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Everything posted by cajunbull61

  1. Wait till it happens to you! My three month old tires turned out to be several years old. Dry rot cracking around the bead on the backside. Found it because of a flat. Good Year replaced them. Last time buying Good Years for me.
  2. Soooo what have we been hearing?
  3. Yep. Thought the game was at EP tonight.
  4. That would be Pebblebrook..........
  5. How much for a room at the Taj Mahal? How about 570 rooms? Oh, and about 150+ rooms at a couple other hotels. It's ok, it's stimulating the economy.
  6. I had my gall bladder out in 2003. Three small incisions. I scheduled it for Thanksgiving week so I could rest without taking time off work. Went back to work the Monday after Thanksgiving and thought I'd done that a few days too soon. I was uncomfortable on my tummy from the bloating, but did not have pain, just a little discomfort. I think a lot of your recovery will depend on your age. I was 43. Definitely stay near a bathroom. Things didn't work the same after the surgery & it took my system a while to adjust. I had not realized until it was gone how it had negatively imp
  7. Ask how much per gram they are paying. Should be about 15.00 on 10kt and 21.00 on 14kt per gram not per penny weight.
  8. Just heard a report of a very bad wreck on Hwy 92 north of Bankhead Hwy. 6 vehicles involved and 2 Life Flights called in.
  9. Your symptoms were my symptoms about 7 years ago. My pain would come suddenly and leave suddenly and would feel like an elephant was sitting on my chest. The third time it happened (in a 6 month period) my husband said (with attitude!), "Oh, yes you are going to the ER." And we did. It was my gall bladder and it came out a couple weeks later. They diagnosed it at the ER by ultrasound. Let us know and hope you get to the bottom of this so you feel better.
  10. Gall bladder was my problem. I would get these pains that felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. I would sweat and feel like I was having a heart attack. The symptom would come on suddenly, last for a couple of minutes or sometimes longer and would go away just as suddenly as it came on. I probably had 3 or 4 of them over a 6 month period. The time I was finally diagnosed was when my husband said, "oh no, we are not going to let this go again...you are going to the ER". We did, they ruled out the heart & found it was my gall bladder. Honestly, I thought I was having a heart att
  11. Obama just said in his press conference that the Federal Govt has been in charge since this disaster happened! I will surely sleep better tonite knowing they were in control all along.
  12. Regardless of where you go, ask how much they will pay you for 10 karat, 14 karat etc. If you are not getting $16.00 per gram or better for 14k, then you are leaving money on the table.
  13. Lots of boiled crawfish and blue point crabs.
  14. Can't wait to try some Gator chilli. The crawfish pie and shrimp po boy were great. Oh, almost forgot....WHO DAT???
  15. (Using my parents' username) I had class this morning and parked in the West Deck. The body was found shortly after 8:00am. WSBTV.com first reported that the person was male but has since updated it to female. KSU sent an e-mail out to all students stating that there was female student found deceased just outside the Central Parking Deck on KSU campus. The cause of her death is under investigation and her name will not be released until her family is notified. The Central Parking Deck is KSU's largest deck with 9 stories and a total of about 2600 spaces. It is now closed and many stud
  16. Burning my Aints bag.........WHO DAT????????
  17. I like the Colts.... except when they are playing the Saints!!!!! WHO DAT??? I feel I can now burn my Aints bag.
  18. Many high school seniors also take advantage of dual enrollment. This is where they take part or all of their classes at a college or technical school & part or none of their classes at the local high school. The classes taken at the college qualify for college credit and high school credit simultaneously, so it's possible to get a jump start on college before the student actually graduates from high school. This opportunity is available to all students if they are choosing the higher education route following graduation. Now I don't know if traveling abroad or hiking the Alps qual
  19. Has this accident been reported on in the news anywhere?
  20. Any word on a wreck on Macland rd near Poplar rd? A coworker said a truck had struck a tree and it looked very bad.
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