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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. Yep, last time I went to Dunkin Donuts I saw that and I thought how do you give me exceptional service handing me a donut. For crying out loud, at any of my jobs they told me what they would pay me. I'd either do a good job or I'd be walking. I can just hear "oh please boss give me a tip for handing you your reports". All my life I've been told what they'd pay me. If I didn't like it, well you know what I could do.The consumer going to a restaurant, beauty shop or whatever, pays that blasted business for the food and someone to bring it to me. Hell for the 3 or 4 dollar tip I might have to pay for a steak, I'll really rather they let me pick it up at the counter, carry my dish to the kitchen and pour myself a glass of tea. :angry: Maybe that would be a good restaurant concept. :lol: :lol:




    lol great point...



    ill bet it is pretty hard donut wranglin.....and then add coffee tossin to it and man...what a workout

  2. Crap....are we supposed to tip these people too......man...who knew I was so cheap?




    yep...if you tip everyone for providing a service you would go broke....the food industry gets away with underpaying people on the bottom end and the top end benefits from you paying tips instead of the owners paying a living wage....ever met an indigent restauranteer? how about a wealthy food server?

  3. why sure i do...that way the tightwads that own the place can put more $ in their own pockets.....what a scam....they bring the food to you? yee haw...what food establishment doesnt?



    who else do you tip?



    garbage man?


    meter reader?

    the checkout person?

    paper delivery person?

    oil change?

    any service that comes to your home ie hvac, carpenter, plumber, septic tank pumper outer, tow truck driver?

    santa at the mall?

    the elves?

  4. I knew my Orange Club membership expired tomorrow, but due to finances I wasn't going to renew until later.


    It was renewed for me today. :(


    So, my Pcom membership for this next year cost me 19.95 plus a 25.00 overdraft fee since I didn't have any money to start with. :angry:


    Subscribers using a credit (or in my case debit) card beware. :blink:








    actually you can kiss that 44.95 away...according to my calculations

  5. probably from a cigarette butt..but then also consider




    maybe an evil parakeet trained to start fires with matches


    maybe a non smoker trying to frame smokers


    maybe something hot fell off of the space shuttle


    maybe god killing a small scale soddom and gamorra



    perhaps a flake of lava drifted high into the atmosphere from hawaii, blew across the pacific, started its decent in alabama, and lit a fire here in dry pinestraw



    global warming?

  6. Storing of any type of chemical is usually prohibited in most office parks. There are several mini-warehouse/office buildings around the county and that would probably be your best bet to get started. But they usually want a 12 month lease with one to two months rent as a security deposit.


    I've been in your shoes before when I started my first business, might be best to start at home for a few months till you get the business up and running good.


    Good Luck!



    dont know if the sign is still there but there is a place in new hope....citgo at hiway 381 and bobo rd.... upstairs i think....300 bucks a month...there is a thrift store a dominoes and pete's barber shop right there

  7. once threw my back completely out doing some tree work....couldnt move the pain was so intense...and i mean fred flintstone bent over couldnt move...didnt believe in chiropractors but was taken that sunday to a friend of a friend that was one.....went to his home where there was a weight bench and he adjusted me...and i could move again...i dont use one regularly but damn if it didnt fix me

  8. We built a big built in in the living room to house some of our books.....and we have built-in at the end of the hall......and I want more in my office........and in the "school room". Hi, My name is Pam and I have a book problem.





    we filled up the shelves and have just resorted to cardboard boxes....i remember back in the day i could put everything i owned in a bag on the back of my motorcycle..now it would take 3 or four semi's...one just for the books

  9. :o




    Poor Willy. He just likes to get stoned. He doesn't want to hurt anyone. But props to him for continuing the party!




    And as a sidenote, WTH? They find a pound and a half in his bus, AND shrooms, and he gets a misdemeanor citation? Anyone else would be thrown in the slammer posthaste!





    i thought they had made a law that said willie had to have some pot everyday.....so he would remember to pay his taxes

  10. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    I'm a happy camper with what I've got...... everything matches and we go no where special.


    The real funny thing is when we go to church.....one pair of jeans is in better shape than the other.....so I make sure I wear my "goin to meetin" jeans. :lol:


    Now my weakness is books...and as a homeschooler I have a fortune tied up in books. :rolleyes:





    man we do too....most of our nicer furniture is actually well placed books

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