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Everything posted by LisaG

  1. If you make it your job you find a customer base. I spend an hour with my district manager last week and got 9 phone #'s to call people to see if they found stuff in the book. Also did a event a weekend or so ago and got over 20names I have mailed them coupons and will follow up with a phone call. I prefer not to harass my friends. I give them books and remind them I am ordering but look for most of my orders outside the friend base. You arent required to stock anything or meet quotas either. Just some tips if you want more info I would be glad to share.
  2. Thanks everybody! I ended up unplugging the router & modem for about 5 min and plugging it back and and magically so far they have all opened. I think my computer just wanted to see what it would take for me to throw it lol Grrrr! All better now at least.
  3. I saw it but didnt realize it was that bad
  4. IE but I have firefox also and it wouldnt pull them up. I cant get on the regular avon.com site either
  5. Thanks for guessing hehe I have restored to last week, restearted, cleaned up and checked everything I could think of lol It just stricked me as odd that only SOME websites I couldnt get on.
  6. Ever considered a work at home job? I can sign you up to sell Avon for $10 and you can give it a try.
  7. Yeah they only wish they were REAL housewives!
  8. What would make my computer not pull up certain sites? I cant get on the Carroll EMC website which is www.cemc.com or my Avon site youravon.com/lgibson1730 or the Capital One site which is Capitalone.com and then it wouldnt let me on a cruise lin site that I just googled trying to get prices I can however get on p.com,facebook,google and a bunch of other stuff grrrr any ideas?
  9. LGM I sent the coupon thing to you....I just saw you ask for it sorry!
  10. lmao toooo dang funny! It annoys me when they say it like 4 times when you only see them for less than 2min in the drive thru
  11. I say do the video cameras! But also would already be repoting this and let them see the cops there, maybe this will scare them some.
  12. I havent been in a while but when we went it was lots of fun!
  13. I am glad you like the Fergie and I am not making fun of you and your hubby but it was pretty good stuff hehe Make sure and tell everyone about your Fergie I have one set left for $30
  14. did they say if it was convertible mustang or not?
  15. LisaG


    Rained for a bit out by Roses!
  16. Guess we could close this since people keep voting and its over! lol
  17. Nah cause if they build more then they can be named West or Central hehe
  18. Thanks! I added you on fb and shared your pics with my fb page! Thanks! I added you on fb and shared your pics with my fb page!
  19. THANKS! I havent gotten my kids there's yet!
  20. Well maybe somebody who isnt already on it will benefit from adding them haha I tried at least )
  21. I saw that and was to lazy to edit it haha FULL
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