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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. :D It's time to tell everything you have ever done BAD here....That includes you..Lady Raider :o No one is innocent..I have seen and heard you all, But obviously, I am the only one that got there balls out of layaway today... :p Who is first??? CONFESS YOUR SINS ON PCOM.....It even includes talkin about somebody without there knowledge..PMs.. ETC....Don't make me take another BULLET to get this started, I'm still BLEEDIN from tha last bullets I got... :angry:




    i once milked a cow out of turn

  2. if it was just play...you know...im gonna get yoooouuuu...id let the dad handle it.....and sounds like he has handled it already....the little girl might have thought absolutely nothing of it....worse happens on spongebob every hour your child is watching


    cant see it otherwise...cause then the kid has issues and im sure the type of dad he seems to be would be aware of that





    this is just a molehill

  3. the whole "can't get it" if you quit is a loada crap too, depending on the circumstances you can get it for quitting too..... I think it all has to do with the mood of the unemployment staff, if their boss is pissy that day, you're probably in luck! :lol:


    I have had employees get fired for almost the exact same reason and one was rejected and one was approved for unemployment.... go figure.... :wacko:




    yep...your govt at work

  4. Do you think it would be worse being able to see for most of you life and losing your eyesight, knowing that you can't see the beauty in nature any longer OR being born with no sight having never seen any of the beauty and making the images on your own?


    I have a very dear friend of the family that may be facing this situation and I can not imagine what it would be like. I was born cross eyed and the doctors were able to do surgery to correct it but told me several years back that it was very possible that it could revert back. A couple of weeks ago, I noticed it and went into a panic not ever thinking that I could lose sight but that they could fix it. Just wondering what others think.




    i sort of think it must be like the ability to fly...if we as humans could all do it we would think it tragic if one of us lost the ability...i think it would be quite a loss...but you would at least have had the experience.....in reality we cannot naturally fly and it really has no bearing on my life...i dont miss what i never had


    so having it and losing it would be bittersweet for me

    never having it seems like more of an issue for those feeling sorry for me...i do understand that i would want badly to do what everyone else could though..




    my smallest son was born crosseyed and luckily it adjusted itself....cute little guy

  5. I read your story and I'm sad for what you're going through. It sounds to me like you might need some help. Depending on medication to get you through your life is no way for anyone to live. But you have recognized here that you have this problem, and perhaps it cost you a job today, but that is just temporary.


    There will be other jobs, and you will come through this.


    Please, get someone to help you. There is no reason whatsoever that you should watch your life fall apart because you are a loving enough child to care for your aging and ill parents. There are many, many people here who have been through similar difficulties. Me, for example.


    You blame yourself and feel like you're failing in everything--honey, you're just overwhelmed. Please reach out and ask for the help you so clearly need. And don't let perscription drugs numb the pain--you can get through this without them. They just make every bad thing that much worse.






    what she said^^^^


    find a doctor you trust and tell your whole story...they will help you get through this with minimum pain....you will feel better and get your life back

    good luck...post us with updates please

  6. 1. Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.


    2. If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be “meetings.”


    3. There is a very fine line between “hobby” and “mental illness.”


    4. People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them.


    5. You should not confuse your career with your life.


    6. Nobody cares if you can’t dance well. Just get up and dance.


    7. Never lick a steak knife.


    8. The most destructive force in the universe is gossip.


    9. You will never find anybody who can give you a clear and compelling reason why we observe daylight savings time.


    10. You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests that you think she’s pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that moment.


    11. There comes a time when you should stop expecting other people to make a big deal about your birthday. That time is age eleven.


    12. The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status or ethnic background, is that, deep down inside, we ALL believe that we are above average drivers.


    13. A person, who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person. (This is very important. Pay attention. It never fails.)

    14. Your friends love you anyway.


    15. And the most important one, according to my wife . . . Men are like a fine wine. They start out as grapes, and it’s up to women to stomp the crap out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with.



    #10....i have been in trouble a few times before on that one lol


    #13 is a good one....i will teach my girls to watch how a guy treats his mother...cause thats who he really is

  7. that if you do harm to another- whether it is by words, actions or just out of plain revenge and spite that one day the person who did this to you will "reap what they've sown"? I was just wondering. I know sometimes bad things happen to good people in order to get some one else's attention. Just wanted to know how many of you all think the same way I do.





  8. Well what do you expect? With all the new houses going up, more people moving into Paulding all the statistics (good and bad) are going to go up! More houses, more people, more cars and the parents have to drive to tim-buck-too for employment, because there are no industrial jobs here or any manufactoring jobs (none to brag about anyway!). Mainly we have Retail and Restaurant and some County jobs. There will be an increase in the crime rate, and everything that goes with it. We think we have a good county cause we don't hear of the bad stuff happening. You don't hear about this kind of stuff in the newspapers beacuse, they don't print the REAL news. The newspapers will tell us when Bobbie Jo married Big Bubba and Betty Sue and Billy Bob had a baby girl. Or Martha Jean won 1st Prize in the Flower Show at the County Fair. BUT, NO REAL NEWS!! Might as well get use to hearing Paulding County on the Television News!! :ninja:




    bobbie jo married big bubba? when?



    i thought they broke up when mama gave away the trailer home to make up for the transmission bubba's brother drove off the cliff while he was spotlightin deer last year...but thats just rumor...where's the hosepipe?


    you got a ink pen?

    cut the light on

  9. The oil cartel, which is in the business of fixing prices, recognizes that $3.00 gallon gasoline would kill their control over the congress and jeapordize their ability to raise the price to $3.50 a gallon by March '07.


    Their desire to drop prices to the under $2.00/gallon level is the reason for increase in the stock market ... i.e. the increase in the stock market and the drop in energy prices are connected.


    Second, the drop in the price of gasoline and the fact of the fourth quarter explain any improvement in employment.


    As far as the hurricane season being a bust ... I think it is absurd to blame GWB for the hurricanes of '05 (although not the federal government's response) or the lack thereof in '06.


    So, in the end, this rant makes about as much sense as the reaction of Dennis Hastert to the fact he has a pedophile representing the GOP on the Sexually Abused and Exploited Child Caucus of Congress.






    earth can be fun...welcome to the human zoo

  10. i let mine go but they must not go to the evil ones home...so we just avoid the x and all is well




    I am phreaking out that you brought that up, because my MIL has actually got me fighting mad about that. She says Santa is a subtle way to get your kids to deny God. Yep, that's what she said.


    Well, I would like to thank you phrecks for supporting my opinion about my MIL being clinically insane. My wife agrees with me on that, though she doesn't speck it very ophten!! ;)



    mil sounds like fil isnt doing his husbandly job very well....if you need a corn cob puller i have one you can give to her

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