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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. Wow....fan? or up to date on celeb-gossip?? :blink:


    And I agree, she's just a few steps away from the trailor park.....she's lucky she was a good looking teen or else she would have gone right back to that trailor!



    dont insult folks that live in trailer parks...



    money and looks cant buy ya good ole common sense..or class



    she is lucky she had other suckers fans besides me or she wouldnt have even made the mickey mouse club



    she would be the tire dry girl at the car wash if it was up to me

  2. now he is famous....he is like the other end of the rolling stones drummer



    matter of fact better not let him near the stones...ya know they will suck the life out of him to restore themselves....carol ann...carol annnnnn

  3. I must appologise, I did not know that a business was not allowed to post messsages on Paulding.com to gain ideas from members. The system administrator just called me with this information. I wanted everyone that has replyed to know that I so much appreciate you interest and our Good Neighbor Discount will continue.


    I was given a price to be able to continue posting and I will present it at our partners meeting this Thurday. Hopfully I will be able to pay the entry fee then and again Thank you all so much, your responses have made a huge difference at our store.


    Thanks Again,

    Billy Wright (Sonic Marketing Director)





    thank you billy for your obvious caring about our community and the quality of service they recieve at your establishment...


    even if ya dont join as a commerce member...which i think would be great for sonic....please continue to come to pcom..just to say hi...



    and thanks for the good neighbor discount...you have gained a more regular customer in me as a result

  4. I changed the oil once... I was 7+ monthes pregnant. He just got out of the hospital for back surgery and we were going on a trip(againest doctors orders) and he wanted it changed. Instead of bringing it in some place, I did it. Well, I was under the car and the baby shifted. I was stuck. My neigbor saw me and jacked up the car to get me out. Then he finished the job. Talk about embarresing.




    wow.....i dont know whether to call ya tough, hardheaded, or both....but you are ok by me



    how is the baby....did ya nickname it jack?

  5. I wanna know how much $ they got.






    i hope they stopped by their stock broker and made an investment



    twenty dollars each over 20 years might get em somethin



    darwin got em


    now they will just rob us for room/board/food/cable etc



    i am glad for the kids you know they have...now at least maybe they will have a chance

  6. I like Jack.


    Have you ever gotten a tune in your head, and wound up mumbling that tune, to yourself. all day long?


    Jack's communication with others is ugly, sometimes, but he gets his message across, very well. Have you ever noticed his facial expressions too.


    My favorite quote from Jack is what he said to Demie More and Tom Cruse "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!"


    I am a more serious person than any actor could be. I am just not an actor. With me, "WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET!" :)




    apparently in that circumstance...art imitated life

  7. diehard...im not bashin ya here...always liked ya...i know you have had some things goin on lately so all i might do is tell you that one thing you said i will quote here...if you just listen to yourself...you might see that all of the fighting is for naught...it does no one any good...not this type of fight



    you gave a great post the other night ...i just found it...hope you dont mind me copying it...what you said is brilliant...im not talking about the christian part...just the rest


    have a good one diehard...read what ya said



    post Nov 4 2006, 02:10 AM

    Post #31



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    QUOTE(Chuckc65 @ Nov 4 2006, 03:07 AM) *


    WOW, judgemental are we?




    Chuck, to be against a way of living is one thing but to judge others for something you disagree with is another. I dont think being a Christian means say some of the things you said. If you want me to come to your side then you have to show me what it is that attracts you to that side, not repel it.




    P.com is Home of the G.O.Y.A.S.

  8. Are you a doctor? Or work for a lug Doctor? You seem to be very knowledgable in this matter, can you tell me what "INTERSTITUAL LUNG DISEASE" is? THANKS




    nope im not a doctor...just looked this up on google.....i think that means deeply imbedded particles...like asbestos affecting your lung capacity...causing irritation



    sorry i didnt post that i just copied and pasted the info



    here i just copied and pasted this




    Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) is a general term that includes a variety of chronic lung disorders. When a person has ILD, the lung is affected in three ways. First, the lung tissue is damaged in some known or unknown way. Second, the walls of the air sacs in the lung become inflamed. Finally, scarring (or fibrosis) begins in the interstitium (or tissue between the air sacs), and the lung becomes stiff.


    Breathlessness during exercise can be one of the first symptoms of these diseases. A dry cough also may be present. These are common symptoms that many people ignore. Someone with these symptoms may wait until they feel quite ill before going to the doctor.


    People with different types of ILD may have the same kind of symptoms but their symptoms may vary in severity. Their chest X-rays may look alike. Further testing is usually recommended to identify the specific type of ILD a person has. Some ILDs have known causes and some (idiopathic) have unknown causes.

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