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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. What does she actually do? She has monster breasts, other than that a playboy spread in the 80s or 90s and whatelse? a Reality show which hurt her reputation, she was a bitch and idiot in that show. When she opened her mouth all attraction went away for me if there was any.




    more of a who i think

  2. ill bet she stays away from the states for a while....ill would hope if she came back dfacs would be on her like a case of bon bons



    if you asked me to pick babysitters between michael jackson and anna nicole..well lemme think a bit

  3. I saw on Entertainmet Tonight (I think) wehre her family had a memorial for him with about 50 of the family there. Anna was not there. The aunt, I believe said that they had not seen him since he was young and wanted to do something.


    What is Anna thinking? Oh you can't think to well on drugs. This new baby will suffer to in the long run.




    ill bet she stays away from the states for a while....ill would hope if she came back dfacs would be on her like a case of bon bons

  4. She makes me scared to try Trimspa....if thats what it does to your freaking brain, I do not want any... :p




    if you are worried because she used trimspa...you might want to watch out for food also..and alcohol...and alcohol...and drugs..and drugs..and drugs...did i mention alcohol?



    oh oh and always get the name of the guys you have sex with...and try to be awake during it also

  5. Sure enough. I got divorced without and attorney, and had two kids and a house in the deal. Ex wife downloaded all the paperwork, we filled it out after settling our affairs, sent it in, the judge sends it back with any comments to address, then resubmit.


    Cost us $65 a piece.


    You could blow all the money you want on a lawyer and at the end of the day, you're no better off. No matter what your paperwork says, the real deal in any divorce is ENFORCING the provisions set forth in your paperwork.


    Of course this is only possible if you and your spouse can come to an agreement. Otherwise, the lawyer is just a high paid referee. ;)




    or antagonist

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