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Posts posted by Cabe

  1. I use the one on the back of the Meuller's box, it's good. I'll have to try some of these others.


    This one has been passed around a group of friends and myself for at least 6 years. I can't take credit, but this is an amazing recipe. :D


    Mac and Cheese


    1 lb macaroni

    8 oz cream cheese

    2 cups shredded cheddar

    1 cup milk or cream

    ½ cup bread crumbs

    ½ cup grated parmesan cheese

    1/8 tsp cayenne pepper

    1 tbls butter


    Preheat oven to 350 F. Lightly butter 2 or 3 quart baking dish or pan (I use a long rectangular one..more crust!) Meanwhile, in a large pot of salted water cook the noodles until al dente, barely cooked, about 8 minutes. Drain and return to the empty pot. Mix with cream cheese until it is melted and getting nice and gooey. Stir in the cheddar and milk or cream. Transfer to the buttered baking dish (or pan, like I use) In a small bowl combine the breadcrumbs, parmesan and cayenne. Sprinkle over the macaroni and dot woth the butter. Bake until golden brown and bubbly, about 40 minutes!


    anything with cream cheese has got to be good!

  2. After seeing the lines for Dollywood, and the fact that they wouldn't let me bring my flamethrower in the park, we decided not to go. We still had a good time, we discovered the artist community up there and really liked that alot...


    Good late morning! Love the artist community!

  3. "If you add up the name 'George Bush' in Hebrew letters it comes out:


    G = 3 (gimel)

    e = 5 (heh)

    o = 70 (ayin)

    r = 200 (resh)

    g = 3 (gimel)

    e = 5 (heh)

    B = 2 (beth)

    u = 70 (ayin)

    s = 300 (shin)

    h = 8 (cheth)

    total = 666 (Antichrist) "


    I simply could not read it all . . . too busy barfing! But if you look at the above, doesn't that also make his father the antichrist? ;) I thought there was only 1. I hate to give this person more "air time" than he deserves, but I had to point that out.

  4. I will get flack from this, but I applaud kids on skatesboards.

    They have something to do that interests them, and they work hard at improving their skills.

    They are outside in the fresh air getting exercise.

    They are not out doing something they shouldn't be, or inside glued to the tube.


    No skateboarding signs clearly posted should be complied with in dangerous areas. But they should be clearly posted.


    1,000.00 fine or 1 year imprisonment is a bit over the top I think personally, when nothing is done about adults routinely in the streets being a hazard to themselves and motorists. The same goes for people selling doughnuts and collecting money in the streets, much more a hazard to motorists than skateboarders in an empty parking lot.


    It almost seems like, "We can't do anything about adults in the street, its a free country, but those darn skateboarders, now that is something we need to deal with."


    Flack, here it comes.



    OK, here's some flack . . . they are riding on PRIVATE PROPERTY!


    Jessie os a Paranoid Schitzophrenic (sp) . She is answering the voices she is constantly hearing in her head. I have no problem until the cussing starts.


    You are just jealous because the voices aren't talking to you . . . :D

  5. Picture it from my point of view, you are in the passenger seat of an ambulance and they are transporting your 8 week old son, every second counts, you are on 285, cars will not yield, the ambulance is forced down to the next exit, and has to circle back to reach Eggleston Hospital (now CHA) . . .

  6. We moved here from out of state so driving by everyday was not an option.......a good portion of the people in this sub 80% are from out of state. When my walls began leaking the builder did attempt to fix by caulking the siding, when i objected to this(after all who wants to caulk their siding every year and it's not the proper fix) he took off the siding in a few areas around the house..That exposed a whole new can of worms...siding off 3 times and same siding put back up....what a mess.....seeing is believing....i asked the county for help...answer...we already gave an occupancy permit...nothing we can do but ask him to fix...when asked about the violations...no response worth writing home about...just like under developement...chairman has not answered that question yet to my knowledge


    I'd sign. 10 years ago at our prior home a new subdivision went in behind us, by a large builder who has since changed their name and built at least one subdivision in this county, the retention pond for the new subdivision was directly behind our property, we (my family and my neighbors) tried to get the county involved because the pond was flooding our property and destroying it. We got VERY little from the county, so we hired an attorney, when we ran out of attorney $$$, the fight was dropped, and the problem NEVER fixed! :angry: :angry2: :angry: :angry2:

  7. Job well done, sorry I've missed the video! Real sorry.


    BTW, you mentioned the "perp" got to go to the hospital to get checked out, did the officer just go back on duty?

  8. welcome to the south where "it's just a dog"




    Down here we used to have a saying . . . oh, never mind. :angry2:


    Please don't tell my two they are dogs, they don't know yet . . . :D



    Your talking about my dog on 61 the reason he is tied up because he either goes over the fence or under it. He gets his run time in the back yard dailey, when we can be out there to watch him if not then hes gone and living on 61 you dont let your dog run loose. For your information he is very well taken care of and is loved very much.We have our small babies and he is our big baby. Also for your information he was owned by a paulding deputy that took and dumped him when he moved 2 weeks later the dog returned and didnt have a home his owners had moved so we took him in to keep him from going to the pound. Anything else you want to know



  9. Thanks :blush:


    I knew I wasn't alone.


    And BTW GT smokers are not the rudest people you will ever meet. I have met many aholes that don't smoke. :p


    BTW, I'm highly allergic to perfume, I wish people would consider that when they get onto an elevator!



    I chomp a cigar every now and then, not inhaling.


    Haven't touched a cig since May 12. ;)


    Neither did Clinton! :lol: :lol: :lol: Congratulations!!!

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