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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. I don't even want to run over a pretty little squirelly!


    But to be honest with ya...when I see those big crows eatin a carcass on the road, I punch it! :D

    They're pretty fast though, so I've never actually hit one ...................yet.


    When I used to visit my paw-paw over in Decatur, my brother and me saw a woman run over a cat (accident). She was crying and knocked on the door at the driveway where the cat was. The owner (another woman) just LOST IT, and beat the living hell out of this already distraught woman. That's why if I ever run over a dog or anything, I'll alert the pound and call it that. Some people are crazy.




    2004 was a bad year for crows apparently....not on purpose but that year 2 crows didnt fly fast enough to miss my windshield...never hit one before or since


    my papa once hit a big dog in rural south georgia...dog went entirely under the olds 88 and flew out the back...my papa stopped we got out and he tried to comfort the dog...it passed though and my papa picked up the dog and walked it to 3 homes to see if it belonged to them...the 3rd was his home.. papa paid for the dog ( the folks said no but my papa insisted) they were elderly and papa dug the grave where the people wanted and also said a prayer for the dog and said sorry to the dog...sad but the right thing got done...not many are like that anymore...i know he hated to have killed the dog

  2. Yikes hiccuped a bit huh haha :) I was so bad not that long ago that I had a purse in every color so I can match my outfits and what not. Now I'm just down to basic black. Can't stomach the idea of paying less than a few hundred for a purse....I guess if I saw one I liked enough I might be able to.....




    next time i will be happy to buy your purse for you...save you a trip



    you dont need a reciept do you?

  3. OMG!! We are just alike!!!!!!!!! except for the Mounds vs Almond Joy thing. :wub:


    ok- now me...


    1. I adore my Kathryn :wub:

    2. My favorite color is green (I drive a green VW Beetle- not the snot color one- the 2006 Gecko one)

    3. I miss my Mom more every day and she is MY HERO

    4. I really love my hubby- but he does PI** ME OFF sometimes.

    5. The smell of Thanksgiving dinner cooking- is my favorite.

    6. I am really shy for the first 5 minutes I meet someone- then it's game on!!


    that's it....




    whens your birthday?...im pretty sure my twin sister was stolen when we were born

  4. 1) when i was born i ingested my own poop (it's true when people say i'm full of $hit)

    2) i'm not even 5 ft tall (no i'm not a midget) :D

    3) i have a thing for the movie walk the line with joaquin phoenix but i'm not a johnny cash fan

    4) my bra and panties have to match or it drives me nuts :blink:

    5) i love mcdonalds

    6) i love my cell phone & use it 24/7 (yes b dub sometimes even in the bathroom) :p




    these kind of go together...they are both crap



    i did love mcdonalds til i had kids

  5. if you hit someone you should be prepared to recieve equal or greater in return....every action has an equal and opposite reaction


    that said a guy hitting a girl is ridiculous...he will inflict much greater damage than she


    but a girl hitting a guy is asking to be hit in return...therefore a sadist or stupid or both




    edited to say NO it is not alright for a man to hit a woman

    unless the woman is that wrestler chynna and she is whooping up on a poindexter type guy...in which case he really has no chance anyhow



    edited again to say that if a guy hits my daughter or lets me see him hit anyones daughter, the girl is not going to be his problem..i am

  6. Okay - I was in marching band 20 years ago - flag corp have been booty shaking for a long time. Have you every seen some of the stuff that the drum line does?


    I think this is just a bunch of funk. The principal was asleep at the wheel - didn't bother to pay attention and is now trying to CYA. The principal didn't know the song, someone brought it to their attention, etc. Let the band play it.



    agreed...if this is the worst the kids in pcounty schools face...let it ride...

  7. touchy situation really....the funeral home had any class they would write it off


    if it was my child i would pay it...in her honor...not paying it dishonors her...i would make her final disposistion mine..as her father..

  8. if you hit someone you should be prepared to recieve equal or greater in return....every action has an equal and opposite reaction


    that said a guy hitting a girl is ridiculous...he will inflict much greater damage than she


    but a girl hitting a guy is asking to be hit in return...therefore a sadist or stupid or both

  9. in taking the child to the er the right thing will happen now...the doctor/staff if they think it necessary will initiate an investigation and get to the bottom of it..


    we dont KNOW what happened

    trying to keep an open mind and yes i was shocked at the pic and never had that big of a bruise on any of my 4 kids faces...and neither did they fall out of a chair at 16 months old...either strapped in or an adult RIGHT there

  10. Thanks to y'all. When somebody here get's into trouble in Germany, give me a call! :blush:






    whats your phone # and exactly where in germany will you be practicing law?


    i might like to cause some trouble in germany once i retire.....it will give you some time to become seasoned before you have to defend me..



    thank you lars

  11. Well geeeeeeeeez, I got to the store and get eggs and look what happens to my thread! :p

    Uh......people post worse thing on the internet

    thanks for coverying my back!

    uh, his my brother :p

    again thanks!

    again I agree!

    Puppy Love is cool and all but they dont have any contact what so ever, whats the point of saying they are dating........




    just doin my part maam

  12. my momma always said "if people have to hide something from the light (public) it must be wrong"


    momma always had a way of saying things so I could understand them.




    i think the more govt tries to be less visible, the more transparent they become



    people in this county are upset...and it is not for NO reason

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