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Everything posted by Cabe

  1. You have got to be kidding me! WTH do you come up with this stuff. Could you please provide the road map that drove you to this conclusion.
  2. Just because you keep repeating that does NOT make it true. IT IS NOT TRUE. Stout has NO vested interest in Paulding County other than Paulding Right to Life. I don't even consider him an option in this race. He has embarrassed and humiliated this county statewide. And he failed to vote on one of the most important votes of his tiny little session. And I'd love to know why anyone would suddenly quit their "community banker" job to become a "consultant" in this economy. he's clueless about what is really facing Paulding County.
  3. Mine and yours? Cause Whitey told me to attend a meet and greet.
  4. I would make a list of a few recommended by folks who share you attitude and beliefs and then interview them prior to your baby being born. That's what I did and it has served me well for 17 years. BTW, congrats on the baby, I didn't know.
  5. Yes, I think Daniel Stout messed that up for a lot of folks. Well, not that I voted for him the last time either.
  6. Cabe

    housing dilema

    I would attempt to look around for someone that wants to sell their home and would be willing to allow you to rent it until you could qualify to buy it. For example, Motor City Mad Man had to move and has a house in Paulding. I'm not sure if he sold it yet or not but he may be willing to work with you. I'm sure he's not the only one in that position with a vacant house that they are trying to sell. Good luck!
  7. Really? That's what Whitey just told me to do.
  8. Beverly (and many other good candidates) will also be at the meet and greets, are very accessible, very kind and seem to have the best interests of the county in mind. Braddock and Golden have both managed their own small businesses (which you and others seem to consider a criteria for candidacy). I wasn't specifically defending Todd (or anyone) just builders in general, but take that however you like or use it to your advantage as you see fit. I guess you completely overlooked and/or ignored my other concerns about Todd.
  9. You are throwing things out just to see if they stick. Stuff you know probably isn't true just because you can. Todd's not here and all of the comments about him haven't been 100% supportive. So, I guess it's true 'cause Whitey says so.
  10. Very unfair play. BTW, why isn't your buddy Todd on here like you wish so many other candidates would be?
  11. I don't feel like it cleans very well and I'm not pleased with the lack of flexibility.
  12. Then continuing to repeat the GOB business is an exercise in futility for both camps. Repeating . . . Tell us what Pownall can do for us other than he's not one of them.
  13. Prove to us that Pownall and Barnett aren't part of a "good old boy" network. Both are members of the builder's association and both would seem to have a lot to gain by building returning to Paulding. I'm not knocking the return of building, I think my family would benefit from it as well. Instead of continually telling us how bad the past was, tell us what these men can do for us. It's not enough for me that he "stood up".
  14. How much is the optimum amount per child to spend?
  15. Can't decide what to do yet. We paid over $300 for an Amana less that 1 year ago, that I don't like. It's under recall. I can have it fixed and still gripe about it or pay $450+ for one of the ones on the approved list and get a $150 rebate.
  16. Well I truly hope you aren't holding that vote for Stout
  17. Mine's on the list, and less than 1 year old. Since I'm not really pleased with it, I'm hesitating to just have it repaired, but it doesn't seem like $150 or $150 will go very far toward replacing it. Off to compare some prices. UGH Like I really need another thing on my plate.
  18. Okay, I'll be out for the day. I'll be back tonight with a whole list of vents. Y'all hold down the fort. I'll even see if I can add some restaurants to the list.
  19. What a beautiful testimony of her life. My thoughts to you and your family Southern Scarlett.
  20. Let me clarify. I don't know any of the gentlemen listed above. Their affiliation with the Paulding County Builders Association should not be a blacklist. I love the building industry. My father was a contractor in Cobb for many years. The majority of the people I know are connected to the building industry in some way, as are a good portion of Paulding families. They may, as all of us, simply want to see the people of the county back to work.
  21. The following candidates for office are members of the Paulding County Builders Association: Steve Golden, 19th district State Representative Todd Pownall, Post 2, BOC Tommie Graham, Post 3, BOC David Barnett, Post 4, BOC
  22. I agree education is taking a hard hit this year. However, education received a larger percentage of the state budget than the previous year.
  23. See, you may need another mayberry. Your husband is always willing to help out.
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