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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. I have in no way implied that you were not working hard and in fact feel that you're attempts have been commendable. can you explain this = deceiving= you keep refering to? Have you given up. The damage begun years ago and not by this commission only cannot be changed over night.


    my head is not buried in the sand no more than yours and my concern is at minimum =equal= to yours. in fact I believed to be on the same side here but saw the spewing of corruption and the constant cry of =my taxes are being raised= along with the abundance of =incorrect= information that has been put out in this campaign doing more harm than help. my attempt was to present facts and will be over as it has been futile.


    continue on this path and no one will be taken seriously. As I said before =good news= is on the horizon but I highly doubt this will even be noticed. only more of othe same.






    as a taxpaying voting citizen of paulding county i am watching this whole deal and i am taking it seriously

  2. STOP everyone, get your permission slips signed from your family for mentioning them in general. My dear Mom is going to kill me. :lol: :lol:


    By the way, puppy love is all he is getting from that girl, leave them alone they are building each others character and self esteem.





    translation: knocking boots

  3. first thing... was that english?



    i think that "version" of english is actually a govt funded experiment to stop terrorists from really knowing the english language...once the terrorists know english well enough to infiltrate us we can switch over to the hack english and throw them for a loop

  4. I'm sure your little brother and his girlfriend appreciate you posting their information. I hope you got both of their permission.




    if it is her computer she needs no permission...plus she is adult...they are not




    what shall we do? call a lawyer?

  5. PB, they may run faster but I bet they can't make as good of a list as he can, can they? He's about the cutest kid I've seen in a while. You can tell him I said it. :wub:




    lol sooch...thank you for your compliment....yours too footballbeerchic....pbabe was refering to our oldest son though...you guys are referring to our youngest boy michael....michael is such a nut...all boy...he wouldnt know if someone tried to tease him though...he is nothing but confident lol....our oldest though is in that all feet stage and he can take teasing personally


    I have an autographed, original drawing from PB's lil boy... he is a cutie patootie



    aww...keep it for 20 years or so till he is famous and im sure it will be worth a million



    lookout brad pitt

  6. im betting that at some time in their childhood 99% of kids will taunt/make fun of/bully a peer that they see as less worthy than themselves...


    also bet that 99% of kids at some point get taunted/made fun of/bullied....it is universal


    i thought i was rich growing up also....not to the point of acting superior but felt it inside....boy a cold chill came over me the day my father told me that my ride ended once college ended....his money was his...and i had no job yet lol...he made it on his own...i could do the same..


    so most kids that think they have $ dont...their parents may..but the kids on their own would be paupers

  7. Migratory birds are generally protected.


    If a bird is doing/causing damage to your property, you are supposed to shoo it away.

    If it fails to leave or returns to continue causing damage, you are allowed to shoot it.

    Woodpeckers included.


    Crows are considered "Scavenger" birds, just like Vultures and Buzzards and are protected.

    Unless they are causing damage, it's illegal to shoot one.


    It is NOT illegal to shoot birds simply because they are native to the US.

    It's NOT illegal to have feathers of birds or a nest by anyone, UNLESS it's a "bird of prey" or a protected


    It is true that Native Americans are except from this as they see feathers of the Eagle as spiritual.




    i admit killing a house pounding sunday morning woodpecker once when i was much younger and a lot less respectfull of wildlife...i did think until now that it was illegal though...at the time he just had to go...i did place his body in a pile of stones above ground so we could retrieve his skeleton..my oldest daughter and i studied him quite a bit....wouldnt kill one now though...he was a big woodpecker

  8. spend the $ and have an exterminator take care of the house


    go to the vet and have the pet treated while the exterminator is treating the home...same day at least


    otherwise you will most likely fail if you have an actual infestation



    good luck

  9. i could be wrong but tearing down a doublewide might be a hard thing with the subframe being metal...i would call a scrapyard and see if they would take it off....then bobcat the area yourself..



    or maybe donate it to the fire dept to train with...then haul the smoldering heap to the scrapyard



    perhaps rent it out to a katrina refugee...then you wouldnt have to worry about doing the demolition yourself

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