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Everything posted by QOTSA

  1. Oh! Cortisone! My esthetician suggested this, and it really helps with redness and does not dry it out further (especially helpful when you want to put on makeup).
  2. Dollhouse Buffy Angel The Closer Well, tanked or canceled.
  3. Xtreme Fitness in Hiram also allows month to month. No child care, though.
  4. I've had acne since I was 11. It sucks. I went to a dermatologist for years (and still see him if the need arises). I was on various antibiotics (which I hated the thought of, still do). I even took Accutane in the late 90s. It worked for about 5 years, but then I started to break out again. I have used Proactiv for years. I had the dryness and flaking problem, too, despite being very oily. I tried once to stop using it, and my skin freaked out. Went back on it, better within a couple hours. I also alter my routine based on weather and my skin's moods. I use the Proactiv day and
  5. Cheeto tan Affliction, etc., especially on people who have obviously not been in a gym for a while. Men with waxed eyebrows
  6. I have to say Tapout stuff, and I used to like it! Good thing I was too cheap to every buy any of it, let alone wear it. (Though I do participate in related activities, and do not have a beer gut.)
  7. I just don't tolerate it, and walk away or refuse to get together with them during a hissy fit.
  8. I go to the gym and beat the crap out of something/someone. Well, I do that several times a week to keep my level of rage at a manageable level. On a bad day, it intensifies my workout. I also like to hang out with my cats and watch something funny. And eat carbs, and/or chocolate.
  9. Depends on my mood, but for the most part, NO. I do sometimes get strangers starting conversations with me. I don't get it. I've also been told that I look mean or mad by a stranger.
  10. And that was my thought when this person told me about it. I have told her many times that we all have to do things we don't want to do as adults. Get used to it. But I disagree with it in principle. I've luckily never been in that situation. I would be annoyed, but I'd deal with it if I needed help. She wasn't on the take, though, not like the "many" who are.
  11. I admit to being suspicious when I see that, but I've heard first hand from people receiving assistance (at a shelter, to be exact) being forced to attend religious services, and it being a condition of them staying there. I don't have a problem with them offering much needed assistance, but I DO have a problem with the forced attendance to services.
  12. That's great in theory, but doesn't always work. I work downtown, and could not afford to live there if I wanted to. (Which I don't.) My drive is 26 miles one way. Luckily I am allowed to work at home twice a week. My husband works close to home, though, maybe 4 miles. If we move closer to my job, we're further away from his. My car gets much better gas mileage than his truck.
  13. Not if they got their bread, milk, and beer! The holy trinity of snow supplies.
  14. Pepper spray may or may not work. Depends on the dog. I've seen it just piss one off more.
  15. "It really isn't news or journalism." Neither is the majority on Fox News. Opinion, hyperbole, punditry (at its best). Trolling the airwaves, inciting fear and anger, and disseminating false information at its worst.
  16. I'm glad mine was not in a church (in Cobb), but I can see the financial reasoning.
  17. I forgot to mention that I also take holy basil daily. I've found that it helps me not jump straight to the panic/heart pounding stress reaction when something happens to trigger it. I think it helps me not have the attacks, as I can't remember having one while taking it regularly. http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/QAA346157/holy-basil-to-combat-stress.html Of course, regular exercise takes the edge off, too.
  18. I cannot agree more. The oops pregnancy then marriage routine may work for some, but it's not fair to anyone involved to get in and stay in an unhappy relationship.
  19. Found this searching for more info. ETA: http://www.suite101.com/content/natural-anxiety-relief-ltheanine-vs-gaba-a59854
  20. I took this, usually during an attack or if I felt one coming on. http://www.naturalproductsinfo.org/index.php?src=gendocs&ref=Aisle7_Vitamins&category=Main&resource=%2fassets%2fnutritional-supplement%2fgaba-gamma-amino-butyric-acid%2f~default
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