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Everything posted by Cabe

  1. That makes no sense. Why wouldn't a retailer accept cash? Do they not trust their employees?
  2. I would love some thrift! I have wonderful memories of it! I also have some Solomon's Seal to share and some monkey grass. I also have some crepe myrtle that I dug up but not sure if I got enough root on those, so I'm working on them to make sure I can save them.
  3. I'm digging your husband right now too! (But she is beautiful.)
  4. No, it's not a criminal charge. And, yes you could ASK for a restraining order and I'd be served. Then we would both appear in court and in order to be issued that restraining order you would have to prove your case before the judge. So, no. You could NOT have a restraining order against me, I've never threatened you in any manner. Your case would be impossible to prove. Is the restraining order issued against McBerry a conviction? No. The letter does indicate some underlying psychological issues.
  5. We have a very large field of choices for Governor. I think it's incorrect to assume they are ALL too far left or right.
  6. At one point, her entire statement on the matter was on the internet. I haven't checked to see if it's still there.
  7. Go back to the link above and re-read this part: Edited because the link does work. Btw, a restraining order was issued.
  8. Sorry, I've already done way too much schedule juggling to make room for end of the year school activities. I could probably do something next week or so. No way, Hoser!
  9. I can't make Thursdays.
  10. Why manufacturing or industrial? We really don't have the infrastructure for that. Why not more technology jobs or something of that nature?
  11. Here's a start . . . http://www.ajc.com/news/atlanta/ray-mcberry-runs-to-516410.html http://swgapolitics.com/index/2010/04/16/ray-mcberry-saga-the-name-and-the-letter/
  12. Research further. I'm leaning toward Karen Handel.
  13. Naw, probably only 11 or so. My kids are still very young.
  14. You say it. I believe it. Should the bumper sticker even exist? No. But, you can't fix stupid. I just wish the stupid among us weren't the most vocal. And I'm truly sorry you hear it so often. New York gave me my best friend in the whole world, so I truly hold NO grudge. Do you know that since I got married 20 years ago, I've NEVER had a weekend without my husband. In fact (other than hospital visits) there have only been 2 nights when he was out of town that we didn't share the same bed.
  15. I guess they wait until they get here to do that. Trust me, I've heard plenty! ~~native BTW, glad you love it here! We know, you got here as quick as you could. Exhibit A
  16. Cabe

    Oh, brother

    Next time just close your eyes and keep walking.
  17. We had to leave everything behind when we sold our last house. The buyer put into the contract that we couldn't dig anything up. (He'd seen our house in the spring and it was beautiful with all the dogwoods and azaleas.) But I had to leave behind so many wonderful plants that held so many great meanings for me. Slowly we are rebuilding at our new home, but it has taken some time. Let me know if she has sun or shade. I may have some other things to share.
  18. Today? Or maybe this whole week. "Take this job and shove it"
  19. Yes, I believe that's it. Would be happy to share some back.
  20. I know I have one type that I would be more than happy to re-gift back to her (I just can't remember what it's called, maybe she can help me). It's a small ground cover (that spreads) with pretty, small, blue flowers. Would be honored to share with her as she has always done with others.
  21. The middle school sports program is not being funded. Period. that's it. There's no funds. What amazes me is hearing from the Board that the majority of the parent complaints they are receiving are complaints about the middle school sports program.
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