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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. Yes Mam, thank you Mam, can I have another?!? That was a salute, not a moth!
  2. Times are tough, especially if you're close to retirment age. I guess the quesion seems to be why don't little kids want to work for less than minimum wage. Am I reading this correctly?
  3. If they would stay outside I'd be more than happy. I've heard them called something like West Indian Green Head moths, and they are a major pain in the rear! Or at least the kitchen and the laundry room. Well, I'm pulling a "Patton" and fighting a major battle/offensive!
  4. Anyone else having a problem with these little buggers? I think they are coming in from the cat and dog food, and yes, I swithced brands, but I think no matter what you buy it actually comes from Purina (I only say that because you can see their giant plants in many states), and we've gone through Gravy Train, Pedigree, etc. We're now keeping it out in the extra fridge. I'm currently scrubbing down anything and everything in my pantry closet and throwing away anything I think they may have gotten in to. But I told my sister today, in order to save money, I'm going to go ahead and mix up
  5. We're on a limited budget, and it appears that the cabinets are going to be the most expensive, and most critical, part of the project. They need to be replaced, not refaced. Any suggestions? Any cabinet makers out there, or folks who know which direction I should go in? TIA!
  6. Serious answer, - we live in the New Hope area and are apparently on the flight plan/map/etc. for all kinds of activity. Didn't used to be, but are now. I would think you have joined that elite club.
  7. http://flagpole.com/Weekly/Features/SteveOneysListOfTheLeoFrankLynchers.5May04
  8. I've always been fascinated by this case. Several years ago I came upon a website on this, and someone very close to the case finally released the actual list of the people involved in the lynching. You'd be amazed at the high power people who took part. I'll see if I can find said site. Georgia is my home and I love it, but my goodness, it's got some sad history. And for more history on lynching, and if you can stomach it, check out this site: without sanctuary.com No way politically correct, but I do think it's important. I could go on and on re this subject, but I won't.
  9. My husband and I got really sick from the fast food "chinese restaurant" in the Publix shopping center in New Hope. We didn't order the same thing, but we both ended up sick. It's one of those where you see the menu on the wall when you first walk in. I have no problem with supporting small businesses, or shopping Paulding, but....................................
  10. Honestly, I give kudos to the USPS. I just thought it was weird that someone that we don't know was getting mail delivered at our actual address. Anyway..............it's back in the mail box with a note saying "not at this address", and we'll see where it goes from here.
  11. It was in a mailing type manilla envelope - like it may contain a DVD or something. Probably just porn under my husband's alias Anyway, it's back in the mailbox with the flag up.
  12. Lasagna, try to recreate Scallini's salad, and crusty bread with the olive oil/herb dipping sauce.
  13. LOL - we've done that with our neighbors, but this was someone whom I don't know and the address was ours.
  14. I appreciate your two cents and totally agree. I love your comparison to "The Odd Couple". Why some people want to read more into their relationship that what it is/was - the innocence, is beyond me.
  15. Bert & Ernie shall just remain good friends and not marry. Comments?
  16. With our address. Chunk it, put another "not at this address"? My concern is that it has come back a couple of times at our address. My bad, wrong forum. Mods, can you move this to the Internet Cafe? TIA.
  17. Sounds good! Starting to thunder here again, and I love it!
  18. This is so funny, because my husband bought all the ingredients to do pizza on the grill, and I bought all the stuff to do an old fashioned dinner with Country Fried steak, etc. which got me in trouble from the Mods, LOL. He forgot the fresh mushrooms for me, which he's gone back to the store for. Curious, which forum are we supposed to, or allowed to post this in?
  19. Sorry if this thread has already been posted.
  20. Accidents absolutely happen - I've got a son who is now 26. Little ones can turn on a dime while you're not looking. But once they do, do you cover their face in duct tape and throw their bodies in a swamp? And then go partying, lie for 31 days, etc., etc., etc.? Of course, we all know that we'll do the "hot body" thing and go get a tatoo. Crap, my son is in great shape and married at this point. I'd be upset if his dog was found wrapped up and thrown in a swamp! Who the heck is guilty here if not her? So, in the grand scheme of things in my life, she is trash, Casey that is
  21. I think they actually had that option. Somebody killed this little girl, and I really don't think it was the grandparents or the meter reader. The OJ case pretty much came down to race, even though he lived more in one world than the other - not meant to be offensive, but that is pretty much what it came down to, that and the fact that the prosecution was pretty dumb asking an "actor" (an I use that term in the most liberal sense of the word), to put on latex gloves and then put on dried out gloves. In this case - I have no idea what the jury was thinking - really, what the heck wer
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