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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. Happen to find my old boy friend on the class renioun site a few weeks ago, we had great fun

    talking about ole times, and the passion that we had for one another, we had parted our ways

    24 yrs ago and talking to him on the internet is just as thrilling as it would be if I saw him in person

    problem is he is married. And we are keeping it very lite writing on the email, but jsut sometimes

    don't you wish you could go back to your frist love. I would love to see him again if I ever got the

    chance but nevous about him seeing me now, I am not the body looker that I once was. I know to

    that now that I am older much older I really do not think it would matter, it would be nice to have

    some men put there imput in on this subject. I know writing him is not good because if the wife knew

    if it was me i would be mad, but we are right now just talking shop. MEN what are your thoughts with

    this situation.





    just my opinion based on what you said....i might be reading more into it than there is and if i am i apologize but it seems like you might be looking for more from this than just a hello again...


    you said the problem is he is married....why is that a problem? seems like as long as you guys dont take the "hello" to a "good morning" his being married shouldnt be a problem


    i know it is a female thing but you said i am not the looker i once was..who cares? if all you have/had with this person was based on looks you dont have much...if you care about each other and want to rekindle a friendship looks wont matter...we all get older and usually time is cruel rather than kind


    hiding your interactions with each other from his wife is inherently bad...that is just asking for it...at least on his part..


    so if you want to get together as friends for lunch and chit chat about old times i think thats completely alright

    but if you are looking for ANYTHING more you need to leave it alone as any TRUE friend would


    but then again lunchtime hookups can be fun...especially with an old love.what could that hurt?..but thats just the insensitive guy in me talking


    do what you would like your daughter to do in the same situation...good luck

  2. Well, I had the problem this year... three out of five strings on the tree have half a string dead.


    Took them off the tree, put them in the strong plastic container outside for safekeeping :D


    Then headed to home depot and purchased 5 strings of the LED lights. Uses 80% less power and are supposed to be good for 20 years. You can't even remove the bulbs from the string. :)


    Now I'm happy.. I'm gonna sit here an look happy. That's right.






    i put all of the stuff my kids destroy in a similar container...folks come by to get it every so often and take it to iron mountain to keep it safe

  3. one of my jobs 10 years or so didnt pay the 5,000 agreed upon...they were an out of state company that sent their rep into town here to take care of business...he contracted us...the job was done..he vanished once it was time to pay up....couldnt get him by phone..couldnt get the home office to return my calls..


    i figured if i was going to be stiffed for 5,000 + the $ i had put out for materials and pay for employees i would spend a little more for bond..so i carried a 2x4 around in my truck just waiting for the day the sob rep and i saw each other again...too bad i never did...still feel like i missed out on a little satisfaction southern style...oh well

  4. There is no set distance. It is the shooters responsibility to know the surroundings and he either must be a safe distance away from other houses or they must have a safe backstop.




    ahh that makes more sense...shooters responsibility for safety...


    i wonder if that includes the damage noise may cause to a neighbors property

  5. Sadly yes, he is well aware that I am serious. What finally made you realize when someone really wanted something to be taken seriously?

    I dont want to file a formal complaint with our corporate office. It bothers me tremendously to think that we cannot resolve this between just ourselves. I guess I should admit though that I did call our confidential Ombudsman line and after a discussion they did agree that I do have a legitimate complaint. But I refuse to make it a formal complaint yet. Maybe thats being nieve, but I would rather consider it being optimistic.

    No, but I might need one soon. :p







    from what i can make of this he is fully aware of it being a problem and that he doesnt care...so on the optimistic note i would perhaps make a Christmas gift request...what you really wish for christmas is 8 more degrees on the thermostat...


    sad situation really...of course you could threaten him with Guido from jersey....provided you know a Guido from jersey

  6. are you sure your boss realizes that your complaints are not lighthearted, but serious?


    if you guys have had a good working relationship before this, and continue to have one now...he may not realize that you are truly serious...i would write him a note explaining your issue with the temp...your possible solution, and a request for his possible solution...


    he might think you are just kidding....i dont know how else to say it...but im just a guy also and i have missed entirely someone elses suffering until it was REALLY brought up to me...didnt consider others in my equation til forced...i didnt mean to...just didnt realize what i was doing


    guys can just be this way sometimes

  7. Just playing the devil's advocate here for a minute.............


    We all hold dear the idea of free speech, but do we really only mean it if the speech is sure not to offend someone?


    I'm not saying he was right or wrong. I'm just wondering aloud, or in written form, where we draw the line about freedom of speech.


    I've heard some really raunchy comedians in my day, some are still on HBO or whatnot...............




    we do not have true freedom of speech as most think it is....sure you can say whatever...most of the time...but ones freedom of speech does not guarantee that what one says will not be censored, disagreed with, or ultimately cause great harm to the person speaking, or those listening

  8. havent really listened to kimmer in a while...but did for years before that...if kimmer wants back in ill bet chearchannel will be happy to have him back soon..ratings might be down now...but without the kimmer i will bet they will tank entirely...either way..THANKS KIMMER for keeping me company on my ride home many many times...end of an era

  9. I jsut read this....... too darn funny! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    I'll take you $1.00 and raise you $2.00! The bid now stands at $3.00........ come on folks..... let's get Mrs. Jack back!!




    lol ill go a dollar....now we are at $4 for the save mrs jack russell fund



    i hope it turns out ok...that megansaunt does remind me of mrs jack though

  10. Short answer: Mercury is the planet that governs communications, machines, cars (you get the idea). When a planet is retrograde it "appears" to be moving backward through the sky (it is not, in reality, moving backwards). When Mercury is retrograde (approximately 3 times a year for about 3 weeks each time) anything to do with communications and/or travel can get fouled up. Mercury was in the sign of Scorpio (still is) so that made it more intense.


    Scoff if y'all want to. I offer up Pcom for the last 3 weeks as evidence. :ninja:




    man...you are freakin me out now...im gonna have to remember to say no the next time the old fortune tellin lady at the pier asks me " eh he he would you like to know the future sonny?"...cause last time i said yep...she said "3 kids and 7 years of struggle ahead of you boy"


    well now my seven is well past, i got 3 extra kids i didnt have when i chatted with the beachwitch and now i remember you warning of people acting crazy in the coming dayyyyss...

  11. lol!!!


    its all fun and games till someone resets your password!!


    sorry Pubby. :blush:


    (but it was a little fun, wasnt it?)


    yeah i know rite :p


    ok we'll be over in just a lil bit ;)

  12. Where are the children? I repeat Where are the children?




    lol..they are ok...no cloning there



    note to self: always remember to log out when not at home


    NOw you have done it Thelma is in here! should we file a msising persons report !



    im not missing...


    NOw you have done it Thelma is in here! should we file a msising persons report !


    pfft oh well

    Where are the children? I repeat Where are the children?



    oh the kids are fine i gave them candy and sent them to their rooms :D


    i dont use emoticons...that is the false py...the namenapper

  13. What have you done with the real Paulding Babe???




    i tied her up in the back yard where she will not be a problem for me :ph34r:


    ive been doppelgangered


    hey who is that funny looking man with the saggy


    lucky i have the power to edit


    i have been cloned

  14. ok never mind!


    Pauldingbabe go for it girl!


    im not pauldingbabe!!! i swear :D


    ohhhhh man....

    ok how did he post tht??


    Sorry I've seen Paulding babe. . . She could Probably kick your behind. .even with me never meeting you. . .


    i dont think she could.. i have seen her b4 and i know she wouldnt be able to do any thing to me so :p

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