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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. I assume all those Chineese and Indians either parked, or sold their cars last week ?


    Or could it be the Repubs are concerned [not here] about the November election and decided at least for now to get the price back down ?



    sad part is you are right....even tho im a republican i will admit this may be the case...george and gang aint perfect or above wanting to further their chances using any means availible



    but neither are the dems

  2. i hear they are giong to fine him the most a mexican court has ever fined an american...just cause he is a rich celebrity and has the money...a cool g


    then they are going to finance the government of chihuahua for six months with it



    they dont accept credit cards tho wire transfers are acceptable

  3. How about some feedback on whether we should have this experienc in our future.....don't forget we are already committed for September 30 in Hiram!!!!!

    Another Excuse to Have Fun and Help our Furry Friends!!!!!


    :wub: ,





    great idea...sun valley is basically paulding...the owners are nice folks and would be a missed opportunity if passed on



    success if it gets just one more involved

  4. They sell beer at Chuckie Cheese.....and it's usually packed to the gills with kids.


    I wouldn't mind as long as it doesn't get out of hand. Most adults are responsible.



    well then if it is ok with the chuckie cheeses board of directors it is ok by me....im sure they arent motivated by the bottom line at all...they just love kids



    at the local pool i think it is ok as long as it is kept in good taste....do drunks no cups half full on the ground no happy folks driving through the hood with a beer buzz while others walk home on the roadside etc

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