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Posts posted by Cabe

  1. Okay, the dealership has corrected the problem. Long story short: BEFORE YOU BUY ANY USED CAR, LOOK IT UP ONLINE! We found out that this dealer had a truck listed online for $1,000 cheaper than what he told us it was!


    Since they are honoring the price of their online ad, I won't give out their name. Just please do your research and don't get ripped off!!!


    A local "lot" did the same thing to my sister, and never honored the price, told her it was a mistake.

  2. Trust me... muscadines make great wine!! No matter what color your neck may be. Red, yellow, black or white! ;) But it has to be made correctly!!


    I've had some homemade muscadine wine in my day, and always been proud of my neck of the woods! The winery in Gatlinburg has a good, but sweet, muscadine wine. Fun though.



    I wasn't insulting. Joking around. You people really need to lighten up and get out more often. :wacko:


    Maybe it's the delivery . . . ;)


    I dunno, I find her pretty darned amusing :lol:


    You would. :p

  3. Am I the only one who has had the opportunity to see the elderly guy on the bicycle, with the rear view mirror, and those crochet bicycle shorts..... :blink: :blink:


    With a regular speedo on under....the bicycle shorts I might add....are a rainbow of colors.


    My hubby stopped DEAD IN HIS TRACKS when he saw him in a store, then hubbly became a stalker still trying to understand


    Yes!! We've seen him, sure caused my son to ask a lot of questions! My husband had a similar reaction as well! He (not my husband :lol: ) is very bizarre!

  4. It should be required reading for every person - - - every four years - - - say like when they get their licence, register to vote, whatever. It's very powerful!


    also, I know it's been around a long time but it is very timely!!


    Required reading? Wouldn't that limit my freedoms?



    Instead, they want our finger print. :angry:



    But they have it still in a database somewhere. :angry:


    Nope, heard that was gone too.

  5. Right is right and wrong is wrong... [ ]. You took an opportunity to make a personal attack and in my eyes that's wrong. But hey you have the right to be a petty, self righteous Christian if you so choose.

    Have a nice day, you wonderful example of Christendom.

  6. Civilities are always in order, and two wrongs do not make it right. Does T need you to defend him? He seems to do quite well on his own. I just pointed out to you that the offender was kind enough to apologize and was hoping that you would find it in your heart to do that as well, I guess I was wrong.

  7. Our "new improved insurance" is high. We now pay $110 a month for ourself, family coverage is $800.00 a month!!!! Working for insurance. Then visits are 30, meds 15, 30 or 60 depends. This does not inclued the dental.


    We pay $160 per WEEK! no dental.

  8. Well, here is a thought...I don't know if your girls have costumes that fit their 'theme' but IF they do, you could take each of their pictures dressed as that character - then take the picture to Publix or DQ or whatever other place does the edible pictures and that can become the cake....just a thought to make it super individual and very special to each girl and then everyone knows whose is whose also...you could then get a candle to match the theme from party city or wherever...just another idea to toss into the mix!! Good luck!! :)


    Kroger will put a picture on a cake too

  9. If you can't attack the message, attack the messenger!


    I will be glad to be counted as a TBAR supporter. Want to complain about his time at the computer... that's none of your business. What he does with his time is his business, I don't recall him asking you publicly for your help or your permission on how to spend his time.


    Right is right and wrong is wrong... but then again you thought you were right in writing your litany on TBAR and his life and his time, I think you're dead wrong. You took an opportunity to make a personal attack and in my eyes that's wrong. But hey you have the right to be a petty, self righteous Christian if you so choose.


    I don't always agree with TBAR, I don't always agree with ANYONE!! Thank God that I live in a country where that is possible. But for you to come here for the sole purpose to make a personal attack makes me see how small and ineffective you are. If you weren't truly intimidated by the conversations on here and could have a discussion without getting personal, maybe you'd have more to contribute.


    Have a nice day, you wonderful example of Christendom.


    I don't understand why you would blast someone with a personal attack, for personally attacking someone else. I think you were out of line as well. I think you countered too quickly and out of anger. The previous poster was kind enough to apologize to Tboy.

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