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Everything posted by Shodges0317

  1. I will have him call I have family in dallas and I know that I would want there to be someone to help them. The least we could do is try to help others who need it now. So I'll have him call and see what we can do.
  2. We don't have a boat but we have several friends that do. As I said we live in Polk county so we aren't having to deal with any of the things you guys are. My hubby is an officer and I was wondering if maybe he could be of help somewhere. Being who he is, he just can't stand to sit home know that he could possibly be of help somewhere.
  3. What can people do to help? Does the Sheriff's office need more hands or what? My hubby just got home, we live in polk county and it isn't like that out here. We want to help but we are both at a lose for what we can do to help. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. I know that the need is great I am just looking for a way to help. TIA
  4. What can people do to help? Do they need more hands or what? My hubby just got home, we live in polk county and it isn't like that out here. We want to help but we are both at a lose for what we can do to help.
  5. Merchants court was a one time I don't know if it still is. The apartment was AWESOME! The office staff and some of the people who lived there not so much. It was scary
  6. I am a stay at home mom to a 1 year old and a 4 year old. My son just started Pre-K this year. I am soooo bored all day. I get up take my son to school, come home get my daughter up and fed she plays for an hour or so and then takes a nap. After that she gets up for another hour and goes back down for a nap at 1-1:30 then I go get my son from school and come home. It is repetitive and boring. I live in a county where I have 1 friend and no family. They all live 20 mins or more from me. I pass the time with apps on facebook. I lead an extremely boring life. I have even thought about putting my
  7. I can't think of anything you shouldn't do after 30 but, did you hear the lady that called in talking about all the things that she see's working in retail? I was shocked to say the least. BTW I love your avatar!!
  8. According to this list which hasn't been updated since the start of school there are very few slots open. You would have to contact each school to verify if in fat they do have any open slots. http://decal.ga.gov/ProviderSearch/SiteLis...amp;z=&st=P Although I would think that you would have to be placed on a list where ever you try to go. I hope that you find what you are looking for. *Myrlin* I love that my son is actually going to the school this year. He is so excited.
  9. I know in Polk county we had to go through the schools to get slots. And if you didn't get one you are waiting on a list a mile long! There are something like 20 kids waiting on the list for my son's school.
  10. Most Ga funded pre k slots are filled. I'm not sure though. Where are you looking?
  11. LOL compared to me you are all eating lobster. I have been sickly all day so I sent hubby to work with a sandwich. My son and I ate Ramen noodles. And I microwaved Chicken nuggets for DD.
  12. He's even better live!!! Corey is an awesome person and you have no idea how many requests he gets every year to come to high schools to sing it.
  13. Well I don't know what you are going trough but, I can relate to your son. I am a mom now and they are talking about doing surgery on my 4 yr old. I am terrified. I can't imagine how you are feeling. I will be praying for you and your son. If he needs to talk to anyone PM me and I will give you my number. You can also talk to my mom Babyblues I am sure she can better relate to the "mom" side of it. keep us updated.
  14. I know that this may be extremely hard for you to hear but, it's not such a bad thing. I have a friend who played basketball in high school and she had to have rods. The next year she was playing again. If you have a good attitude then more likely than not you will get a good outcome. I broke my neck in 8th grade. I had to wear a halo for 13 and a half weeks. To this day I have two scars on my forehead that look like I had horns removed. I had a good attitude and healed much more quickly than most. Keep your heads high God never gives us more than we can handle. If you need anything please do
  15. We did it a while back and had to sell the car in the end because the interest got us in the end. We just couldn't get out from under it. Please don't do it. I can't tell you how hard it was for that car to drive away.
  16. I'm not gonna cry by Corey Smith If I could do it again by Corey Smith Here's to the night By Eve 6
  17. I was having this conversation with my mom yesterday, I was saying that my 4 year old that just started pre k has grown up entirely too fast. I feel like it was only yesterday that I was hold this little tiny baby in my arms and now he is off to school. It doesn't help any that my youngest will turn 1 next month.
  18. Cave springs is really pretty. You could also go hike up kennesaw mountian. I also heard something about the aquarium and world of coke teaming up to give discounted combo tickets. You may want to check it out.
  19. thanks for the tip subby. I was just thinking about that the other day. LOL I was in the shower and kept having to turn the hot water up because the vent was blowing cold air on me. I was freezing when I got out. I will chalk it up to another one of my blond moments. lol
  20. that's true if you need help apply as soon as you do they will backdate your benefits. Say you apply Monday and you don't get approved for 2 or 3 weeks when you get your benefits the 2 or 3 weeks will be included.
  21. Actually I don't think this is true anymore they are not "fast tracking" anyone because of the overwhelming amount of people coming in needing assistance. At least that is what they told a friends of mine recently. I don't think that it is a good thing because there are people out there that need them much more than others. I know what it is like to need assistance. My hubby was without works last summer and it nearly devastated us financially. We are still digging ourselves out of the hole from last year. If you are truly in need please don't go without that is why these programs are here.
  22. Wow that is terrible. I would not put up with that for a second. My son started Pre k today and I told his teacher that I live 10 mins away. If she has ANY trouble out of my son all she has to do is call me so I can go up there. He knows that if I show up it is not good for him or his behind. I would go strait to the director or principle and inform them of what is going on ASAP!!!! No matter what a teacher should NEVER give up on a child. Just because he is saying he doesn't have to listen to her she wants to get him expelled. She needs to get a life and a new career because at three they are
  23. sometime Greystone will NOT work with you. There have been families that have tried to make payment arrangements only to be told 2 weeks later that they would have to come up with the remaining balance due in 2 weeks. It's actually kind of sad. I truly hope that you find the help that you need. I understand how hard it can be.
  24. We have them. I love it. The customer service is AWESOME!!! Every time I call they are polite and answer any of my questions. i have full coverage on my 2002 mini van and liability on a 95 explorer and I only pay $280 every 6 months. I got an awesome deal. Plus if you can't pay all at once they have several payment options available. I paid a good chunk down when i renewed my policy (almost half) and decided to make only one other payment but I was unable to come up with all of the last payment so I logged on to my online account and changed my payment options to something I could work with.
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