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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. Dozment


    Wonderful reply, there are so many ways for builders to keep making money and passing it on to the home owner. Makes you want to just live in an apartment. That way we don't have to pay property tax, school bond taxes etc.


    Hey, I just think I talked myself into selling my home and move into an apartment. After all, no yard work, no up-keep, not taxes etc.


    Only bad thing is you can't choose your neighbors, but with the 1/2 inch space between the houses being built, what's the diff?




    at your house you get your own parking spot....usually

  2. If you don't know where to get chocolate almond- Mayfield's makes the best. Never heard of coconut though.


    I like... Chocolate Almond... Praline and Cream... Butter Pecan... HOMEMADE peach or banana... Rocky Road (chocolate with marshmallows and nuts- right?) OH AND MAYFIELD BRAND ONLY... unless it's HOMEMADE




    do get the mayfields chocolate almond...great stuff...especially when doused with dr pepper or coke..



    not surprised no one knows where to get coconut though lol...man it is good...sometimes brewsters will have pure coconut ice cream...rarely though...usually mixed with something like nuts which ruins coconut in my humble one

  3. 1st - A Watermelon a day! I'd stop on my way home from work everday at the fruit market, buy one, put it in the fridge and eat the cold one from the day before. Baby weighed 8 1/2lbs and was 23" long.

    Total weight gain 25lbs


    2nd - Ice and ice water all of the time and a plain baked potato once a week. Baby weighed 7lb 7oz and was 19 1/2" long. Total weight gain 27lbs


    3rd - A gallon of Ice water and a 3lb bag of Tangerines everyday!! (BTW-I hate fruit of any kind) Baby weighed 9 1/2 lbs and was 18" long. her head was so big that she got stuck on her cheek bones and we both had busted blood vessels in our right eyes. Total weight gain 30lbs.


    My great grandmother was one of those that craved things not good for you - ashes from the fireplace!! GROSS My grandmother craved ice (hard to come by then) and plain cornmeal! Another gross!





    craving ice is a sign of being anemic i think





    and whoever posted craving cardboard that might be a sign of something you are missing in your intake somehow...although i have no idea what




    but the ice thing im pretty sure of



    he ya go..http://www.dietitian.com/iron.html

  4. I used to do this last year when O took a year off to be at home. I honestly cant remember the main site that you go on. But you do pay like a very small amount $30 or so to have access to the entire data base of mystery shopping. I loved it!! I just did not have time anymore to get it all in....and honestly for all of the paperwork and searching i did on the sites the pay off at the end was not worth it. I ended up spendig more $$ than I was making. But it was a fun experience- I got to do alot of different things and see different things! I did get paid too. I would recieve checks in the mail - pretty much reimbursing me anything that I purchased (they give small limits) and the compensation on top of that. It would be fun as something different to do but I would not recommend as dependant extra income. I became a certified Gold Member and everything...




    have a friend that does it now as a part time thing....what they do sounds similar to what you are describing...she will at her own cost go to say wendy's and buy very specifically what they want her to...she rates times...cust service...accuracy...and quality....she might spend 4 bucks of her own money to do this..then the job might pay 8..they then send 12 for that job....they do it by who is availible in what area and when....i really wouldnt say it is much of a paying job though...kind of a 70-80 profit in a week

  5. once worked a job that taught us no soliciting meant come on in....we did and sold just as well in those with the sign as those without



    id say the answer is get the neighborhood to agree to always give solicitors a hard time...every time....otherwise the folks selling will remember your neighborhood as one with meaningless signs up...where sales can still be made

  6. You know, I didn't have a problem with him and his abilities as an eye dr. I had a problem w/ his unprofessional, unqualified staff, his lack of compassion and his greed! It's a shame that they spend so much time and money to become educated and then are just educated jerks!




    i think a good " bedside manner " is half of what it takes to be a good doctor

  7. Pcom this will not cost you anything, but a few minutes, :wub:


    I have to have my 2 CT scans done in the morning, they will be checking my liver, pelvis, kidneys, stomach, so if you would please think of me or say a prayer (which ever applies to you) My test is at 8:30 in the morning, ( Friday 9-23-06) but I believe in getting a head start, so it is ok if you start praying or thinking of me tonight like now :rolleyes: ;)


    I just want everything to be healing the way it should be. I am hoping to go back to work next Thursday on light duty for at least a month.


    If you would also say a prayer or think of my Hubby he has to see his Doctor in the morning at 11:00:


    we are just burn out at sitting at home and we are ready to get back to our lives, it has been a little over a month now, so Hopefyully we both will be able to go back to work next week, with some restrictions.


    So just think of us tomorrow, and pray that everything will be going in the right direction for us as far as healing:


    ok thats all, see... didn't cost anything, :wub:




    done and done...good luck!........and next time keep the rubber side DOWN

  8. I was thinking you had to take the children in also, thanks for clarufying it :) Would love to hear more and other peoples thoughts etc



    jess...meet critty...critty meet jess.....now you guys are a pair....i know jess and i know critty through her posts...yall are great folks....i for one think yall should team up and go for it....

  9. I seriously doubt that they'd carry out an attack when the details were available on the internet.....


    I have neither the means nor the storage space to squirrel away 6 months worth of food. I reckon I'll take my chances.




    survival of the fittest.....imagine a katrina like event....with no where to move to and no one to help...



    think it cant happen....so did ROME...so did the INCANS...EGYPTIAN EMPIRE..maybe lol ATLANTIS...the BUBONIC PLAGUE didnt happen till it did..heck the native americans most likely thought they had it good in 1491...HITLER didnt think he could ever lose...plenty of jewish folks were comfortable in germany before hitler came to power...



    remember the bumper sticker...."shiit happens"....well it does



    even the boy scouts have a motto "be prepared"



    it isnt an if...it is a WHEN....something new comes about every time the sun comes round again

  10. well knowing that citgo will be affected in a negative way by chavez's trip to the un...i would call that a success...


    i agree, i won't watch any of his movies anymore, hugging with someone that would have him killed

    we buy a billion and a half of oil from chavez ( ithink that is what i heard) a day, if i were

    chavez, i wouldn't want to do business with the devil. he owned all the citgo stations. i think

    pres. bush has something planned for chavez and that little runt in iran. people like him

    can come to the u.s. because of the u.n. but can only travel up to 25 miles away from it.

    i think u.s. should pulled out of the u.n. taking all our money with us! i don't think it has

    ever been very effective!





    name one thing the un has done lately to benefit the world....cause i missed it

  11. and, I've always loved Danny Glover ::sigh::



    or did you just love the way he read lines someone else wrote?


    It is believed that the head Iranian muckety muck just might have been one of the captors in the Iranian hostage crisis in 1979. A real class act...



    he was according to a friend i have that is from iran originally.....




    wouldnt it be sweet if ajerbadiandsaai whatever had to do 445 days here before his trip back to his dictatorship

  12. Has anyone tried the Mellow Mushroom yet? And it couldn't be as bad as the KFC right??? :unsure:




    man dont put kfc and the mellow mushroom in the same post with each other....kfc in dallas is just plain allround everytime and i mean everytime nastyx7....mellow mushroom is gooood


    Mellow Mushroom is absolutely one of the best pizzas in Atlanta, well next to OZ but I think that they have gone out of business.

    I think it is funny that some don't like the Mushroom when Pizza Hut was ranked the best pizza in Atlanta. Just shows me that not many people in Atalnata knows good pizza.




    now the best pizza in atlanta is the buckhead fellini's







    and for the record i wouldnt know good chinese food....ive never had such

  13. yeah, let's piss the rest of the world off


    just stop reading the news and go outside on this glorious day





    yea...lets not make the rest of the world mad...they might attack us...tell me again what was it again that we did to provoke 9-11....must have been something specific...if we quit being so damned defensive and just let the little dictators have their nuke's they will just fade away and be peace loving.....we are the real threat to world peace....of course i am a flaming idiot





    it is a nice day though....first day of fall i think


    I couldn't agree more!


    I rarely watch the news. I would rather enjoy life and not worry about things I really cannot control anyway. It is all so overwhelming, I would just rather be in my own little world.




    go muslim and they will require you as a female to be in your own little world.....thailand just got taken over by a peaceloving muslim by the way

  14. was there yesterday dropping some stuff off...saw a beautiful dog come in while i was there...they scanned him for a chip and he didnt have one so like eddie said in an earlier post...get em chipped....



    oh and bump

  15. Even better.......... Deputy Dog has now COME HOME from work to fix it for me. He is out in the drive way gesturing wildly with a crescent wrench.

    Please God, don't make me have to go out there and watch him try to fix an electrical problem with a hammer, (or a .45).



    lol once had a buddy lose his key...we had to go THEN...well he took a hammer and broke the steering column so it would crank....didnt need a key ever again....we got in the blazer and there in the center changeholder was his key

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