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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. Goin to the Drive In, Interstate85

    Goin to Stone Mountain before it was commercialized

    Sittin in the Tucker 1st Baptist Parking lot for hours talkin to friends



    bravo21 ...did you live in the tucker area? i grew up right behind the 85 drive in..ahhh crusin stone mountain

  2. If I'm not mistaken, and someone will correct me if I am :p ,


    I think it was the start of UHF channels for us and it was WTBS, channel 17


    in dekalb co growing up i remember thinking hbo? cable? what the heck is this stuff we already had tons of channels..2..5..11..17..36..46..69 and pong too


    and i miss just the innocence of being a kid...somehow kids now over 8 or so seem to....know too much they shouldnt

  3. Mine, too. I love hearing old songs and thinking back as to what I was doing, who I was with, etc. For example:


    "Afternoon Delight" - 1976, I was thirteen and had my first boyfriend. We had season's passes to Six Flags and went with two other "couples." Loved the Chevy Show, Okeefanokee Swamp and picnic area because those were prime smooching spots! ;) I shudder to think of letting my eleven year old go to Six Flags alone. Even though we were a group, we still did what I don't want her to do!!!


    I love music and have always wished I could sing. Can't carry a drop in a bucket!


    P.S. I get chills anytime I hear an Elvis song, especially Love Me Tender. He shore was purty!




    my first girlfriend and i met at a youth group trip to six flags in 1982...i was 13....nothin like first kiss..afternoon delight is always goin in my head lol with the skyrockets and all...and i will agree elvis was one of a kind although im gonna have to go with suspicious minds

  4. in my opinion she was a lucky lady all the way through/ or she has one more secret not told.. credit to the" she knew him" thing being that she didnt appear hurt after spending the time with a murderous/ rapist/on a drug known to increase sex drive, and lil ole him just facing death by cop or the injection....sure was lucky he happened on a girl like her with meth...and they talked religion..had coffee..cleaned a little...then wasnt it the next morning he let her drive off to the store and he just hangs around the apt waiting for oprah to come on..sheeeeeeze this one looks like a duck and it just quacked...oh oh and the book deal..she probably never saw that one coming(gosh no who would?) but how nice of her to make one for us in four months... but im tired and cynical so probably wrong


    and yall if the meth really helped...lets give meth the credit it deserves...cudos meth

  5. people need something to believe in..life here for most is short and harsh..easy to see how people look for something better in the great unknown hereafter..throw in the power/control/pass the plate $$$ thing and religion is the first business created..i am not saying there is not a god, not saying there is..i am not sure...and im pretty sure i never will be till i quit breathing..i always wondered if god created all and god created death how did god come to first know death? also i think that to limit the answers to the big "why" question to religion of man/science of man i pick #3..

  6. I hate to call you out, but really, why do you have to use a Christian symbol to mock?!?!?  You are not a Christian, we get it.  But really, can't you at least be a little respectful of others, by not making a mockery out other's religious beliefs.



    why? my guess would be a need for attention...how can a person that does not respect themself show respect for others? also being self righteous leaves one hard pressed to actually think that someone else may have a differing opinion of any value...kinda like the "yea yea whatever..now listen to me" attitude i see in EVERY post made..so much baiting going on that fish is the appropriate symbol...no need to believe in a perfect being when you already are..why look for answers when you have them all?



    from an agnostic with hope

  7. if meth/glass/ice/shard/tina/crystal/ whatever keeps going like it is it will make all other "recreational" drugs look like a joke. it is coming so hard and fast that it will cripple our justice system in ten years or less..i so sincerely hope i am wrong but this bomb is lit and it has a short fuse..dont fool yourselves it is here in paulding and kudzu has nothing on it when it comes to spreading fast..not trying to scare anyone but WAKEUP if you think pot is the big problem..like worring about a splinter in your toe when your head is on fire

  8. We just finished a meeting with a client. This man is one of the nicest, most sincere, humble, honest, caring individuals you could ever meet.


    Yet, when you find out the true story of his life, he has been through SO many things that are simply undeserving of someone of his character, and just plain unfair; but: he holds his head high. :)


    Why is it, that no good deed goes unpunished, and nice guys always finish last? It disturbs me. :unsure:



    sounds like he is doing fine..his strength is enough to carry him through his burdens..his hardships show by example to those that are in similar circumstances that are unsure "why" to keep being nice, sincere, humble and caring....being those things are what gets him through it with his head still held high..he has rewards most dont dream of..and qualities most never fathom

  9. All I'm saying is that, assuming most of the members of this board attended school in Georgia, the grammar and spelling are a pretty good indication of how bad the Georgia educational system truly is.


    If I had a dollar for every grammatically incorrect PROFESSIONALLY MADE sign I've seen in Paulding county, I'd move.


    And if I may....

    Loose is the opposite of tight.


    Lose is the opposite of gain.


    Me thinks someone

    might need to use an anal retention checker every now and then.

    Now go wash your hands, go wash your hands, go wash your hands.

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