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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. Most automobiles now have a chip in the key, this chip is coded to fit your automobile. If the wrong chip is read by the cars computer, it will deactivate that key. My husband and my cars both have this feature. It's part of the anti theft feature on the cars.




    you can deactivate him?






    now im scared.....no chip for me

  2. There has got to be some sort of ritualistic, overly complicated, yet violently simple chicken dance that I can do to over-rule this thing!!!!!!! Press and hold the country music button while rotating clockwise around the cupholder, pluck out three nose hairs and deposit them in the ashtray while singing Yankee Doodle naked.................





    disconnect the battery for a few...then try it

  3. This is a very good question also, although I paid my membership a while back, (dont know if needs renewing or not), but i thought the advertising had taken over wher the memberships left off. I to dont use this site enough to get a memberships fee out of.


    I just dont see how charity giving and memberships here have to do with each other.

    Is this site considered a non profit or is someday profits planned?


    who knows!!!!!!


    I have enjoyed reading since i dont post much. but just to many cliques and negativity to get to excited anymore.


    Just my thoughts.



    that'll be $6.50 for your extra long ramble please...no extra charge for your thoughts

  4. I worked with them for several years. It is not a scam!


    Are you looking for a career, or as a client? Either is good. You just have to know what you're looking at. It is not a get rich quick scheme. You have to work to make money, and they do have some folks who will try to paint a different picture. It's a lot like used car salesmen. You have some good ones, and then you have some who are not so ethical!


    Do your own research!




    it is kind of "interesting"


    look up the rule of 7...has to do with compound interest

  5. some people just don't have the money, and I understand that. I think froggy (I actually know this) was just posing some questions to see what people thought and no harm was meant by it.


    It was in reference to a conversation he and I were having earlier today. He told me to ask, but I wouldn't do it because I figured someone would take offense.



    never worry about that...think how boring it would be if no one ever took offense...just say what you believe and you cannot lose....you may have someone change your mind...but you may change theirs

  6. kitty im not doubting you one bit . and these questions were not ment for you or dave. we all know yall have given in the past and why you dont now. im glad yall come back and post here . these questions are basicaly for newer people. and yes the site has changed over the last 2 years. wishing will never bring back the days when we tried to help somebody get a motor for his truck or the time when a freind and family members house burnt. thats when i fell (in love) with the big hearted people of p/com




    yep...just who were those folks that helped somebody get a new truck motor? who was it that donated stuff when that home burned? never caught their names....no one i saw posted what they actually did...and i think thats cool



    i dont see that those times have changed.....pcom still has a great group of folks....everyone has bad days though...everyone has financial issues at times....but if you asked i dont think there are too many folks on pcom paying member or not that wouldnt help someone truly in need

  7. I am much meaner in person than I am on here.....maybe a little bit louder.....I can talk really fast......and am good at pretending like I am listening....when my eyes get that deer in the headlights look that means I'm no longer with you, I'm thinking about coffee or shopping or bows....and wondering when you'll stop talking :) Oh I think I might yell alot when I get mad at stupid people.....


    Yeah I'm confused lol


    I try to behave here since there are old people and youngin'




    but still you babble on



    You and Linda are very right. I guess there is some influence, even if one doesn't think there is.


    I saw a test, which was done on college studente by other college students. The test was about ones hudden prejudices. You had to answer questions quickly, without having time to think them over.


    All of the students had shocking hidden prejudices, that they argued not having, even after the test. But, the test was almost 100% factual information. :)




    now that would be a great topic...admit your prejudices honestly

  8. What's the matter, you can't bitch on the other side?


    After calling pubby a d*ck, I'm surprised you can post over here at all.


    I noticed several folks from there over here.....


    I noticed it was shut down.......


    I just had to say that. Now I feel better. :p




    i love you.......i was wondering what was overloading the servers lately



    and it has been a little sweet and low also...me me me

  9. Well, Not to be cheap, but that is one reason that I am not a paying member. Not too mention I do not have the time that some of these people have on there hands, and it seems alot just live on here. I enjoy stopping by and reading somethings and then going about my business. And another thing I cannot imagine to pay for something, that all you hear are people's personal problems and airing other people's problems. I hope noone ever gets hemorroids on here, can you imagine what that would cause???? :lol:




    i give up...what would hemorroids cause?

  10. might look into upping the number of kids she watches....in georgia i think it is six allowed at in home daycare's....should be the same or close to the same in most states



    80 a week x 5 kids is 400 a week...and 80 a week for quality childcare is very cheap....but it depends on what the economy of the area she is in will support



    around here in dallas 120 a week would be my guess....



    i wish them good luck

  11. even a member here who works for the post office stated such..




    unless they have the title "postmaster"....dont believe it



    inside is offlimits....outside is gray....on the post or whatever is holding the box is a go ahead




    "whatcha in for man?"


    "aww i put a flyer in a mailbox"

  12. make sure you keep all of your food locked in your car at night in airtight containers so mischievous raccoons and/or bears can't get at it




    you can replace a cooler full of food easier than a paintjob...



    no such thing as airtight enough that a bear cant smell it.....think about drug sniffing dogs...bears have the same abilities...plastic wont keep em from smelling it

  13. bring a good book and some comfortable hiking boots


    tarp under the tent, tarp over the tent


    trail mix


    something to feed the critters.....do this away from the tent


    extra batteries...extra flashlights


    leave the cellphone in the car.....board games and cards are fun....


    a broom or something to sweep out the tent...we also place a footsweep rug at the tent entry to keep out the dirt...


    no cots...they suck...use an airmattress


    oh yea...make sure the kids have their own tent


    airhorn to blast at the noisy neighbors that wanna drink and sing til 4 am...you will need this to wake them up at 7...you enjoyeed their night they can enjoy your morn


    camera and extra socks


    trash bags and rope....and dont lock your extra cooler/food in the vehicle....i saw a bear tearing into a car once...


    extra mantels to replace the ones you will destroy moving the lantern



    and a rake to adjust the rocks and stuff


    have a great time

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