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Everything posted by Cabe

  1. Sorry you missed it. I know you would have been there if you could. I see good looks run in the family. She's beautiful!
  2. Nyquil wins. Night all.
  3. HERE What I really want to know is this . . . I've only been sick for 3 days. Why does my house look like it's been 3 weeks since it was cleaned?
  4. I can't get that Piglet image out of my head posted earlier. Funny is that we have that very same Piglet here at our house. Purchased for my sweet 6 yo daughter who first was exposed to the virus last week at school. So far my husband and son are okay and my daughter has handled it beautifully.
  5. That is Swine Flu to you, trouble maker And, now that you mention it, yes, I do
  6. Just waiting on the Nyquil to kick in
  7. Just say the word and I'll be happy to deliver the Swine Flu to a few of the knotheads.
  8. Have a wonderful time! We'll look forward to pics!
  9. Instead of sending the cops, just send a few rednecks over to take care of his ass.
  10. ewwwwwwwwwwww, I don't eat any shellfish!
  11. My husband tells the tale of a friend's mom who used to "steam" fish in the dishwasher.
  12. I've watched the progress, it looks great! Looking forward to the opening.
  13. Let's see who I can help win a raffle ticket today Madea
  14. Hey! Missed you. Sorry about the divorce but happy things are working out for you! Look forward to your return on a more regular basis!
  15. Madea I'm entering a raffle to be entered in a raffle.
  16. Cabe

    Emcee Wanted

    Also placing a vote for C Mark!
  17. Cabe

    Emcee Wanted

    JMT would ROCK the show!
  18. My kids rock! But I don't see a comedic section.
  19. I have 2 email addresses. The AOL I've had for YEARS! and an ATT address that I rarely use. So what does that mean? oops, forgot, I also have a gmail account to my phone that only a select few folks are allowed to have.
  20. I'll take $10 worth of brains. I need it for the bozo from ATT that I just got off the phone with.
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