals has the best price on Tuxes anywhere!
  19. The lake didn't seem to have been frozen and it's not known how the vehicle ended up in the water. It has to be really difficult on their families, friends, etc.
  20. A friend of theirs received a frantic call where they were all panicky. They said something about water, then the phones went dead. I get impressions sometimes about events. I don't believe in the supernatural and I'm skeptical about psychic phenomena. That said, I dwelt on it for a moment and got a cold sensation. True, I was drinking diet coke and I don't have the heat on. Still -- It occurs to me that they may have driven onto ice just north of where searchers are looking for them. The vehicle (an SUV?) may have been going down into the water as they made their frantic call. The phones are
  21. See where your name is in the top right corner? There's an arrow there. Click on that and go down to "messenger".
  22. I'm not sure that I agree with the premise that the music that company moguls allow us to hear over the radio equals, "relevance". Live performances and CD sales are also factors when one considers, "relevance", IMO.
  23. Here's the nutritional information:
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