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Everything posted by eym_sirius

  1. I wouldn't assume. Why don't you ask what kind they like? Then, they're likely to say that they have some.
  2. Here's another rip-off - Handling charges. Handling? We're talking about a "slap-chop" here, not a pit viper! How much "handling" goes into putting an item in a box and sealing it and slapping a label on it? A dime's worth? At the most, a quarter! But they charge you 8 - 10 dollars for "shipping and handling". But here's the real rip - a second one, FREE - Just pay the "shipping and handling". It's "Free", but you have to PAY??? How much additional "shipping and handling" goes into putting two in the box instead of one???
  3. Here's one that I think is a different kind of rip-off - the Medicare/Medicaid thing. Advertisers tell you that you won't have any "out of pocket expense" for your mobile chair, catheters, etc. Well, somebody has to pay for it! Who's paying? The taxpayer! And what the advertisers are saying is, "Pssst - you can get this, even if you don't really need it". "The Taxpayer" is paying for it, so it's FREE!! Not sure who'd want a bunch of catheter stuff, though....
  4. I'd rather not name the establishment that did the "steak-fries" thing. I ordered it out of curiosity to see what kind of steak would be available with all that other stuff, for $6.95. I didn't ask any questions until after the no-meat plate was delivered. I'll take partial blame for that one. I suggested to the folks that they put steak and fries on the same line, maybe with a hyphen, like steak-fries. While they followed my suggestion, I should have gone back there later to see if they changed it back.
  5. What happened in the "security line" makes the difference in whether they committed a felony or not. If it can be proved that they misrepresented the facts to the security personnel (lied about having an invitation to the "closed to the general public" event), then this should be prosecuted as a crime. If it's just trespassing, then the loophole should be closed to make sure that the next imposter isn't there for more devious reasons. There should be a civil action available to the judicial system, which would not allow the couple the right to plead the 5th in a hearing. And then "The Peop
  6. I don't know about you-all, but I've had it with companies - coast-to-coast, nationwide chain stores - offering teaser rates. When you get to the store, you realized that you can't REALLY get the item for that price (or deal). When it says, "see store for details", the details are almost always that the offer is not for the complete item. I know that the scam is that they get you into the store and then they'll convince you that the item for that low price isn't what you want -- it's really the higher priced item (because the lower priced item is so crappy). The question here is - H
  7. I suggest that the crime is "Uttering Forgery", a crime of misrepresentation, with evidence that the couple intentionally defrauded the security staff. Otherwise, it's "criminal trespass", because the couple did not have the right to be where they were. What needs to be done is to strengthen these laws at certain functions where security is paramount. 20 years on the first offense should be sufficient!
  8. Why are you telling me to direct my question to someone off this board? Mrs H. made the statement. SHE can come back here and do something besides cut and paste. If she's able, that is. I think that independent, critical thinking skills, analysis, and articulating the results of her reflections remain unutilized. This is not a person who thinks for herself. But that just makes her an average citizen, who needs to be told what to think, how to believe. If you want to put this to the test, consider the concept of "Led" prayer. Why would a person need to have another person "lead" a prayer??
  9. I'm not aware of any "hidden codes", especially as it relates to the military. Can you name a single one? Do you agree or disagree that this is, indeed, a holy war? What would be wrong with entire verses, instead of covert references? Why not big crosses? Are they ashamed? So you think that the prototypes that were given the go-ahead by the war-generals -- They knew that the scopes were in violation of General order #1?
  10. What does that mean? The question was "Why are we there?" It could also read, "Why are we THERE?" The countries didn't hijack those planes! We're not at war with Afghanistan! What's the mission? "9/11"? What does that mean? At what point will the mission (whatever it is) be over? And don't say, "9/11", which is the Rudy Guiliani answer for everything.
  11. A person texting should have his phone examined by the arresting officer and seized if there is evidence of TWD. Punishment should be a stiff fine on the first occasion. Overnight in jail, probation for a year and impound of the vehicle on second occasion, with the requirement that the phone must be in the trunk of the car while the car is in motion. Loss of license and mandatory jail time and no cell phone use during the probationary period for subsequent violations. How's that?
  12. How naive people must be to think that our country's leadership, or at least the WAR LEADERSHIP, didn't know about the inscription. Of course they knew. They didn't mind because this IS a holy war. Why else are we there? To protect the USA? To tear down one Muslim country just to build a bigger, stronger one? No! We're there to bring our way of life to them! Democracy/christianity is a package deal. With the ideology comes the theology. Those who don't want to convert can fight - and die. That's the present set of circumstances. And it's why the war will never end. How much sense
  13. Here's the rule about rules - It ain't a violation if nobody blows a whistle. In other words, it's like the 3 second rule or traveling in the NBA. It's a rule, but because nobody ever calls it, the rule just isn't a real rule. It's a joke - sort of. It seems that this "rule" exists for the purpose of creating a facade of sensitivity. The reality is that as a people we'd like to convert Muslims to christianity. I say, let's call it what it is and go with it! Isn't it a little ridiculous to be sensitive to a religion while we're shooting at its devotees? Does it really matter to the recipie
  14. Anybody who plays cards knows that "Deuces" are the most worthless cards in the deck!
  15. I think that having a bible verse on our weapons is a good thing. But why so small? Why the secrecy? The truth is that this IS a religious war. So let's just put it out there, write "Jesus" on the side of the Humvees! Put a big cross on the tanks, so that the Muslims will know who's boss! Then we will have honesty. If anybody has a problem with it, then too bad for them! During the Crusades, it was "Convert or Die!" These are just the new Crusades! Religion? Just the power to tell OTHER PEOPLE how to live their lives. What could be more fitting that Jesus-guns? It's just the other side of
  16. It's my opinion that "sending prayers" is doing nothing. It's a way of getting out of real involvement, with some individuals. Besides that, my original point was, "am I reading this right"? If people are going to start eating each other, out of hunger and killing each other over a cup of water, why aren't people talking about this? If another fifty thousand die, is that worthy of commentary? Some of the comments on this thread indicate real concern for the situation in Haiti. Others clearly do not My question was, and is - Am I reading this right? Are another 50 thousand people going to
  17. Yes, I was assuming that when you said "US", you meant the USA. Maybe you meant, "us". Zero posts? Isn't that what this thread is about? Compassion?
  18. Regarding "prayer", I think that many people say that they're praying, so that they don't have to actually DO anything.
  19. The "Nobody" comment was made in the context of discussing PCOM. I made the point that people elsewhere were raising money, etc.
  20. So compassion is about distance? How close did Haiti need to be to the USA for Paulding citizens to show concern for them? I thought that Haiti was just 700 miles, maybe not. Would that make a difference? And that was what I was talking about - PCOM, not facebook or other community sites.
  21. What makes me think that they're indifferent is that NOBODY'S talking about it! And when they do, it's not of empathy - it's about Pat Robertson! People all over the USA are putting together fundraising efforts - drives to raise money. Merchants are sending millions for disaster relief. When I was in college, NC-17, I saw a professor who had a heart attack on a tennis court. In a minute the local EMT's were there for assistance. They had to shock the professor back to life. Two courts down, a foursome continued their match. This is what I'm seeing today. The tennis players probably said, "
  22. I thought that maybe it's just that not very many people are on PCOM this afternoon. That's not it, either. eym_sirius, *cmr*, +R&Rmom, corykat, politicalmonster, Rita, +kelwil, +Mr.Dis, stjohn99, WebsterMOM, +Myprayers77, P.C. Shopper, ^Thoughts, jenleigh019, Stuck In Traffic, swatsis, +Gotcha Look'n Good Detailing, Foxmeister, hoohaa, soccermom, +Short -N- Sassy, COWA, Danielle Langford, +C. Mark Willix, madcohort, nowens98, zwier, +Lots To Do, +Blazing Saddles, +Mommy2two, RomanGirl, CrownApp, pinkcaddi4me, Blunt Trauma, +PinkCrickett, +CornyGirl, gaheart, +UnionMom, +Aileen
  23. Looking at the devastation in Haiti, the lack of basic human needs - How are they going to survive? Maybe I'm seeing this with too great of a worried-eye, but I'm thinking that we're just days from anarchy, survival of the fittest, cannibalism, pee-drinking, one-out-of-every-twenty of the now living not able to survive the lack of necessities. Buildings are leveled, so there's nowhere for people to live, except for out in the open. How can all of those buildings, the infrastructure, the cities - be rebuilt? How can diseases of any kind or injuries, be treated with no hospital? Am I r
  24. Like "set" "unplanned" Then the opposite of that is "planned" Then, aren't we back to "unplanned" again?
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