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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. I think you misunderstood .. it's not one lie.. it is a million lies and half truths surrounded by drug abuse


    either that or you are just trying to be an A-hole...and if that's the case. it worked




    lol...im not gonna lie...i am an ahole



    but in this case i wasnt trying to be one


    just that true friends will do most anything for a friend...no matter what..


    friends are most needed in a situation such as you described...


    but if you are just a fair weather friend....bail


    im sure they would do the same for you if you needed help

  2. cancel the friendship.....what are friends for?


    i mean they LIED to you....you havent ever lied have you?



    it depends on what type of friends you guys are


    just friends


    fair weather friend


    true friends


    best friends

  3. I had to look up that one. I know I shouldn't have.


    That's like today I was reading an article on the Screech (SBTB actor) that just released a sex tape where he's caught giving a "dirty sanchez". I shouldn't have looked that one up either!





    now i have an image of screech in my head i wish i hadnt



    thanks wikopedia


    learn something new everyday


    did lisa finally give in?

    or was it zach?

  4. sad to hear about this...but it is now in the past and you know what to do with your future.....now you can find the RIGHT guy and quit wasting time with someone so selfish as to threaten your families lives



    congratulations you will be fine

  5. http://articles.news.aol.com/news/_a/at-52...S00010000000001


    :( When is this going to stop? What is next the draft?




    yea they came and took this lady from her home and made her go to iraq against her will....NOT



    please dont dishonor her name treating her like an unwilling victim...she was where she wished to be, doing something she believed in...she is to be commended


    not used to criticise something she was fighting for




    but i do see you dallas red are a military family and i can see how you could be quite frustrated with loved ones in harms way....bless them and you

  6. heck i guess i am the one that the originated the 60 dollar a week thing in another post


    what we were saying there was ways to cut back when you were in dire straights and had to...internet or food..internet with comcast at 60 a month for example...


    so i wasnt saying i did it regularly...but if my family of 4 was about to go into such a financial situation as needing foodstamps, i would kill all the frills we have ie cell, internet, cable, etc


    and i would spend it on my families basic needs...60 a week and we wouldnt eat steak...but foodstamps wouldnt be necessary...give it to those that really need it



    and yes i am the grocery shopper in my family

    kroger i think has albacore tuna on sale 20 for 10 by the way

    love the 10 for 10 sale

    and marie callanders is good stuf...they were 5 for 10 recently

  7. hmm...i feel for the lady and her family...but...the kid apparently is in jail cause an argument started....he blew up, the cops came, and when they come for a domestic....someones going to the pokey....it will be good for him


    my comcast is about 60 a month..i could feed four for a week with that if i had too...money management is part of the WHOLE problem here....the power co didnt ask me for a $300 deposit..


    i wont say who but i happen to know one of the "know it all's" is a therapist that is trained in dealing with this type of thing...


    compassion to me is offering solutions not there theres only...your there theres do nothing but make YOU feel better...if she followed advice given...HER life might get better

  8. I was afraid that was the answer.

    I wonder how well the road will hold up?

    Thanks, just dreaming.

    mrsjones, RAKLed! auntsugar will get you for that.

    (Can I order a batch of fudge? :p )




    must be a private road..otherwise i think the dirt used for a public roadbed would have to pass certain tests..



    how it will compact ...how it will wash...etc...



    i have done tamping of backfill areas and if it is the dirt i am thinking of it is a nightmare to compact, and no adhesion...just kind of rolls..which now that i think about it sugar crystals roll around without adhering to each other

  9. fun to research real or not...i guess if i had to bet..i would say they exist...many of em...and all over..


    turns out most american indian tribes believe in sasquatch..they call him or they " big brother ",

    and say we will never catch one as bigfoot is sort of psychic...on a higher level than humans when it comes to nature and awareness, and makes a choice whether or not you see it...also say they are able to just up and fade out...disappear...we use 10% of our brain, maybe they use more..they have bigger feet, why not bigger brains..where there is one there is another..so when it dies it is not left to find


    i also listened to some of the vocalization recordings allegedly of bigfoot's and i am sure some of them are fake, but some of them...i can see how they could communicate over miles that way...spooky and booming...wouldnt want to piss one off


    anyhow i do hope they exist and are around for a while..

    heck we have thousands of species on earth...why not?

  10. well Dang some one trying to confuse me:


    Now I done forgot what I was posting to pengiun LOL


    ok Earnest T you can close my Topic if you would like, but please aim in the right direction LOL


    Glassman it is your avatar that is scaring them LOL




    it is a cool avatar....



    reminds me of me in the am

  11. That was kind of strange. Someone comes in begging for help, then it just goes away. Makes you wonder.




    man...kind of a connundrum.. i hope brandi finds what she is searching for....good luck to her



    gotta call my mom...this whole thing has made me miss her

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