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Posts posted by Cabe

  1. My son was in a car accident a year and a half ago. He was taken to Grady and was given about 48 hours to live. If he made it that long they would consider what to do. rrr reported on this accident. I learned later that many here on p.com was praying for him. I thank you! He was put on many churchs prayer list. When they ran the MRI to tell how severe the swelling and bleeding on his brain had gotten they were shocked. All bleeding had stopped and the swelling also. The power of prayer was surely tested that night. He has no after effects except for not remebering the wreck. He is the same as always. Always believe in miracles for one happened to our family that night. The power of prayer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Great story, thank you for sharing :)

  2. been back and forth with my daughter for a while . . . she really doesn't seem interested, and is never dry after a nap, or over night, I guess she's just not ready :sigh:


    With my son, we had him "wiz" trained at 18 months, BM took until 3 yr 2 mo, he'd wear underwear, but ask for a pull-up if he needed to "poop", he was scared to sit on the toilet, but once he did it in the potty, he never went back


    the girl seems like she couldn't care less one way or the other . . .

    Congratulations! Diaperboy, keep up the good work

  3. Just so you know...there are no poisonous lizards in this area...there are only 2 poisonous species of lizards in the world


    Thanks. I feel better, just didn't know if I should worry about it. Upon further examination, didn't look like it broke the skin.



    Do not worry about the tail falling off...That is part of his defense. The tail will eventually grow back.


    I'm hoping we can allow the tail to grow back in it's natural habitat, but he's really enjoying this lizard, except for the bite part, I just need to figure out an angle to have him let the lizard go . . .

  4. you would not believe (unless you have an adventurous boy like mine) the things he brings into this house and calls pets, we usually manage to release them still alive, but last week he had a jar of fire ants! The list goes on and on, he just felt the need to feed this lizard before we turned him loose (which we haven't yet)

  5. my son caught a small lizard from our pool, it's one of the common ones you see around with the blue tail, what do you call these? he wants to to do internet research to see what to feed him. and yes, the lizard will be returned to his natural habitiat

  6. "For instance, we can see the attitude of IDDI and his almost visceral hate for anyone with the DEM label as being a reflection of the hate his father, a military man, exhibited to his family. " -- Publisher


    I hope there is an explanation for this,

    I was a little shocked and disappointed to see such a personal comment, considering the source... :blink:


    Once again, I thought the rules of "fair play" on this site dictated no personal attacks, how much more personal can you get than a comment like this? Absolutely out of line. :angry2:


    I truly enjoyed IDDI's posts.

  7. Will Margaritas be involved before this and can we depend on fellow pcommers to bail our butts outta jail when the fun is over?????


    Your friends aren't supposed to bail you out, they are supposed to be sitting beside you saying whoa that was fun!


    Can we just email the tea bags? since we are already scanning them anyway, and email isn't usually delayed.


    The margaritas would be a nice touch, since the "guest workers" would start immediately paying taxes too.

  8. We had a son with a heart condition, and during our stays at Eggleston (now Children's Healthcare), we met some awesome children with Down's (and some awesome parents). While I usually hate to generalize, these children never seem to loose their huge capacity for love and acceptance of others, Yes, we could all learn from them. I also have a nephew who is mildly autistic, some people really do not have a clue!

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