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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. when my dad remarried a few years back we did his gold benz in shaving cream...well the paintjob was very happy to accept the shaving cream...permanently.....you can still see it today....dad and his wife love it though....reminds them of that fatefull day

  2. I rarely....... I mean rarely.......give financially to anything. First off, we are challenged financially ourselves sometimes (most of the time)..... we live quite modestly (have I told you that I only own two pair of jeans...that's it! No dresses, skirts, slacks, chinos...etc.... two jeans 5 t-shirts,3 bras, 5 panties....shall I go on?) :lol: That's not to say that I don't want to give.....and will give items if I have them to give, I will give time if I am able (hard to do with 3 kids around me all the time .... anybody want them? J/K! ..... but I rarely give money....... I have just found that it brings disappointment all the way around, usually.


    .......and on the flip side..... you will never see me ask anyone (other than Mom and Dad) for money..... or much of anything else for that matter.





    only 3 bras...oh my god.....you are in need of a fundraiser










    kidding yall....kidding

  3. would go back to the day i met pbabe....she was quite mean to me that day and i think that did it for me....someone that didnt blow sunshine just to do it...she has never taken one bit of my bs..she still gives me butterflies



    she has softened up on me a little since then...just a little though

  4. I'll chime in... I'd spend the day with the girl I was going to marry just a few short months after two teens who were racing killed her. A day would be great, but I'd really love just 5 minutes to tell her that I love her one more time. She was killed while I was out of town on Navy duty, and I never had that chance...


    I am very blessed to be married today to a wonderful, beautiful lady who supports me in everything I do... But, as they say, 8 years later, and I still miss the first one every bit as much as I did 8 days after she was taken. Perhaps among my biggest blessings today is being married to a lady who doesn't try and "cover-up" the one that was killed. She is very understanding and allows me "alone time" at the cemetery whenever I need it.



    wow...i think i met her twin sister....mine is the greatest...to me and to my son that she raises like his mom would have wanted

  5. Boo Hoo. If the little angel had not done anything wrong, she would not be in this situation. It was everybodies business when the OP posted about it on a PUBLIC forum. Let her sit there is the most helpful thing that could be done. If mommy goes and bails her out, she'll just do it again.


    Life's tough, get a helmet.




    yep...i go through 3 or 4 a month myself

  6. About 16 years ago, before actually living here, I remember driving around out here, and coming upon a very small roadside cemetary that had only a few graves in it, that appeared to be of Confederate soldiers. I'm not 100% sure, but it seems to me that it was out of the north side of Dallas, maybe off Old Cartersville Road, or in that general vicinity. Does anyone know where this is? I've never been able to find it again, and would like to take a second look at it.




    no cs that i know of but if you go onto brooks rd towards the sheriffs dept from old cartersville rd there is an old family cemetary about 1/4 mile up on the left....fenced in and between the homes..easily missed if you are not looking....OLD....rumors of slave graves there also



    sixteen years ago it would have sat by itself with no homes close to it

  7. even though as a kid i never got to see the inside of an actual working caboose, i always pictured it kind of plush....with a sofa, little kitchen, rest room, and some good books.kind of like a sporting club's smoking room...what did they do in the caboose?


    surely not just ride

  8. I know this was meant for GlassMan. I just couldn't help but to seize the opportunity to talk to you. I can see, by your avatar, that you are very easy to amuse. "Yes," what great big eyes you have!


    I am easily amused, too.


    It was fun to realize that there was a person, or two, riding in the caboose. After waiting on a long train, at a rail road crossing, one expected to get to wave at the man in the little red caboose.

    Thanks for your input, pt4exsway! :)




    lol thanks eddie....beaker is my favorite muppet..and i kind of resemble him to boot....heck i have his luck too



    i heard somewhere recently that " technological advances " had made the caboose obsolete....all i see is a little flashing light lol

  9. yep mizcue is all that and a bag of chips





    heck i love her...and i heard she was loaded once




    and man can she shop

  10. cingular family plan...3 phones..bluetooth on 2 of them...2100 minutes a month shared between phones, each with its own number...free long distance.free mobile to mobile..rollover unused minutes...we have 4000 rollover accumulated..100 bucks a month


    comcast high speed internet and expanded cable...80 bucks a month





    have had dish network and bellsouth in the past....never again

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