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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. Yep, there was a baby copperhead in my back yard; most likely more than one! I noticed it quickly going into a hole and I thought to myself, "that's a funny looking worm and it sure is long". Then I noticed the pattern. :blink: So I waited a few seconds, and went back; still something was slithering into the hole. So I figure either it was an EXTREMELY long baby copperhead or more than one of them was headed into that hole.


    TBAR's gonna love this! Te he he. :p




    found his cousin in my back yard while cutting our grass an hour ago....pb thinks it is a garter snake though so all is well

  2. :lol: that's EXACTLY what I said!


    and you have to sell like $500 worth of low quality crap just to earn a plastic light saber or some sheeze





    um its sabre lol


    you goin red on us lesley?

  3. It does feel so nice outside. I wish I could open my windows. We had to nail them shut becasue of our neighbors. They just got out of jail for breaking and entering 2 weeks before we moved in. Of course, we didn't know this until after we were moved in. So, I sit in my house, windows nailed shut and doors closed and locked. <_< I HATE it!




    hmmm...if they were in jail for breaking and entering locking everything up might not stop em....i do feel quite lucky with my neighbors as when i come home they will walk over tell me the make model and tag of the vehicles that stopped by my home while i was away


    i actually let my neighbors know when to expect people, and what they will be driving so they dont have to worry about getting the car rundown for me lol


    not to mention the fresh veggies and peanut butter brownies that we get to boot....love my neighbors

  4. I say give the person ample time to make arrangements to pay and then let the Sheriff make a call for you.



    actually the marshal is the one that does the bad check thing....unfourtunately had to use em before back when i took checks from anyone that wished to write them


    the marshal will go to them and suggest the check be made good first ....after that they will need a bondsman

  5. first there would have been an order stating how much he was to pay originally....probably part of the court decreed divorce


    then he must have all of the reciepts since that time showing that he in fact paid all that was due


    if he has those reciepts a lawyer can fix the garnishment once a judge sees the proof he is current with no arrears


    if he doesnt have the reciepts....then he is going to have to pay




    always keep all reciepts FOREVER

  6. 123, I'm so sorry to hear of your future son in law's loss.


    Personally, I've never had a pet 'fixed', de-clawed, bob-tailed, or anything else I'd consider 'elective surgery'.

    I wouldn't dream of it. The pet can't very well offer their opinion in that election :rolleyes:


    It's the one argument I've had against adopting animals, where you are forced into having them fixed.

    They aren't broken to start with. I wouldn't do it to my child, and I won't ever do it to a pet, either.

    I have heard the arguments FOR it, and some of the points seem valid... but it isn't a thing I'd consider.


    Heck, I may actually want my pet to have puppies/kittens some day... as crazy as that might sound.


    I know that's all gonna go over like a ton of bricks, with some of you out there. No offense, I hope.

    Can't do anything about it but say, "Hey, this is my opinion".

    I've got on my flame suit.





    only thing is lil susie isnt gonna get out...get pregnant...have 8 kids that will have 8 that will have 8 more and so on and so on in a matter of a year or two you have 300 lil johnnys and susies that no one wants and then are at the mercy of a society that thinks dropping a litter off in a ditch in a plastic bag is ok



    but thats just me


    and i might be a little jaded since stepping in the incenerated bonepile of all of the lil ones no one wanted the other day

  7. If my company literally offered me $10k more per year to go back into the Alpharetta office every day versus telecommute, I would not take it.



    10000 / 250 days=40 bucks a day=10 per hour for a four hour commute



    im with ya on the no thing

    the gas and wear and tear per hour would be six of it


    now maybe 50000 extra

  8. rule 83: believe everything as long as it is typed


    #71 don't post about every single thing that is happening in your life. leave some things a mystery.


    BRB gotta go poop.


    me :)




    speaking of fudge....yours is the best...really enjoyeed it!

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