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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. No!!!


    Paula tried Sun Valley last year and no-one bought anything from the craft vendors!!!


    They all came for the kids activities --- if they looked at the booths at all, all they did was look.






    sales arent the real motivation for the humane society booth anyhow....someone just looking and learning more than they did about the humane society is the payoff....dont get me wrong...cash helps...but getting the word out and maybe having a pet or two find homes is the real trick

  2. GO NOLES!!!!!



    fsu here also....i wonder if leon county still has the worst drivers anywhere


    Ms. Lesley - yes I did go to UF as well as both of my parents.....my daughter wants to go to FSU and grandpa told her he was writing her out of the will if she did so. :p




    my family is fun...granny went to fsu when it was florida college for women....gramps went to fsu


    my dad and his next oldest sis went to fsu....and the 4 others went to uf


    i went to fsu



    we all hate uga though...ug a

  3. I miss the caboosees. Trains just are not the same without them. Like a dog without a tail.




    agreed!....somehow they replaced them with a little red flashing light......used to love to wave to them as a child


    was like christmas for me...magical....but then i am easily amused

  4. no they are not

    I cannot while I am outside watching them kick the door in :o :o :o :ninja:

    You should have came up and had a beer with me.. and watched the excitement.. LOL



    most likely not on the scanner while kicking...probably waited til they were sitting, walking or standing before communicating

  5. my family is in the bonding business and i promise you if my chilins get into trouble and deserve it, they will sit in the pokey long enough to consider the err of their ways.....



    first time i will get em out


    second time they are on their own, unless i know the reason is crap...which can occur

  6. If I can stay far enough behind but close enough I can tell where they turn, they can't stop me. They said its a liability thing. I'm not sure what would happen or what they could do if someone got "caught" following the bus. If a parent goes on a field trip, they have to meet the school at the destination. Crazy, I know.




    most likely just detention

  7. just remember pubby : sex sells !
















    i think it will have its growth pains just like anything else, but a good idea.....might give some insight into the local teen goings on not noticed by the parents...

  8. Since I've been doing this for 25 years, yeah, you've been to my house. In fact, you've probably been to my house as a kid and now your bringing your kids for me to terrorize. Parents will run ahead of their kids to tell me their kids names, just so I can personalize the scare...




    you do have the perfect halloween setup thoughts





    thanks for doing it



    fun to see my little ones freak out

  9. When I was young and worked as a mech at Richway (if anyone remembers that) you would be shocked at what went on. I remember the guys goofing off and accidentally busting boxes of antifreeze and tranny fluid...they would pour it in the big reservour of "superblend" oil.....gave "superblend" a whole new meaning.


    and one of the favorites was this....people would want an alignment, so this guy would wipe off the grease fittings on the front end and call it good. More knowledgeable men would come in and check those fittings to see if the work was done- so even they were fooled.


    I could go on but I wont.




    wow now you are making me have flashbacks....richways had if i recall correctly a strange building design and was painted in orange?



    i remember one off of n druid hills i think

  10. Did she forbid him because she didn't trust him, didn't trust his friends, or was there another reason? There is really not enough information to make a determination on what was the problem in their case.




    still a trust issue....if she cant trust him round his friends she cant trust him to have the right friends


    i do see where it could be something like he is never home and she just wants him to stay




    but then she dosent trust him to make the right decision to stay home so she forbids him making the wrong one

  11. Well, I'm feeling pretty awesome today. It's beautiful weather, and it's Friday. I cleaned the entire house yesterday, and I'm off work today to enjoy it. Had a leisurely coffee this morning and caught up on some TiVo'd shows. When the kids come home later, we'll do a fun craft or something. For me, it is the simple things, and it doesn't get much better than this.


    So, what kind of day puts you in your happy place?



    car is washed..weather is beautiful...family and friends are all ok...and my office is perfectly organized since i stayed up til 5 this am....so i am enjoying it now.. gas prices are down....and i pick up my 21' bowrider this weekend




    edited cause i forgot how to spell friends

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