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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. Can't keep up. Sore loosers ....




    im a loser


    muts puts pits sits sips


    caps laps maps taps tips


    pops pots rots tots tits :ninja:


    lett- letter tett- tetter a horse jett - (i don't grive a jetta :lol: )




    you guys are impressing me now...choking on the dust back here

  2. Is that you again, C?


    Tbar posted about this topic as well....are you gonna go off on him? I'm talking about this man's mistakes because this man is a hypocrite, and again...because IT IS FUNNY!! Not because he's Christian (although that does make it just a teensy bit funnier).


    You sure seem to have surmised an awful lot from a one line post, though. Are you clairvoyant too?




    i agree...he is a hypocrite and therefore subject to ridicule....hypocrite is acting contrary to ones stated views...not to mention he was a public figure...his shame may help him change and finally act as he claims to be...so lamblasting a guy like this is ok by me...he needs to know he is accountable here on earth also




    by the way im only agreeing to the hypocrite part

  3. I'm fully aware. But they'd like nothing more than to see us all living in fear, and I refuse to do so.


    Everyone that was alive and conscious on 9/11/01 will always remember that day, with or without maudlin ballads and endless replays.



    les isnt against remembering yall...each person deals with it in their own way

  4. I was 16 when the Trade Towers were completed. It was an exciting time for New York City. For a short time, they were the tallest buildings in the world. You could see them for miles on a clear day in the NY Metro area. It was such an erie feeling when, for the first time since 1972, you couldn't see them anymore. Let us not forget the humanity lost.


    The Trade Towers now, as I see it, are a symbol of how formidable our enemies are. We must be viligent and prove that American resolve is more formidable.


    The world became a different place on September 11th. We must "stone up" and become a different country.


    As all important national events in my lifetime, I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing. I will not forget 9-11. Some need to be reminded.




    sad truth is if they need to be reminded...they just never got it to start with


    A majority of the men and women who go to Iraq or in the service at all for that matter have a calling within themselves and have the bravery it takes to defend this country. Case in point, the men who stormed the beaches of Normandy, France did so while watching thousands of their comrades get gunned down in front of them but they kept moving forward, they needed to take that beach to win the war against the Germans. You can't train that kind of bravery its God given for this country. I feel the men and women who go out in that Humvee daily knowing they are targeted with roadside bombs have that strength I am talking about. Fear doesnt overtake them, they can move past it. My family has lost one member in this war thus far and we are damn proud of his sacrifice but I understand why he went into harms way, the same reasons I did. Most dont understand this.



    well put...true true

  5. Although I am thankful that you son chose to go into the service, I never know from one day to the next if my hubby will come home from work, people die in car accidents everyday (just ask ivylove) and I may never see my mother again because heart disease runs in her family and she could very possibly have a heart attack and die at any given moment. Death happens to everyone and it affects someone on a daily basis. . . Everyone of us here has probably experienced death in some form and still feel the effects on a daily basis ( I know I do) but that doesn't mean that my loss is greater or less than yours because the loss I feel wasn't the result of war or terrorism. . .



    not downplaying what you have said...i respect what ya said...just think the difference lies in being willing to give your life to protect others....thats noble ...on a different level

  6. In the here after. B)




    you are good eddie lol



    i was watin


    Perhaps if you weren't so anti-Christian, you'd be able to see that everyone is not perfect no matter what it is and what the heck is MDF?



    so why the issue with homosexuality


    i'm not anti-christian. i'm anti-religion


    and who said anything about anyone needing to be perfect?


    i don't care if dude wanted a little man love on the side...but i'm not a fan of the meth. good thing he threw it out -_-




    and then some kid found it

  7. I am Billy Wright (marketing director Sonic Drive-Ins) and I would appreciate your input about our Drive-In located in Hiram. We have a new manager there working on improvment and I need to know about our service. Please post what you think about Sonic and info about your last visit - good, bad or indifferent. We care about Paulding County and need your help to improve.





    i would think free milkshakes for each response would only be fair billy



    ya know...say you are from pcom and get a free shake with your sonicburger...then we come back and sing your praises

  8. pauldingbabe just says that about me...im not all that


    By being adopted I avoided being exposed to the following:


    3 divorces

    a double homicide

    long-term adultery and related dysfunction

    plus likely mistreatment at the hands of my father's wife

    Instead, I was raised by Ward & June Cleaver. Yay, me.






    my bio dad fell dead on hole 9

  9. likewise....but I've also met my birth parents. still have regular contact with my birth mother, but being put up for adoption was probably the best thing that ever happened to me.





    sad, ain't it?





    he still has that star sparkle in his beady eyes

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