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Posts posted by Cabe

  1. We all get pissy sometimes, but you have a lot of blessings, and you were at the races! Life is good. I have a picture of me and my husband at Daytona that always makes me smile.


    Edited to say . . . and you have that great cat!

  2. i think your post was nice but i cant stand paulding co. hospital, i will drive out of my way to get to cobb. and like i tell any one who asks i would rather die on the way to cobb than to go to paulding, but tht is just me, i have had tooo many problems w/ paulding.


    Thanks to the actions of Cobb Hospital, I actually did almost die there!

  3. I didn't plant any this year and I am missing that right about now. I've been looking for a good produce stand to buy some. I don't really like to buy my maters at a grocery store. Anybody have and ideas?


    Macland Road, near the Cobb-Paulding line, in the parking lot of that store at the corner of Poplar Springs (I think) and Macland. Great produce! and flowers. (didn't see that this was already posted until after I did, but the produce is really good, we get a lot of stuff there.)


    I got some great weeds growing where the garden was last year! :D Didn't have time to plant this year.

  4. many people have pm'd me about mine. :wub:


    i just wanted to get a message to those who gosip about others (which has happend to me and my family). it can hurt families and most of the time is not true in the least. then there is my avitar. i think Peace asked me why i quoted scripture and then had the av i have. well, we have a pest control business and i just thought that fit the bill. so just remember about gosip, you never know who you might be hurting when you do it. and be sure to be able to back up you claims. world is round ya know? ;)


    then the cat, i keep that just for Cabe. :wub: she gets a kick out of it.


    I LOVE the cat! If she'd share, I'd use it as my avatar!

  5. Well I think women are emotional and men are visual and simple thats my take


    Indeed thats true so whats the solution???


    Just take your time and rediscover each other, not simply as Mom and Dad. Quite frankly, I should be taking my own advice, my husband sees it as the kids come first way too often. And, we don't have hardly any alone time. But really, take advantage of the times to be together when the kids are in bed if you don't think you can get away for a few days, and you may not be able to with what sounds like a newborn. And, she really would see you as a prince if you voluntarily took on some baby duties. Not saying you aren't, but I know my husband didn't do very many.


    You obviously want this to work, or you wouldn't have asked the question. You probably have three great kids and are building a life together. You just need to regroup.

  6. And also wanted to thank you for all your great advice it has helped alot

    Totally different


    One key that we tend to leave out, is recognizing the differences and working from that point. I joke to my friends that since my son was born, he's now 6, that the things about men that drive us crazy, they simply can not help, they really are born that way! :p

  7. I won't blast you! The Book His Needs/Her Needs by....hmmm...can't remember the first name, but the author's last name is Harley -it's wonderful. It and a class offered for couples using the principals of this book (http://www.familydynamics.net/hnhn8wkinfo.htm) did wonders for our marriage. I thought it was good before, but after I saw my husband and how he looked at life completely differently - and he saw the same in me, things really started getting INCREDIBLE! We still go through the ups and downs (who doesn't?) some are worse than others. As I like to say I wouldn't want to be holding anyone else's hand on this roller coaster ride.

    If divorce would have been an option for us it would have happened in our first year or two (we've been married 11). It wasn't though, and when we both finally admitted to each other how miserable we were we hit a communication break through...it was wonderful (I know sounds nuts)!! Learning true communication is such a key, truly listening and realizing that I am at fault in things and have room for improvement and admitting it to HIM (NOT easy for me ever) and he doing the same towards me - instead of shutting the other person out when we are angry or hurt, well for us that is the difference!!!


    Great post, I'll have to check the website.


    WOW.....thanks for that awesome advice

    Well we have 3 and its been maybe a month ago

    And btw thank you for all your sound advice.....


    Ok, not blasting you here, but three children in 6 years is a lot on any marriage. Children are a tremendous blessing, but it can be very stressful.

  8. I sure hope he doesn't see his own physical limits. There are some things he just can't do. I just want him to have the courage to do all that he is able.


    He's lucky and unlucky at the same time. Lucky in the way that he even gets to have a life; but unlucky in the way of having the knowledge since OHS that it's a matter of time before his heart needs "tweaking" again (like most of us as we become elderly).


    Children of that age will not express pain or discomfort in a manner that we are familiar with.


    Sounds like he's gaining a lot of courage from you. And that's awesome. Hopefully, as he grows older, he'll move it to the back of his mind and deal with it as other children deal with asthma or other condition. They know it's there, but it doesn't stop them.


    My son was not one of the lucky ones, so hang in there.

  9. I don't know anyone who has a cinderella marriage, do you? ( that's not on tv anyway).


    No, I don't. Everyone faces challenges every day. It's how we handle those challenges that make or break us. BTW, loved watching Cinderella, but don't watch the soaps at all! :)



    I hear ya, well like they say everything happens for a reason


    And I firmly believe that. Do I question the events, yes I do. But I know there was a plan for it. Someday maybe I'll have the why.

  10. There's what some believe to be an old wives tale, that around the seven year mark (in a relationship) folks start to get antsy, (it's getting late and I'm not choosing my words so well). I have always heard that each person as an individual makes significant changes every seven years. It is quite easy for me to look back over my lifetime and see how my thoughts have evolved.


    It's just a theory that seven years is the "make or break point"

  11. Ya'll, like us, are at that "Seven year itch" point ;)


    I could tell a really long, really personal story on my "seven year itch", but I'm not sure the marriage topic is the place to get into it, but, to make a long story short, a series of tragic events for my husband and I around that time developed into a good turn around for our marriage. But we made a concious effort to retrieve our marriage, had a lot of time together, just the two of us, away from the pressures we were facing.

  12. Well,I know this much for sure most men dont get divorced due to the fact that they have much to lose...


    Lord help me for going here, but here it is . . . Therein lies much of the battle of the sexes . . . men are generally less emotional and look at the financial aspects . . . some women still have Cinderella expectations. Some women (and men) are going to completely blast this, but it is simply my opinion based on what I work with.


    Well, my marriage is sometimes good and sometimes not so good,married 6 yrs and we shall see I hope it lasts forever but its like the peace corps the toughest job you ll ever love


    I see hope there . . . don't call the lawyers yet. ;)

  13. Children are much more intuitive than we give them credit for, but maybe he just doesn't see it as an obstacle.

    Sounds like you are a great Mom who is helping him see beyond his limitations. I have some inside knowledge of CHD, and it can be limiting as far as physical activity. My prayer would be that it is not painful for him, and that he sees each new day as a wonderful new adventure.

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