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Everything posted by Cabe

  1. Nope. Sorry, can't go there. I LOVE law enforcement! But, the attorneys provide a necessary part of our system.
  2. I've had the same dishes my entire 20 years of marriage. A set of 4 Corelle and service for 8 of stoneware. No chips or broken pieces so it's kinda hard to say I need to replace them. They aren't very "fashionable". My silverware does keep walking away though.
  3. Well, at least a I still have my stars so that the newbies know I rock.
  4. There's still "most likely to succeed" and "most talented".
  5. Who gets to be MissTaken?
  6. MrsHoward RaidersRock and some others that I'll probably be in trouble for forgetting
  7. I'll be the lady with the cute husband and 2 adorable children.
  8. So sorry to hear this, but wishing you all the best!
  9. I really hate to hear this! I didn't know about Fatbacks!
  10. Thanks for posting this. My family attended your trunk or treat and have planned on visiting your church this coming Sunday.
  11. My husband and I don't exchange gifts. Our kids are young, but they know that things have been tighter than usual and have already (voluntarily) keep their lists down. We are blessed! I've already purchased a couple of things I found great deals on. I'll make several presents, which I've truly enjoyed. And we'll spend our time enjoying each other and celebrating another year with those we love. Last year we were thankful just to still have my father with us, this year my mother.
  12. Congratulations! You earned it!
  13. Cabe


    The link is broken. Can someone fix it so I can read it. Then again, maybe I don't want to.
  14. They also pay very high sales tax to allow the tourists to help pick up the tab.
  15. My computer stays muted. No problem.
  16. Weird. I didn't see it at first until I read your last comment and I changed the angle on my screen and was able to see it.
  17. When my daughter was diagnosed with H1N1, I was told by the dr.'s office that they test for Type A and B flu. A includes, but not limited to H1N1. B includes, but is not limited to seasonal flu. However, the only known types of flu circulating right now are seasonal and H1N1. So if you are positive for Type A they assume you have H1N1. I also believe that if you test positive for Type A they forward those to the CDC.
  18. I am crushed. But I must be in good company. I still use AOL for email too.
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