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Posts posted by Cabe

  1. While this is true, maybe she has been talking to a bad attorney.


    Committing adultery doesn't keep you from losing custody or visitation of your children. Also, proving adultery doesn't entitle one to more child support or alimony. Alimony is very hard to get if one works.


    file based on irrec. differences. If you can get him to do an uncontested

    divorce, you could be divorced in as little as 4 to 6 weeks after filing.


    My guess is that since she mentioned proving abuse, that she talked with a legal aid attorney, and most legal aid offices do not assist in a divorce unless domestic violence is involved. So while some of the information she posted, on it's surface, appears to be incorrect, she may have simply omitted that fact.


    You can't use infidelity to your favor in a divorce or a custody case. It will not make one lick of difference.


    It could.


    That's ridiculous. You can get a no-fault divorce without establishing any abuse or infidelity...and abuse and/or infidelity really won't influence the final outcome (unless he has been abusive to the children)


    For that matter, you could file for divorce pro-se and save on attorney's feels altogether.


    It can, and alimony isn't "gone". In fact, may rear it's head with the new child support guidelines.


    If she files irrecon. differences, and he doesn't sign the papers within 30 days (?) then that shows that they are not agreeing and proves the irrecon. differences. Then, the judge can grant the divorce without her hubby's signature.


    Sorry, not entirely correct.


    He doesn't have to agree!


    If he doesn't agree, they appear before a judge.


    I don't know many family law lawyers that would give consults over the phone.


    I know one.


    Go to the county court house and ask the clerk for a copy of a recent divorce. These records are public. Replace the names and information with yours. The clerks can't give legal advice, but they can tell you how to file and the way it works.


    Worst case the judge kicks it back.


    Bad idea.



    Rosered, there's a lot of information on here that sounds good on a public forum, but is not valid, or omits some of the details. Please talk with an attorney who specializes in family law. If you want some names and numbers, please feel free to PM me.

  2. Nope Great idea! Do you access that site and could you post using the picture and information here? I'll try to access that site and register.... Thanks...we really need to get the word out!!!


    I'm not registered on cobbtalks.com, and haven't even looked at it in a very long time. Maybe someone from the shelter who has pictures could get the word out, that way, since she was last seen in Kennesaw it would reach some Cobb folks. Just praying she is somewhere safe.

  3. Thank you for clarifiying that, now I must go back to the Dumbest things you have done thread ' cause I just thought maybe your mom didn't like you. I couldn't figure out who would name their poor son Misty.


    Maybe his real name is Sue!

  4. you know the clorox wipes? the one's that pop up? here is my cheap version.


    buy whatever cleaner you like in concentrate form. take a roll of papertowels and cut them in half in the middle with an exacto knife. take out the cardboard center. dont worry about it being perfect. better homes and gardens aint comming by!


    then take an old coffee tin and put the half roll of papertowel in. pour in your concentraited cleaner in with some water, replace lid, shake and vola, you have pop up wipes that cost you dimes instead of dollars. remember to pull the papertowels from the center so you have that continuous feed thing going on. i also recomend using bounty select a size. good papertowels can last a LONG time.


    and the good thing about it is, if you have enough coffee containers you can have several different cleaners going. and if you use the large rolls of papertowels you get more than those little containers that you spend the big $$$ on.


    i also make quilts out of old clothes. they are so nice and soft. right now i am making quilts out of old pairs of jeans (in between making cat toys for the shelter).


    swear to y'all i would re use dryer lint if i could find a use!


    Girl, you are good! (I like quilting too, have you checked out the new quilting store in Hiram?)


    BTW, be careful animal lovers, got an email that Swiffer can be toxic to your pets if they walk across the wet floor! We no longer use it. Got a microfiber mop and a steamer, now I clean floors most of the time with water.

  5. You better tell her she can't be riding that broom around with no panties!!!! :o :ninja: :lol:


    I always heard it helps . . . :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    BTW, my kids are usually naked too! OK, funny story, one night my son (5 at the time) was sitting around watching TV and he was naked. I told him he really should put some clothes on, he asked why, is someone coming over? :lol: :lol:

  6. Anyone who calls my house for a survey, sales call or other useless purpose. I just give the phone to my 2 yo and tell him its Barney.


    I couldn't think of any while reading this cause I was LMAO at this line. I'm teaching my kids this tomorrow!

  7. She has left hinm twice before. Both times some things happened and she had NO choice but to go back. I won't get into that. But I can honestly say, she had NO choice. She had no where else to go. Whhile she was gone, she contacted a few lawyers and they told her she had to have proof of his wrong doings to file divorce. Of course theres verbal abuse, but she has no proof, except what I've heard. She is kind of thinking, if she can get proof he is cheating, she can file the divorce on those grounds. She was actually told, she had no grounds for divorce when she left him. :blink: She was also told, since she didn't have a job, the lawyers couldn't help her.


    In Georgia, you can file for divorce on the grounds of irreconcilable differences. Regarding the job, the lawyers probably meant, you need a retainer to file for divorce. I hope since all of this has been going on, she's been putting back some of the grocery money. If not, she should start right away.

  8. so this only applies to those under the age of 21? i've got nephews and nieces that are nearing the driving age so i thought it was needful info to pass along. (they better NEVER drive that fast or i'll kick there butts)

    i was just curious, thanks for the info :)


    No, applies to everyone. It's a major moving violation and equal in points to a DUI.



    She will not get a lawyer, their toooooo STUPID :angry: She probably will not even go to court and wonder why there's a warrant out for her arrest :wacko:


    Very bad idea. If you PM me I'll give you the name of the attorney I work for. It won't be cheap, but I would highly recommend getting an attorney.

  9. Then you haven't studied much history. Germany was a republic very similar to the US system until Hitler was elected.


    And the 16th-19th century Europe had a revolution every time a new prince came to power. The US has a revolution every 4 years; ours is only orderly, but still a revolution.


    All it would take would be a few Revisionist court rulings on things like: "The US was founded as a Xian Nation & therefore Xian prayer sponsored by the state is allowed." There goes the slippery slope.


    Must you always assume, I simply said "Nazi Germany".



  10. I'd say Oriental Trading or Big Lots, they had a lot of luau stuff at the beginning of the summer.


    We made kabobs for our father's day cookout, I did one with chicken marinated in teriyaki sauce, and had pineapple, mushrooms and other vegetables. Very easy, but very good.

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