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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. Here is one of my favorites, what is yours?


    Professor Pubblylinski who studies the supernatural was speaking to a large group of Douglasville Residents. He began talking about ghosts and asked “How many here believe in ghosts?” About 90 percent of the hands in a very large auditorium of people go up. Pubblylinski says, that’s about how many hands normally go up when I ask that question. “How many of you have seen a ghost?” About 50 percent of the hands go up. Professor is thinking, well that’s about normal. “How many of you have had sex with a ghost?” and way in the back the auditorium this man is raising his hand. Professor Pubblylinski says “ excuse me sure could you stand up?” The man stands up and the Professor says “you really had sex with a ghost? You are the first person who has ever raised their hand when I ask that question, tell us is it true?” the man says “aw heck no, I thought you said goat”




    ohhhh badd




    lemme see


    there is an elderly man, recently married to a young wife, that goes to the doctor for his checkup


    all checks out well and in discussion the elderly gentleman mentions to the doctor that his new bride is pregnant...


    the doctor proceeds to tell the old man a story


    once there was a man that lived by a creek...every spring the creek would be stopped up by a beaver, swamping the mans house...the man set up traps each year to catch the beaver and prevent the flooding, but to no avail..finally one year he actually caught sight of the beaver but had nothing but a walking cane at his side and the beaver too far off to hit..


    so he raised up his walking stick in frustration, pointed it at the beaver and yelled BANG!!!


    the beaver fell over dead...


    the elderly gentleman asked the doctor what the point of the story was


    well the doc said....someone else shot that beaver

  2. what bwitchy said


    hell only exists for those who believe in it



    everyone believes in some version of hell.......dont have to die to experience some versions


    faith is a powerfull thing.....but from what i see no one truly knows what lies on the other side...except those on it


    bumper stickers like that are just a play for attention....going against the grain....what you make of the bumper sticker probably reflects what you would like to believe you believe in....or not

  3. If they were about to attack why would they warn us? This is probably just a ploy to keep us edgy. When they stop yammering will be the time to really worry. Of course, they are crazy, so you never really know.



    terrorism is not the act of violence....it is the threat of violence and the reaction to it

  4. I agree. I had to get into a very serious accident before I learned my lesson. In hindsight, I was lucky to "walk" away from it.....however....at 17 kids know everything...they are also 10 feet tall and bulletproof.

    I leave for work with at least 15 minutes to spare in case I encounter traffic, need gas, or whatever may arise. I've found that when I get to work that 15 minutes early (if all is smooth on the roads) I actually have a better day because I'm not launching right into work. I can actually pull my mind together :)

    hmm....I'm sure someone will b!tch about their right to speed? I've wondered this myself.


    Perhaps this video will show you what happens when folks drive the speed limit on 285. This is actually 285. A group of students made an independent film about 5 minutes long. It's called A MEDITATION ON THE SPEED LIMIT





    man that video pretty much tells the story......and you could do the same video night or day 364 days a year on 285..or 75...or 85..or 400.....with the possible exception of christmas morning...when everyone passes out presents to the ones they care lol for

  5. I understand your sentiment; but its not the bikes fault. I would encourage your son to take extra Motor cycle safety courses that are offered by M.S.F. They also have an advanced rider course. I also ride with the attitude that everyone in a car is an asshole who is trying to kill me or wreck me. It has kept me riding for 20 years now. To all the bikers who don't have this going thru their mind....... Your going to get hurt when you become complacent. Riding is a lot of fun and a way of life but you can not drop your guard; you have to think for yourself and the IDIOT in the car who is on their cell phone instead of paying attention to how they are driving. I hate hearing about a fellow biker getting hurt , I hope he recovers quickly!!




    same thought here...been licensed m since the 80s...did 10 years with a bike as my only transport in atlanta..people trying to kill me every day


    now when i am in a car i still notice rocks, sticks, people tossing cigarettes, people making right turns right in front of you while LOOKING right in your eyes, etc....


    also learned NEVER trust someones turn signal....1/4 of em are just on for no good reason


    light changes green...i look for the ahole running the red light before i go...most common


    keep the rubber side down

  6. i know in emergencies it may be necessary to speed....but i have always wondered since the speed limit is at max maybe 70 or so around here ( maybe higher in desert areas i dont know for sure) but why do they produce cars that will go 100 easy and some much faster...140?..heck 285 averages 80+ from what i have seen


    why not govern em?

  7. All I can say is God bless America (and he surely has). We bitch a lot for such a pampered people. We really need to be thankful for what we have here. Great post.





    yep...its the pamperin that leads to the bitchin...they dont know the other options they could have been born into...the usa is the best

  8. cops are just like regular folks...some good some bad....the bad ones do get remembered longer though and give the good ones a bad reputation..and there are some bad ones here in georgia. i think the bad ones do the good ones a disservice and make things more dangerous for the good...



    so to the good cops...thank you for your service

    to the bad...do us and your "brothers" a favor and find another line of work...

  9. I agree it is just a 'molehill' to use your word, but wanted to see what others who were 'outside the situation' thought. Emotions can get the better of you when it is YOUR child who was threatened with a knife, no matter how innocent the play.


    And I can not speak for what type of dad he is, though it seems that you can. I do not know him from Adam, as my old Grandma used to say.




    just gave my opinion which is all i can give based on your limited info posted....



    cannot speak for what type of dad he is...seems like is what i said...type of dad he seems like...just like your post seemed to be asking for our personal opinion...which in most cases is not dead on because we were "outside the situation"..


    and if my kid was threatened by a knife i wouldnt have to ask what to do..i would use my best judgment period

  10. Glad to hear he liked the Goldenrods. Got plenty more if yall want 'em.

    Yeah, I was watching Futurama, but I had to turn it when PeeWee came on. I didn't like him when the show was new, but with his recent child pornography conviction, I can't even bare to here his voice!



    what the heck is up with them putting pee wee on anyhow...man what a freaked out show...they should burn all of the tapes.....futurama is great....family guy is pretty good...robot chicken is well better than pee wee...but then so are self inflicted cigarette burns....now midnight is a dreaded hour lol



    pee wee....they are lucky i am not the hirin firin guy at cartoon network cause whoever thought up " lets resurrect pee wee" would be lookin for a job


    im thinkin of calling comcast and asking for a refund of 1/24 th of my bill..

  11. Watches,it all started with watches :p




    like these?






    Posts: 489

    From:PC GA, USA

    Registered: Jun 2000

    posted May 31, 2003 08:06 PM Click Here to See the Profile for neomax Click Here to Email neomax Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote


    New Finder's Keepers



    Ten items hidden


    Cash and watches can be found;

    along a path upon the ground


    Where in Paulding, I'll say not yet,

    but hint and hint, you'll get a set;


    A set of what you ask, oh curious one;

    of cards that say that you have won,


    A $50, two $20's, a ten, three ones;

    they're all for you and five watches too.


    But where in Paulding, you ask again;

    I'll hint and hint to questions here

    you'll find them for sure, I have no fear;


    But where, but where? I'll get to that,

    but you'll have to check back and ask

    to chat.


    I will say one thing, a hint you know;

    if there were trolls, they'd be here for show

    within a mile or so that is, three there'd

    be to render cheer,


    that is of course the jolly kind, the

    kind who smile and make no sound

    the kind who let you pass for free,

    to collect the money free you see


    That's all for now, no pictures shown,

    but know all things may yet be known,

    go look upon a concrete trail in the year

    that you were small and frail.


    Those hints, you see, are just the start,

    ask me here and I'll reply in part

    If you guess the place and say;

    $5.00 to you (paypal) I'll pay!




    I should add in clear English that the items have been hidden on public property that closes at dark. Participation in the Paulding.com Finders-Keepers promotion acknowledges that you do not ascribe any liability to Paulding.com for any action associated with your visits to public property either during operating hour or at any other time. The individual assumes all risk for their participation.


    Placed on public property were two his and her sets of watches (like those hidden last week) and a single Ladies watch. Also hidden were four luggage-tag sized cards informing the finder that these cards will be redeemed for cash by the management of Paulding.com. Also three single dollar bills were placed in the contest area.


    Participants need not dig upon or destroy any public property in order to find or recover any of the Finders-Keepers items. State and local laws prohibit the destruction of public property and I'm sure they'd prosecute those doing so severly.






    G Patton Hughes



    [This message has been edited by neomax (edited May 31, 2003).]






    Posts: 39

    From:Dallas, GA 30157

    Registered: Jun 2001

    posted June 01, 2003 02:35 PM Click Here to See the Profile for GatorFincham Click Here to Email GatorFincham Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote The Silver Comet Trail!






    Posts: 489

    From:PC GA, USA

    Registered: Jun 2000

    posted June 01, 2003 02:47 PM Click Here to See the Profile for neomax Click Here to Email neomax Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Right arm, I say to Gator girl

    but where along that trail

    Think history in miles you'll see

    from Dubya to Roosevelt.


    At least a mile from end to end,

    the place that you're to look,

    upon the wall, down on the ground

    facing you sometimes, the prizes

    are there you see, hidden to be found.


    One little tip, for just one you seek,

    a pair of tweezers will be sleek

    and what one seeks is glistening

    when looked at askance.

    but give away the location not

    its up to you to look,

    enjoy your stroll down memory lane

    and tell the others why you pain

    to stroll so very slowly.





    G Patton Hughes



    [This message has been edited by neomax (edited June 01, 2003).]






    Posts: 489

    From:PC GA, USA

    Registered: Jun 2000

    posted June 01, 2003 11:58 PM Click Here to See the Profile for neomax Click Here to Email neomax Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote The money is there, that is for sure

    cause it don't sprout wings and fly


    So if you want more hints, well here is one

    to get a hint you must ask;

    For talking of the dollars there

    requires a posting task.


    Old timers will remember,

    a movie Paulding scene,

    with Rod Steiger being the one,

    who saw what now is seen,

    lodged in the wood, between the planks,

    there's rolled and tall, a

    greenback be it large or small.


    The money is there, that is for sure

    cause it don't sprout wings and fly

    The larger bills, I know are there,

    cause paypal will make them fly.



    While three single dollar bills were hidden, the bigger money looks something like this. With lamination they measure about 2.5" x 4" and this approach was taken so that we would know when it is found. Instructions for the redemption and the amount are on the back.


    Wouldn't a sponsor's name look good on these too!




    G Patton Hughes



    [This message has been edited by neomax (edited June 01, 2003).]






    Posts: 39

    From:Dallas, GA 30157

    Registered: Jun 2001

    posted June 02, 2003 09:43 PM Click Here to See the Profile for GatorFincham Click Here to Email GatorFincham Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote A triple threat,

    yeah, you bet!

    Whether on the pebble reef

    or down by the leaf.


    From Roosevelt to Sea

    or onward west,

    please tell us which

    route is best.


    A pair at mid-century

    lie just off the trail

    and a single small

    was tall by the nail.


    We rode through the Winnd

    Our legs were aiken

    We rode toward the sea

    and by west we were brakin'!


    By light of day

    or in the heat of night,

    I pause by the old station

    does that feel right?


    Down memory lane

    please explain...

    we looked in between

    for that one's scene.


    Around the bridge

    we looked for the Trolls

    For hours and hours

    we continued our stroll.


    Three Trolls we seek?

    all are of value?

    But where is the glistening,

    under the drive thru?


    Is it with a Gnome

    where we should roam?



    We talked all around,

    'bout a pair & buck found;

    but we await a clue,

    so that more we'll pursue.


    I now have a group,

    who's all in the loop!


    and...Sometime soon,

    prizes WE'LL hide,

    so YOU'LL be the one

    to look far and wide.






    Posts: 489

    From:PC GA, USA

    Registered: Jun 2000

    posted June 02, 2003 10:13 PM Click Here to See the Profile for neomax Click Here to Email neomax Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Gator:


    My compliments


    The years that you seek, begin at 19.33 and end after the turn of the century.


    The first bridge is at,

    the Chamber's parkette

    The second has(d) money,

    all rolled so funny

    and the third was the best

    as it was furthest west


    The other prizes are inbetween

    but I'll only say that I hid them unseen

    for you to gleem at the

    sign on the scene


    On final hint, you may have found it

    is a pair of tickers, but forget the vickers

    and think of a modern movie

    It is one of futuristic fun and its

    name was Logans Run





    G Patton Hughes







    Posts: 39

    From:Dallas, GA 30157

    Registered: Jun 2001

    posted June 05, 2003 08:34 PM Click Here to See the Profile for GatorFincham Click Here to Email GatorFincham Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Had to take a couple of days off from the search. Please let us know if the items are still there. Thanks!






    Posts: 489

    From:PC GA, USA

    Registered: Jun 2000

    posted June 06, 2003 12:35 PM Click Here to See the Profile for neomax Click Here to Email neomax Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote No one has reported finding any of the cash coupons and since their worthless without being 'cashed' ... I can only assume they are still there.


    I will be checking on them probably Sunday, as the weather promises to be a little nasty Saturday.





    G Patton Hughes





    new resident


    Posts: 17


    Registered: May 2003

    posted June 07, 2003 03:16 AM Click Here to See the Profile for thedeerslayer Click Here to Email thedeerslayer Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote 5 days in a row

    on the comet trail

    I looked and looked

    all to no avail

    the money and watches

    I haven't made a dent

    come on neomax







    Posts: 489

    From:PC GA, USA

    Registered: Jun 2000

    posted June 07, 2003 10:18 AM Click Here to See the Profile for neomax Click Here to Email neomax Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Deerslayer:


    Smaller things are harder to find

    sorry to hear that you're in a bind

    but to find the money you have to look

    under stones and in other nooks


    Consider that the pine straw is cover

    but it was there not for you to suffer

    so look closely and you may find

    things worth cash and those that wind


    there is one that you face when coming back

    its the one you need tweezers in your pack

    its hidden but standing 90 degrees

    waist high but still hard to see.


    I hope this helps.





    G Patton Hughes







    Posts: 489

    From:PC GA, USA

    Registered: Jun 2000

    posted June 07, 2003 11:42 PM Click Here to See the Profile for neomax Click Here to Email neomax Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Deerslayer:


    BTW, you want another clue, ask. Need another, ask again. If you don't ask -- and this goes for everyone -- the clues remain as stated.


    Yes, you gotta ask





    G Patton Hughes





    new resident


    Posts: 17


    Registered: May 2003

    posted June 07, 2003 11:55 PM Click Here to See the Profile for thedeerslayer Click Here to Email thedeerslayer Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote found a box of watches today,about 100 yds west of 19.66.


    while poking around in the grass out there today,seen a big copperhead,he could very easily have bitten me,I was that close but he slithered away.be careful.




    new resident


    Posts: 17


    Registered: May 2003

    posted June 08, 2003 12:17 AM Click Here to See the Profile for thedeerslayer Click Here to Email thedeerslayer Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote the one that I face

    when I'm on the way back

    is it in a tree

    or in a rock crack

    can it be found

    on a bridge

    or look further up

    like on a ridge



    how far off the concrete,do we need to be looking






    Posts: 489

    From:PC GA, USA

    Registered: Jun 2000

    posted June 08, 2003 01:37 AM Click Here to See the Profile for neomax Click Here to Email neomax Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Deerslayer:


    Sounds to me like you were right above Logans Crossing ... ... the trailer park right after the 'second bridge'... The hint about logans run above.


    Sorry to hear about the copperhead. I certainly didn't see one when I was there but these creatures are everywhere in the county.


    The money you seek is near the trail;

    the trick, my friend, is to look behind

    rather than on.


    I should add that I'm not one to go wandering in the wood and one ought not walk through high brush anywhere, to find the items.





    G Patton Hughes







    Posts: 39

    From:Dallas, GA 30157

    Registered: Jun 2001

    posted June 08, 2003 03:42 AM Click Here to See the Profile for GatorFincham Click Here to Email GatorFincham Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Deerslayer:


    You had some company on the trail today!


    Gator Girl






    I found the $20, two of the $1 and a pair of watches. Is the $50 west of the $20?


    I've learned to like the Silver Comet Trail oh by the way! Never been out there until this started. Told a few people on the trail about it!


    Write back soon! We just got home from Buckhead!


    Gator Girl




    new resident


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    Registered: May 2003

    posted June 08, 2003 08:33 AM Click Here to See the Profile for thedeerslayer Click Here to Email thedeerslayer Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote gator girl

    what time were ya'll there,my wife and daughter and myself was there from1:00-2:30






    Posts: 489

    From:PC GA, USA

    Registered: Jun 2000

    posted June 08, 2003 10:42 AM Click Here to See the Profile for neomax Click Here to Email neomax Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Gator Girl:


    There are two $20's


    If the $20 you found was west of the $1.00's then it was the most westward of them all.


    Sounds like there's a $20, a$10, a $50, a $1.00 and a single women's watch yet to find.


    This was my first time on that stretch of the Silver Comet Trail and it is rather nice, isn't it.





    G Patton Hughes







    Posts: 39

    From:Dallas, GA 30157

    Registered: Jun 2001

    posted June 08, 2003 11:31 AM Click Here to See the Profile for GatorFincham Click Here to Email GatorFincham Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote We were on the trail from about 3:15 till about 5:00 or so. We know the lady that was on patrol yesterday. She lives in my subdivision.


    I will let you know what else we find. Thanks!


    Gator Girl






    Posts: 39

    From:Dallas, GA 30157

    Registered: Jun 2001

    posted June 08, 2003 05:24 PM Click Here to See the Profile for GatorFincham Click Here to Email GatorFincham Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote NeoMax:


    Just a few questions!


    1) Is there anything to the left of the Chamber TrailHead toward the Winndale Road bridge? I consider to the left to be after the garden area at the TrailHead sign.


    2) I found one of my items under a bridge...Is that the only item that is "under a bridge"?


    3) How many items were hidden in the construction area at Seaboard? Meaning from where the gravel area starts at the road and ends on the other side of the bridge at the old markers.


    4) Should we look around the Chamber building?


    5) How many items were hidden between "Logan's Run" and mile marker 20?


    6) Was the single ladies watch hidden in a "weather-proof" area?


    7) Are tweezers needed for more than one item?


    Please write back soon! I am starting to drive my husband crazy with this whole thing. He thinks I am insane! hahaha


    Gator Girl






    Posts: 489

    From:PC GA, USA

    Registered: Jun 2000

    posted June 08, 2003 05:56 PM Click Here to See the Profile for neomax Click Here to Email neomax Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote 1) Is there anything to the left of the Chamber TrailHead toward the Winndale Road bridge? I consider to the left to be after the garden area at the TrailHead sign.




    2) I found one of my items under a bridge...Is that the only item that is "under a bridge"?




    3) How many items were hidden in the construction area at Seaboard? Meaning from where the gravel area starts at the road and ends on the other side of the bridge at the old markers.


    I THINK YOU FOUND THE ONE under the bridge but I may have put the single ladies watch there. I made a mistake and didn't keep notes.


    4) Should we look around the Chamber building?




    5) How many items were hidden between "Logan's Run" and mile marker 20?


    I'm not sure.


    6) Was the single ladies watch hidden in a "weather-proof" area? ... IT IS IN A 2" X 8" WHITE BOX.


    7) Are tweezers needed for more than one item? NO


    Please write back soon! I am starting to drive my husband crazy with this whole thing. He thinks I am insane! hahaha


    I hope not





    G Patton Hughes







    Posts: 39

    From:Dallas, GA 30157

    Registered: Jun 2001

    posted June 08, 2003 09:15 PM Click Here to See the Profile for GatorFincham Click Here to Email GatorFincham Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote What do you mean you're not sure! Is that a maybe?!?!? I hope you remember where everything is.


    Anyways, I am assuming that everything now is narrowed down to be between the Trail Head at the Chamber and the Seaboard bridge. But, how far is too far from the concrete to be looking? 5 feet, 10 feet, 20 feet? Also, is anything between the parking lot area and the right turn at the top of the hill that connects to the trailhead at the chamber?


    My mother really wishes that you had told me not to look UNDER the bridges anymore a few days ago. See, I have hung underneath just about every bridge and climbed through the heavy brush to get there. It's amazing that I didn't find the snake like DeerSlayer did. I even took my chances at the West Avenue bridge! It is really high off the ground by the way!


    I have thoroughly combed the whole area again today in three different visits and evidently I need more hints. I have looked just about everywhere you said regarding pine straw and rocks, etc. I also saw where clearly DeerSlayer had been there before me digging around and moving about the brush.


    Give us more clues! P-L-E-A-S-E! I have to get my mind back on Real Estate sales eventually ya know!


    Gator Girl







    Posts: 489

    From:PC GA, USA

    Registered: Jun 2000

    posted June 08, 2003 10:35 PM Click Here to See the Profile for neomax Click Here to Email neomax Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Gator:


    Sounds like you didn't find anything.


    Given what has been found, everything is between the pavement on seaboard ave and the trail head at the Chamber.


    I'd add the clue that of the three remaining, two are waist high or higher.


    Forget the ladies watch.


    Do know that I'm not going to put things anywhere that is inherently dangerous. I should have made that more clear.





    G Patton Hughes







    Posts: 489

    From:PC GA, USA

    Registered: Jun 2000

    posted June 09, 2003 01:05 PM Click Here to See the Profile for neomax Click Here to Email neomax Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Gator:


    I'm considering a stroll this afternoon to see what is left.


    From what I understand, both sets of watches have been found. Also, the $20 coupon under the seaboard bridge was found. Two of the three dollars have been found.


    This leaves the tweezer card, the $50 card and one more coupon ($80.00 total) and the single woman's watch in the 2x8 white box.





    G Patton Hughes







    Posts: 489

    From:PC GA, USA

    Registered: Jun 2000

    posted June 09, 2003 05:43 PM Click Here to See the Profile for neomax Click Here to Email neomax Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote Just got back.


    Forget the watch, forget the dollar

    I looked where I though;

    but you ought not bother;


    but the $10, $20 and $50 were all just there,

    where I left them on the dare,


    Reminders are due from this bard;

    Tweezers are needed to grab one card

    (cause the alternative is destructively hard)


    The one up above, at least head high,

    and the one on the ground

    will not be found

    without removing a stone a round.


    Just from the east of Academy drive

    to the chamber side of Seaboard,

    is one more clue, just for you

    on the chamber side do your cue


    I've looked and spied the three just now

    so I know they're there ... yes wow;

    really suprised that they weren't found

    especially the $50 that is upon the ground.





    G Patton Hughes



    [This message has been edited by neomax (edited June 09, 2003).]


    [This message has been edited by neomax (edited June 09, 2003).]




    new resident


    Posts: 17


    Registered: May 2003

    posted June 09, 2003 10:50 PM Click Here to See the Profile for thedeerslayer Click Here to Email thedeerslayer Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote I'll be out there in the morning,hey do we get anything for bringing in snakes



    His grace is sufficient




    This topic is 2 pages long: 1 2


    All times are ET (US)

  12. here ya go:




    From: G. Patton Hughes

    Category: Category 1

    Date: 14 Jun 1998

    Time: 21:43:09

    Remote Name:



    Hi everyone from Paulding County Georgia.


    My name is G. Patton Hughes and I am the perpetrator of this site.


    For those who are unaware, I am the former editor of the Paulding Neighbor Newspaper there in Dallas. I was associated with that paper for about ten years. My association ended in September 1997.


    Still, people come to me and ask what is going on in the community. While I'm not on top of things as I was once, the other message I get is that many are unsure they're getting the full story.


    Anyway, that is one of the reasons for this site.


    I'm still working through the software but the gut of what I propose is an open forum where the community's members, leaders -- even n'ere do wells -- can visit and exchange ideas.


    That's enough for now except... Pitch in and write what's on your mind. If no one else will answer you, I will.


    G. Patton Hughes


    Last changed: June 16, 1998

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