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Everything posted by QOTSA

  1. You're right! I nearly elbowed my brother in the face when he grabbed my neck once. My first instinct is to throw an elbow. I have had my ass grabbed at concerts, too, and did the same thing. The problem was that it was a group of guys. Guess I should have hit them all.
  2. I know it's a generalization, but it seems that people view animals as property down here.
  3. Just once in 1991. Not divorced. I think we have lasted this long because we don't have kids. I highly recommend it!
  4. is from an episode where they parody the Metallica/psychologist thing. Pretty damn funny.
  5. I am at a loss on what to get kids of any age. I have a nephew who is 11 (12?). I got him an xbox game last year. Is it bad that I want to get him something to encourage him to be physically active? He is very overweight, and it is sad.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhhtRxqSrys
  7. Wondering if you watch Metalocalypse.
  8. (I know this is old, but I was looking to see if I missed any replies.) The salsa verde is back, and some other new sauces. It's in packets, but it's not bad. I still prefer Moe's.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZQIvhOcMhI
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBA-xi8WuCU
  11. I'm QOTSA and I'm 36 years old. I don't eat animals, but I love Swedish fish! PB&J, yeah. It's been a while. Might need to revisit that. I like mine with toasted wheat bread.
  12. I hate babies and love kittehs. And here's some unicorn meat for you carnivores.
  13. QOTSA


    Osmond? She's been looking trannylicious lately.
  14. I wish! But if the amount of veg friendly restaurants is any indication, I'm not holding my breath.
  15. I've had U-verse since Dec 08, and it is awesomez! Of course, after years of Comcast, just about anything would have been better.
  16. OMG. Next think you'll tell me is that there will be a rum shortage! The sky is falling!!!11!!!one!!!1
  17. I'm surprised someone with the screen name Gipper Girl feels that way, but I agree.
  18. I have an old 1st gen nano now, and I have a wired FM transmitter that my husband installed in my car. The wireless one didn't work at the time, but that was a few years ago. I just have an audio Y-cable to hook it up to my home and car stereos, or a standard audio cable for radios with auxiliary jacks. I did buy some portable speakers, but I never use them. Of course, I use mine primarily in the car, and probably not like your kids would. Maybe some cool ear buds?
  19. I'm getting one of those (5th gen nano) for xmas! Do they have one of those speaker/dock things? I'm gonna have to find a cover for it. Best Buy had quite a few accessories for them.
  20. I've been, but I've never bought anything. I don't drink coffee, and I'm too cheap to pay that much for a cup of tea.
  21. Kyle needs to replace Phyllis' laptop.
  22. I get the feeling some kids aren't used to hearing "no."
  23. I don't cook if I can get out of it. I do help my stepmother. She must be very patient, because we all have things we must have with our meals. Mine are cranberry sauce "shaped like the can," dressing with veg broth instead of turkey juice, and some beans (without meat flavoring) for protein. My husband's is mashed potatoes and white gravy. My brother's is "green salad," which is some sort of jello thing with nuts that I never eat, and "whippy cream." ETA: One thing I wish is that she wouldn't ruin the sweet potatoes with all that syrup and marshmallows. They're sweet already! Just
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