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Posts posted by Cabe

  1. Lacey, I think you are handling the situation very graciously, and it speaks multitudes about you, it's very sad that others choose to behave in this manner. I get similar responses to my son because he is overweight. You would NOT believe the comments that some adults make directly to him. I guess they assume that children 6 and under have no feelings. Sometimes I hold my tongue, sometimes I don't. I am aiming toward graciousness, but it's hard work sometimes. Congratulations on achieving that!

  2. I think the writer's choice, in spite of the fact that he is white, of lumping all whites is simply wrong. I do not have my head in the sand, I recognize the most serial killers are white and that the high school shootings are primarily white children. I think playing on the comments from someone who was obviously in shock over what had just happened was a mistake. The "writer" should work on his vocabulary, my momma always said that resorting to vulgarities was a sign of poor vocabulary, not good for someone who is a writer.

  3. God Bless you Tabby for sharing your story, Momtoarc3, take that desire and live your life's dream! You can do it. There are so many programs, if it takes three years, you'll be three years older and have what you want, otherwise, you'll just be three years older. Live your dreams, it will enhance your life as a Mom, and be a great example for your children.

  4. Half the churches in Paulding County were started in former commercial structures.


    For instance, the church at the top of the hill on Macland Road to the right ... was originally a video game parlor. The one at the Intersection of Business6 and 278 (across from Highland Park shopping Center) was orginally I believe Woody's Home Center but is now Paulding Baptist Chuch.


    There are numerous other examples of buildings repurposed as congregations in Paulding and other communities. Why would the state wish to prohibit the use of the property for religious purpose?


    I can recall the man with the Glory barn in Oklahoma. This was the fellow that had a near death experience and came back/recovered from the heart attack to become and show his true believer status partly by donating the large metal building barn to worship of the Lord after being a really cheap, hard to deal with guy. This type of donation would have been prohibited under this type of zoning ordinace?




    Because they want tax money? Is that really a good enough reason? Because they want churches to look like traditional church's ... that is not a good enough reason either.


    I contend you just don't have much of an idea of how society and our system works and your attitude is so distorted by what you believe to be true that is wrong that you just have no idea. Really, I find it disturbing that your intellect is unable to grasp the division of church and state and the freedom that allows for religion to flourish and how the state must not infringe on that.




    we weren't talking about Paulding county, it was a City of East Point ordinance, and I thought personal attacks were against the rules? :blink: My only comment was to check the zoning rules before you make a major purchase . . . DUH? regardless of what you intend to use the property for!

  5. I wonder what changes are in place if any we will see at the local branches in terms of services, etc?


    somebody must have an "inside track", ;) I hope it's good for the employees on a local level, and those of us who bank with Regions.

  6. Sorry, thought this post was calling me :lol:


    Does anyone else see the humor in lockemup making this post?





    An example would be MissJessie..she displays these problems but is able to maintain and poses no threat..so she continues to push her shopping cart through Paulding County.


    Good thing, most of the time I enjoy seeing her. :)

  7. I really like Dr. Shirley, just started seeing him, he's the new dentist with Dr. Bickford on Bus. 6.


    I went to Dr. Paul Gilreath in Marietta across from Kennestone for over 20 years and LOVE that office, but really got tired of the drive for a cleaning or whatever, and because of their location, and our lack of dental insurance, we choose someone local.

  8. my thinking, too, has been solidified on this topic. I see more clearly the beginning & very real dangers of a Populist Theocratic Movement. Once it begins to meld with a political party; has money flowing to support it --- to candidates from religions & to faith-based church programs from the state; & the public only winks at its indulgences; there will be an ending to the 1st Amendment. Our entire sense of liberty is embodied in those few words.


    I personally think these are scare tactics!

  9. I'm so sorry you guys are having such a rough time, my son had colic, and quite frankly, it literally went away at 12 weeks, but it had started to subside around 9-10 weeks. We tried the goats milk and nutramigen (?) to get him over the rough times, then after he was doing better stuck with a soy formula. I know it's a very difficult time, I managed to get him to the pediatrician during one particularly bad crying spell, I think the Dr. was more inclined to prescribe something for me than the baby :), I must have looked a mess, I don't recall the name of the medication (we tried the reglan, etc, they didn't work for him) that was prescribed, but I don't think it's used any longer because of some complications other babies had to it. I wish I had better advice, but for your own sanity, you might want to take Lady Raider up on her very sweet and generous offer, sometimes just the support is one of your best options. Hang in there, and look into a referral too, it may not be colic if it has not started to subside. Good luck in whatever you choose to do.

  10. For the record--my personal belief regarding your question is that religion is religion and politics are politics--ne'r the two shall meet. However, since not everyone shares my belief, I am sometimes forced to examine politcal policy with my religious beliefs in mind. To be honest, our beliefs are who we are anyway and guide all of our decisions even if we try to keep them seperate. JMO


    I agree, I also believe that the church-state issue is more of a political one that a religious one. And, I believe that each person has their own agenda that influences how they vote, etc. That's human nature. I choose political candidates based upon the issues I believe in.



    There is always hope!


    BTW, I can think of a lot of worse things --- Democrat; Liberal; NY Yankee fan; Cynthia McKinney.


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: We agree on that one!



    Oh, that is too funny, even if I am a Baptist --- that's just funny! :lol:


    :lol: :lol: twice in one thread, is this a great country or what!

  11. And you can honestly say that the school officials in this case were NOT Xian? Moreover, you're saying that was NOT a precedent?


    Are you serious?


    I'm just saying you are assuming facts not in evidence.


    And, once again, you attempt to ridicule and trivialize my opinion. I can't possibly be serious because I'm not agreeing with you, is that it?

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