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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. See even the manufacture knows who should do this.


    How many times do you see a lady doing an oil change in the garage?






    hey now...i let my girls ( one 6..one 15 ) change my oil....i stupidvise though





    im hoping they will just stay single...grrr

  2. Welcome to the group AcworthDad,


    I thought I had been talking to somebody with some sense. I don't agree with you on a few things, however! But, we are not that far apart on some issues, either!


    Having reached the big 6-0 means you understand me more than I have given you credit for. I don't have much experience over yours. I'm getting my first Social Security Check for Christmas this year.


    I hope my grandchildren save up more than I did, for their retirement. They may not get a Social Security Check.

    We need another president like Franklin D. Roosevelt. :)




    with age comes wisdom



    saving is the most important thing that a person can do


    compound interest over time is the key

  3. When I went about 3 weeks ago they told me to come back if it did not help, but the cough medicine did and then I took my grandmothers medicine too so it has been a while but now the cough is back. She wanted to do a chest x-ray. I really don't think that it is pneumonia so what else could you see from an x-ray?



    wish i could help ya with that but i dont know much about this other than what i can look up....


    just see a specialist


    some docs...gpractitioners just see ya to get paid...they act like they know...but dont...take it upon yourself to see a specialist...maybe ear nose throat...allergist....something other than gp

  4. At my second visit, the doctor said that she thought that it was from post-nasal drip. I do not have a runny nose and I am not coughing up any mucus. Right now I am taking Niquil so that I can at least sleep a little. It has now turned into violent coughing with gagging. Maybe I should go back to the doctor.



    yep..i think you should...maybe go to an ear nose and throat doctor



    not to scare you but we once had a pup with a heart issue...one of the symptoms was continious cough if he was not on his meds

  5. Coughing is an important way to keep your throat and airways clear. However, excessive coughing may mean you have an underlying disease or disorder.


    Some coughs are dry, while others are considered productive. A productive cough is one that brings up mucus. Mucus is also called phlegm or sputum.


    Coughs can be either acute or chronic:


    * Acute coughs usually begin suddenly. They are often due to a cold, flu, or sinus infection. They usually go away after 2 to 3 weeks.

    * Chronic coughs last longer than 2 to 3 weeks.


    Common Causes Return to top


    Besides recent upper airway infections such as the common cold and flu, other common causes of coughs include:


    * Allergies and asthma

    * Lung infections such as pneumonia or acute bronchitis

    * Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (emphysema or chronic bronchitis)

    * Sinusitis leading to postnasal drip

    * Lung disease such as bronchiectasis, interstitial lung disease, or tumors

    * Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

    * Cigarette smoking

    * Exposure to secondhand smoke

    * Exposure to air pollutants

    * ACE inhibitors (medications used to control blood pressure)


    If a child has a barking cough, see croup.


    Home Care Return to top


    Here are some tips to help ease your cough:


    * Cough lozenges or hard candy can help dry, tickling coughs. These should never be given to a child under 3 years old because they may cause choking.

    * A vaporizer or steamy shower may help a dry cough by increasing the humidity in the air.

    * Drink extra fluids to help thin the secretions in your throat and make them easier to cough up.


    Medications available without a prescription include:


    * Guaifenesin (like Robitussin) can help you bring up mucus. Drink lots of fluids if you take this medicine.

    * Decongestants such as pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) can be used to clear a runny nose and postnasal drip. These should not be used if you have high blood pressure or for a child under 6 years old, unless prescribed by your doctor.


    Although coughing can be a troubling symptom, it is usually your body's way of healing. Recent expert recommendations advise against using cough suppressants in many situations. You may want to talk to your doctor before trying over-the-counter cough suppressants such as dextromethorphan (Vicks 44, Robitussin DM).


    Do not expect a doctor to prescribe antibiotics for viral infections like colds or flu. Antibiotics do not work on viruses. Antibiotics also will not help coughs from allergies.


    Call your health care provider if Return to top


    Call 911 if you have:


    * Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

    * Hives or swollen face or throat with difficulty swallowing


    Call your doctor right away if you have:


    * Violent cough that begins suddenly

    * High-pitched sound (called stridor) when inhaling

    * Cough that produces blood

    * Fever (may indicate a bacterial infection requiring antibiotics)

    * Thick, foul-smelling, yellowish-green phlegm (may indicate a bacterial infection)

    * A history of heart disease, swelling in your legs, or a cough that worsens when you lie down (may indicate congestive heart failure)

    * Exposure to someone with tuberculosis

    * Unintentional weight loss or night sweats (may also indicate tuberculosis)

    * Cough longer than 10-14 days

    * Cough in an infant less than 3 months old


    What to expect at your health care provider's office Return to top


    In emergency cases, the patient will be treated first to stabilize the condition. After the condition is stable, the doctor will ask questions about your cough, including:


    * Are you coughing up blood? (How much, how often)

    * Do you bring up any mucus/sputum when you cough? What does it look like? Is it thick and hard to cough up? How much sputum is produced per day?

    * Is the cough severe? Is the cough dry?

    * Does the cough sound like a seal barking?

    * What is the pattern of the cough? Did it begin suddenly? Has it been increasing recently? Is the cough worse at night? When you first awaken?

    * How long has the cough lasted?

    * Is the cough worse when you are lying on one side?

    * Are there sudden periodic attacks of coughing with gagging and vomiting?

    * What other symptoms are present?


    The physical examination will include emphasis on the ears, nose, throat and chest.


    Diagnostic tests that may be performed include:


    * Bronchoscopy

    * Lung scan

    * Pulmonary function tests

    * Sputum analysis (if the cough produces sputum)

    * X-ray of the chest


    Prevention Return to top


    * Don't smoke and stay away from secondhand smoke.

    * If you have seasonal allergies like hay fever, stay indoors during days when airborne allergens are high. If possible, keep the windows closed and use an air conditioner. Avoid fans that draw in air from outdoors. Shower and change your clothes after being outside.

    * If you have allergies year round, cover your pillows and mattress with dust mite covers, use an air purifier, and avoid pets and other triggers.

  6. It confuses me that people would not want to know what's going on in the world.


    Anyone who dismisses the fact that Islam wants control as "fear mongering" is a total idiot.



    most people know the deal...just used to ignoring things to make them go away



    wont work when it comes to this



    ignore this and america goes away

  7. I agree with you up to a point.


    We will be destroyed from within, but it will be outsiders that are already here. Outsiders that came decades ago with an agenda. And that agenda is being slowly carried out as we speak. It will happen, and we, as a country have become so polarized and so politically corrected, it will happen before our very eyes and we won't even know it, as is happening now.


    I don't live my life in fear. But I am very aware that they are here and given the right time and opportunity, they will try to change our way of life. That is their goal. They hate "us". They want "us" dead. And until every woman and girl wears a burka and every person lays down their mat and faces Mecca to pray, they will not be satisfied.

    BTW: Is everyone taking the opportunity to vote tomorrow? I hope so. It is a right that you may not have many years from now........




    i agree with ya lowrider...on the program last night the thing that got me most is the guy talking about the white house....not attacking it..but changing it to suit radical islam....make it the islam house...that i see as entirely possible....maybe not right away...but by the time of our kids kids kids...for them i am afraid of the future

  8. Damn streight, py4. You know what you are talking about.




    I thought about VOTING for Sonny, when I heard him say he would do away with state taxes for senior cirizens, but I just couldn bring myself to do that. B)




    im sad to say...sonny just kind of leaves me cold




    and i hate...hate attack ads...if you dont have a position except attack...you dont have much at all

  9. they are salvaging the ships for their steel and other elements.


    The pollution, including things like asbestos, etc. is just removed; no occupational health or safety and the workers are treated with less respect than tools and machines used to do the job largely because the tools and machines cost more than a $1.00/day. I.e. the people are expendable.


    But then Bangladesh is among the world's poorest nations.





    it has to be our fault



    some of the worlds finest steel/metal is used in shipmaking....lots of it reclaimed from old ships


    military vessels have the best



    someone is making BIG money

  10. I wonder who people like that VOTE for!


    Do they VOTE for people just like themselves, py4? B)



    eddie ill bet they vote the opposite of what would do the most good



    ya know ...what would benefit me...not what would benefit the most


    ask not

  11. yep....i would never let someone subvert the true ebay process...selling something big once and someone posted a phone # to ask a question...we called and answered the question...then they tried to make a deal...being a cheapskate i accepted and took the item off of ebay...and arranged to meet and transact....the night before he calls LATE and kills the deal


    4 days wasted...lesson learned..

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