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Everything posted by Cabe

  1. Not necessarily. And the answer is probably more complicated than I could put here. and I would never believe that a "higher power of evil" brought this on. JMHO I took it as a reference to a breakfast meeting.
  2. There's a PDF on the link that probably answers most questions and is probably what will be used for the meetings. (I don't know why that copy/paste came out so big) This spring, rising seniors will be afforded the opportunity to declare their intent to remain at their present school. However, transportation will not be provided.
  3. So which am I? "way off base" or "some validity"? I agree with the bolded portion.
  4. I will continue in my disagreement over a figurehead. That's a common misconception. I've trying to discuss this from work, so you may have to bear with me a bit. yes, I believe that the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament are the same. However, I believe that the way God deals with (for lack of a better term at the moment) with humanity changed with the birth/death of Jesus. And emphatically NO, I do not believe he is striking down cities and countries who are an abomination.
  5. Yes, his statements really are that out of line and that out of touch. Sodom and Gomorrah are from the Old Testament, Genesis in fact. Under Jewish law. Christian faith (IMHO) is based on grace delivered to us in the passages of the New Testament. It's about the relationship, not the law.
  6. Protestants don't have a "figurehead". If Pat Robertson is considered one, he is self-appointed. I did not hear the statement that the OP heard and am simply basing my opinion on what she wrote here. However, it does not appear as relayed here to be a statement made based on their spirituality. As I recall, he made similar IGNORANT statements following Katrina. As far as "brotherly love", a TREMENDOUS amount of humanitarian relief goes to Haiti on an annual basis, a large precentage from the Christian community.
  7. Having a voice doesn't make you right. And I truly don't see why he should reflect on an entire group of people. I could pull an idiot out of every segment of the population and claim he represents the whole. It wouldn't make it true. He doesn't represent me. Never watched him and have no idea about his stances. With great freedom comes great responsibility.
  8. Cabe


    We prefer Diamond, available locally at Tractor Supply. If gas is an issue, they have a lamb & rice formula that worked great for our bulldog.
  9. Down side: You'll still see new threads they start too. Just sayin.
  10. You don't know me, but I have been where you are. My sweet baby boy would be 16 now. Don't rush yourself to do all of those things. There is no timetable. Don't expect the road to be easy, but you will make it, for him. I wish I could share something magical that would make it all better. It's okay to be angry, even angry with God. But do know He grieves with you. It's okay to ask why, though I doubt you'll ever have a real answer. God bless you. I know how hard it is.
  11. I would NEVER shoot this messenger
  12. I doubt I'll keep watching. The Ellen move was ridiculous! They don't need an "average fan" judge, they have audience voting. I enjoy watching, but don't really know squat about music. I would stink as an AI judge. I think Ellen will also.
  13. You should see me and my kids dancing and singing this one
  14. Lottery: the only way to successfully tax the poor.
  15. I did make scarves for the family (and my scarf did turn out nice if I do say so myself), but I'd be 90 before I got the hat and gloves done. Heck, my daughter even had me making a scarf for her teddy bear.
  16. Bus would never make it in my neighborhood in Hiram And, heck no, I ain't even bothering to read that other thread.
  17. I want a hat, matching scarf and gloves (some of those cool fingerless ones you do)
  18. Woooooooo Hooooooooooooooooo
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