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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. I remember riding the carousel at Grant Park on fieldtrips to the zoo in 3rd grade, and the peanut butter and jelly sandwich sack lunches the school had for us...




    so that was you.....lol we did the same back in the late 70's


    nothin like a sack lunch on a field trip

  2. I had no problems reading this. As a matter of fact I have a doctorate in English, Math and Science.


    Why do you assume that a person would need to get a GED to see how many other smart people there are in the world?




    i was just a playin....forgive me



    im new to all of this

  3. gee ill bet he was in such a turmoil he was temporarily insane...what a damn sad sick bunch of idiots some of our fellow citizens turn out to be..child molester

  4. LOL No one can out do me when it comes to looking horrible in pictures haha it never fails....someone snaps a pic of me and that instance I have to be making a stupid face....or maybe its just that my face is stupid all the time? lol :)



    aww you and the kids take great pics together.....which reminds me i need to download the ones i have of you guys



    great pics and great job to yall for the benefit...proud to know yall

  5. O lny srmat poelpe can raed tihs.


    cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd

    waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of teh hmuan mnid,

    aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy


    it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a

    wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist

    and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can

    be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.


    Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid doeos not raed

    ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

    Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot

    slpeling was ipmorantt!




    i could read it if you typed in english




    you konw tehy hvae porgrmas taht alolw you to get yuor ged in a yaer or so




    good lcuk

  6. As some of you know, one of my youngest sons favorite words is yee haw. Well, he is taking a nap right now. He is asleep on the couch. He is talking in his sleep saying yee haw and grinning. I thought maybe he had woke up but he is sound asleep. This is one of those times, I wonder what he is dreaming about. It was just to cute.




    lol...i have seen my youngest running in his sleep

  7. never had this with my kids but if i had i could see maybe a drop of ipecac or something horrible in return for the bite...also pubbys idea of making the bite uncomfortable seems reasonable


    but if it was my kid and it continued at least they would get a light pop in the mouth at worst i would give em an old fashioned attitude adjustment out behind the shed...

  8. now that i have recovered somewhat...you guys are the best...nice to meet you steve and nemie....number cruncher and her private police officer, peacelikeariver and bigcat, creativeone, justdreaming, tabbycat ( who kept coming back x3), always pat and jim, wenfen, sooch with bronchitis but unstopable, hope and anyone else...oh oh and mybabe...proud to know yall



    good job!

    what a team!


    next year I will bring Roscoe again and ppl can buy treats to make him play dead. Bang, dead dog... LOL! He's a hoot. We'll make lots of money for you :)



    lol what a cool dog...bang...dead dog...he isnt friendly either

  9. Before you get too nostalgic, consider that the vibrant type of community with the level of interaction most of you seem to by pining for was common in the ghettos of the major cities.


    And if that kind of 'community' is your goal, you'll need to change your expectations. While folks here are lobbying for 2 acre minimum lots and lament the 'postage stamp sized' lots of the common PRD, the fact is these and even more dense city housing patterns are responsible for the interaction.


    Certainly as important as architecture and planning is the reality that todays society is infinitely more mobile than societies in days past. Most folks move every four or five years... where as just 50 years ago, it was rare for some folks to have even left the county in which they were born.


    There are many reasons for the changes but one reason is suburban growth was encouraged in the law and by programs providing mortgage programs was because of the threat of nuclear war during the period from 1950-1990.


    I mean in 1980, Paulding's population was barely 20,000 residents and today its pushing 120,000 residents.


    Given the changes in living/housing patterns and the interest in community, I see Paulding.com not as a replacement, but as a tool for rebuilding the type of community we all seek.


    That people want to ge together is the imputus. That pcom is a tool that can make it easier means it is logical to use it.







  10. I do have a question for any Uber Christian who does not believe in celebrating Halloween.


    First Why? - In your own words


    Secondly if the reason why is because it's an evil day or a Pagan day, by NOT celebrating aren't you in a way saying that you believe in Paganism and that you won't celebrate with the Pagans? When in actuality Christians should NOT believe that there are Pagan Gods so it would make more sense to "over take" that day (just like the Christians did to Christmas and Easter) and make it a Christian holy day - so that Christian's would out number the Pagan worshippers on that day ultimately watering down the "dark sidedness" of it?


    Ponder if you will. . .




    damn i just want some candy

  11. Me too, I actually never had an alcoholic drink until I was 33!!! Guess we are the goody goodies on here.... and I've never smoked a cigarette either....




    so really you guys could say you have never really.....lived








    never rode a horse..always wanted to

  12. I guess it would depend on the situation. I recently cut off a friendship with my best friend of 10 years. She was continually telling lies and on drugs. The lies I could see thru and deal with but when she started bringing the drugs into my house around my children. Then that was it.


    Good luck it's a hard decision.




    good point now....if the friend in any way threatens your families well being at any time in any way you must leave it in the dust....

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