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Posts posted by Cabe

  1. I had my wisdom teeth out in my late teens, and it was a breeze, and I had it done in August, which everyone said was a bad idea, Doc said go home, take a pain pill and go to bed, which I did, didn't get up until the next morning, then got up and ate potato chips (remember I was a teenager!). Really, had no problems at all.

  2. Wikipedia' definition of Theocracy . . .


    "In the most common usage of the term theocracy, some civil rulers are leaders of the dominant religion (e.g., the Byzantine Emperor as head of the Church); governmental policies are either identical with, or strongly influenced by, the principles of a religion, and typically, the government claims to rule on behalf of God or a higher power, as specified by the local religion. These characteristics apply also to a caesaropapist regime. The Byzantine empire however was not theocratic as the Patriarch answered to the Emperor, not vice versa. A theocracy may be monist in form, where the administrative hierarchy of the government is identical with the administrative hierarchy of the religion, or it may have two 'arms', but with the religious hierarchy dominating the state administrative hierarchy. Theocracy should be distinguished from forms of government which have a state religion, and from some monarchies, in which the head of state claims that his or her authority comes from God. Where there is a state or established religion, there is a long-term contract between the religious and political hierarchies. A monarchy which claims religious legitimation may also dominate the religious sphere (Caesaropapism), or it may be so dependent on the religious hierarchy for legitimation that the state has no autonomy from religion (theocracy). Typically, religiously endorsed monarchies fall between these two poles, according to the relative strengths of the religious and political organs.



    Ecclesiocracy & Hierocracy

    A more literal term for the exact meaning of "theocracy" is "ecclesiocracy," which denotes rule by a religious leader or body, whereas theocracy would literally mean rule by God.


    Theocracy and ecclesiocracy should be distinguished from governments that are influenced by religious concepts, or in which religious believers have positions of power gained by political means. An ecclesiocracy or theocracy is rule by the hierarchy of a specific church or sect, not simply a government influenced by religious concepts.


    Hierocracy is a term coined by Max Weber for the institutional forms of authority within a religious community. Despite its appearance it does not in fact refer to a form of government.


    Perhaps a clearer way to distinguish between a theocracy and an ecclesiocracy is this: A pure theocracy would be a situation where the civil leader is believed to have a direct personal connection with God, like the Israelites when they were ruled by Moses or the early Muslims who were ruled by Mohammed - and therefore a situation where the law proclaimed by the ruler is also considered a divine revelation, and hence the law of God. An ecclesiocracy, on the other hand, is a situation where the religious leaders assume a leading role in the state, but do not claim that they are instruments of divine revelation. A good example would be the prince-bishops of the European Middle Ages, where the bishop was also the temporal ruler. The papacy in the Papal States, occupy a middle ground between theocracy and ecclesiocrasy, since the pope does not claim he is a prophet who receives revelation from God, but merely the infallible interpreter of already-received revelation."

  3. I'm definitely not a computer wiz, but I got my laptop from Dell about a year ago and have been very pleased, I have the wireless connection, but haven't used it yet since I don't take it very many places, Dell has a good website, I was told they don't have the best laptops, that the Dell desk tops are best, but I've been pleased, I have the media edition since I do alot with my digital photos and things like that, just my .02

  4. Dr. Young is terrific! We've been with WAP since '98 and have no regrets. When my little ones were young, we always were in the office. My daughter couldn't wait to see Dr. Young. He brings so many smiles to kids. Dr. Carter is so wise. He has a different personality, but he's an asset to the practice. They both contribute to make the practice complete.


    Glad to hear so many that agree! I couldn't believe it when they announced they were moving to Dallas a couple of years back. It was a dream come true!


    Yeah, after years of driving to Lithia to see Dr. Carter, they move to Dallas, very near my subdivision, about the time I'm moving over to Hiram! Still much closer, so I'm real happy! I've made a few trips to Lithia still when I really want to see Dr. Carter. he's just very dear with me, he had just ventured out on his own when my family went to see him, he was on his own then, Dr. Young has been a great addition, my children enjoy him, but Dr. Carter is almost like family for us

  5. Dr. Koopman is the best!


    Is he mobile? do you have a number? it's time for shots again, and she'll barf in the 20 minute ride to the vet, then feel crappy all day!

  6. Many years ago, Paulding had a mobile vet, does anyone know if we still do? I didn't use him, but a friend of mine did, now that I have a big Boxer, who gets car sick, a mobile vet would be real nice.

  7. You are under the supposition that it's an all-or-none situation. What needs to happen is congress needs to take time when proposing new legislation, to think out fully and carefully all the ramifcations of the actions they are about to take. In other words, be careful and thorough in crafting laws. And if a situation comes about that isn't right (your unintended consequence) then re-address the law and make nessessary corrections.


    I know. I know. What color is the sky in my world, right? But in a perfect world, this is how it should work.


    House Bill 1059 - read it, probably goes into effect July 1, but I would have to confirm that . . .

  8. Excuse me, but you have =no= idea what I've done in this area here in Paulding. In fact, if you want to actually learn something, ask Webby or some of the others who know me what all I am & was involved in regarding Child Advocacy in Paulding.


    I never mentioned Fulton County. Why don't =YOU= go back & re-read my post when I specifically said LIKE INDIANA wants to do.


    Moreover, if you had bothered reading a bit yourself, you would have found that I have posted several threads about this very topic & have read much, much more than "what is posted here."









    as always, it's your agenda, and I have no desire to research you, no further comment, you've completely missed my point as usual

  9. But that is not up to you, now is it?


    They have served the time alloted by the law. The sentence you would give is for life & earthly torment. I always thought our nation was one of law & fairness --- I never knew we would continue to be vengeful long after the law has declared their time served.


    And exactly what expertise do you have to make a blanket psychological assessment of whether or not they are rehabilitated?


    Had you rather we do that same thing for every crime? Doing what the Indiana law calls for is guaranteeing these people to fail in society all over again; if not in a sex crime, in some other crime. You just set them up with no job, limited transportation, no going out, no anything except to sit in a half-way house. They wouldn't even be able to get a job bussing tables in a resturant. Veery short-sighted & poor problem solving, I'd say.


    Sorry, but the legal system is about fairness, not revenge.


    no, not up to me, but Fulton County also limits where registered sex offenders may live, etc, 1000 ft rule applies there as well, that's why Fulton probation officers are actually recommending they move to outlying counties, Paulding has been specifically recommended, and I know that for a fact. Yes, they serve their time, but I don't give them their sentence, have never served on one of those juries. I never suggested the same thing for every crime, you must not have read clearly, you should read the actual guidelines, not just the ones posted here before you make the comments you make. I've read them.

  10. I graduated in 1989 but my sister graduated in 1982. Maybe you know her CABE- her maiden name was Becky Jenkins.


    that name sounds very familiar! trust me, as my brain has gotten older, it sure get hard to remember, my maiden name was Troy, my sister graduated from MHS in 1988.

  11. Right.


    They were convicted of a crime. They served their time. They were not convicted for life.


    The punishment must fit the crime.


    I agree that child molestation is an awful crime. But is it a life sentence where part is served in prison behind bars & the rest served outside but behind society's bars? Let's face it: if we made Ohio's rules nationwide, where would these people live? Or work? Or worship? Or shop? Those laws set them up for failure & allows society to take daily revenge.


    Our justice system demands not revenge but punishment.


    Is child molestation a life sentence? That is what we're talking about here.


    Yes, convicted and time served, but not necessarily rehabilitated . . . would you rather they register, or take a chance that next time it is your child . . . this is not revenge, this type of crime isn't like robbing a bank, it's a different mindset.

  12. I've been with West Atlanta Ped since 1993, seeing Dr. Carter, and have seen the others several times, my son always enjoys Dr. Young, he communicates well with the children especially, Pediatrics was definitely his field. Glad you are pleased, we always have been. And especially glad she's feeling better.

  13. You guys should examine the laws in the state in which you live if you find this absurd . . . and the quest to move the minimum mandatory sentence to 25 years . . . and that Fulton County parole officers are recommending that their convicted child molesters moved to counties such as Paulding because of the restrictions placed on the offender in Fulton . . . and that's a direct quote!

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