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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. you know a person could do a LOT of things under some one else's name :o :p :lol:



    and the bad thing is i dont know where to start :ninja: :ninja:

    how about like this???

    well shoot fire the pic didnt load <_<




    like i would say shoot fire



    who would ever know

  2. <_< All the vets in the area help out with adoption pets...free initial exams to extra discounts on surgery. I am sure that Dr Carpenter is taking into consideration the support of the community at large and of the humane society. There are expenses in materials and staff that are not discountable. We all donate our time but we still have to pay our employees and our suppliers. The expertise of your vets in some cases excedes that of your own personal physicians. Would you go to your doctor and ask for a discount? Oh, that's right...insurance covers it all, doesn't it? Then what about your place of business? Would you go to a restaurant and tell them that you are starving but only have a few dollars but you want a full course meal? They would give you only that which you could pay for. Your vets all have the largest hearts of any industries, especially the medical industry. Don't sell them short or assume that they are "all about the money" when they ask for you to pay a bill.

    Charity work should not be questioned but rather applauded and praised. When you are given a gift, do you ask "how much was it?" I don't mean to be contentous, but just because someone makes a living with animals doesn't mean they don't have bills to pay, people to employee, taxes to pay, children to feed, or a house to pay for. DVM doesn't stand for "doesn't value money." Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.


    Have you hugged your vet today? ;)



    agreed...i would like to thank dr carpenter also...pauldingbabe called me the day rev picked up lily and the pups and asked me to call dr carpenter and see if i could get her seen....i called him and told him the story...dr carpenter understood the situation and did not flinch a bit....he actually put me on hold and cleared a time (4 pm ) for rev and pbabe to take lily up to see him....he spent approx 2hrs with them..took x rays..used his staff...used his materials....etc...what i would have expected to be a 500 bill was 170...most likely what everything cost minus HIS time...since then his office and dr carpenter have called to check up on lily and pups.(called rev and called me)..also accepted donations for lily, and worried about the outcome.....i know the guy..i know his family.. and he is one of the damned best people you will meet...


    so whoever asked about the free publicity his office is getting and if he is giving a discount...does this anwer your question?

  3. We are speaking up for our friend. Just like you all do when Lesley or a sheep say something about or to any of you PC sensitive type friends. I guess if we were taking up for other members, it would be o-kay.


    Let's not forget sweetie, a sheep never started any of these threads. :rolleyes:




    sheep cant type

  4. It's is chilly, but like any Georgia "fall" it could be hot again next week. . .




    yep...and it is only fall...bet it is going to be a cold wet winter....i will be living by the fireplace...

  5. Volume.......... that's the difference. There have always been crazy people and crazy things happening. Percentage wise, I doubt there's any more or less of it this year than there was 20 years ago. The more people you have, the more instances you have. Without fully researching it, I'd still bet that the percentages are roughly about the same.

    10% of 100 is 10

    10% of 100,000 is 1000

    PY, you knew I'd have to make this about math!!!!




    lol...you are good



    just wish i was good at math.......



    but ya know i see your point....but SOMETHING else has changed...i cant put my finger on it exactly...family...sharing..lack of compassion...SOMETHING


    people dont seem to realize they are not the only ones here...that EVERYONE counts...maybe it is selfishness

  6. "Schools are not dangerous places. The perception that schools are dangerous is a misperception generated by a series of extreme, high profile cases that are not representative of most schools.


    In fact, very few serious violent crimes take place at school. From the standpoint of violent crime, students are safer at school than at home.


    Moreover, schools have become even safer during the past decade, such that the serious violent crime rate at school is less than half what it was in 1994.


    Schools are relatively safe, but they are not crime-free and we have an obligation to keep them as safe as possible.


    To keep schools safe, it is important to recognize what kinds of crimes are likely or unlikely to occur, and to base decisions on facts rather than fears."


    - Myths About Youth Violence & School Safety (Dr. Dewey G. Cornell)


    Myths About Youth Violence & School Safety

    The media playing on the fears of parents and teachers... :(



    thats what it is isnt it?


    and i think the instantaneous connect ability we have helps fuel it also...we dont know our neighbors as a society like we did...we are too busy with computers, blackberries, cellphones, mp3's video games and such, 300 cable channels on hdtv...not to mention the PACE of stuff now..money money money.bling bling bling...that we dont KNOW our own backyard anymore..or our kids for that matter

  7. damn...now yall have me wondering...i thought my kids leaving a leaking hose on explained the recent jump in my bill...now im not so sure...



    mine is usually 20...last month it was 57...havent looked at this months yet

  8. After reading additional posts I have a question and a suggestion. My question is WHY do you have to have dealings with her? If you are the one picking the child up or dropping the child off after visitation then why are YOU the one doing it. It's HIS child, let him be the one to do that. Or let the mom be the one to do that.


    As you might imagine from my name, Mama Carol, that was the name my stepdaughters gave me when I married their dad. We never had an issue about me and ex not getting along. For one, we did get along but secondly, I was not the one who did pick up or delivery of the kids for visitation weekend. I did once but that was all. I had no part in their divorce and refused to be treated by anyone as though I was the bad guy.


    My suggestion is that if you are picking up or delivering the child for visitation to stop doing it. Let the biological PARENTS of the child work it out among themselves. And then just trust in your husband's love and trust for you to not be swayed by what this person says about you. Hold your head high, don't stoop to her level and then the child will see that what he/she hears about you is wrong as well. And again, quit trying to make "everyone" happy, because it can't be done. You're the only one YOU need to make happy.


    Again, good luck with this. It's a tough situation to be in, but acting like you should be on the Jerry Springer Show won't do anything to improve the image of you this person seems to be trying to give to people.




    well said^^^



    if that wont work maybe a 2x4 when she isnt looking

  9. a villa rica man is in the haralson co. jail charged with armed robbery,theft by taking and false imprisonment.his arrest led to a string of arrests at a home on moody road just outside the corinth community.

    eleven people,several of them convicted felons,were taken into custody.sheriff's investigators also confiscated a 357magnum,a9mm pistol,a 25 automatic,a 22 magnum and a shotgun,along with methamphetamine and marijuana.

    "we received a call about someone being held against their will and armed robbery and a stolen car,said haralson county investigator.once we got to the home and executed a search warrant,10 people were taken in for drug and weapon charges."name withheld of villa rica,was charged with holding a couple against their will.

    "this incident in villa rica is what led us to the house in haralson county,"said investigator."we were told that name withheld let name withheld borrow a car and when she wanted it back he broke into her house,threatened to burn it down and kill her."

    a friend then called name withheld and told her she would help her get her car back."the friend and name withheld went to the home on moody road and the subject there robbed her at gunpoint.took the keys to her car,and finally left and told others who were there to make sure she did not leave,"investigator said....then it goes on to give all the names




    makes you feel safe knowing what is out there...sheesh

  10. wow..i sincerely hope this is brandi and that you great folks have found her..truth is whomever it is could have lied about everything..age...last name etc...with no id...there must have been fingerprints taken...didnt know you could make bond with no id without a ncic check coming back clean...


    the intake police dept must have the info on how she made bond...ie bondsman....property bond etc...seems sad they wont follow up until morning if this is a lead in a missing person case it should be looked at NOW...not make her family wait...amazing


    edited to add that even if she lied about everything else...maybe using the name brandi/brandy was a call for help...i am the one that thinks i saw her at the pool hall in dallas a month ago..and even then the girl i saw just STRONGLY resembled the photos i saw...enough to give a tenfold take...these pics do the same



    good luck

  11. what about that numbing stuff?





    seems like the doc would have given something stronger for the pain...like tylenol#3



    id call his answering service if she is suffering...sometimes they take the path of least resistance....they only give something when you call later


    poor kid...hope she feels better

  12. DING DING DING YOU WIN......I have almost been here on pcom for a year and I am almost at my 3000 post.


    I just wanted to tell Pubby and all that are on p.com that I have loved every minute of it. My time here started when Josh Dingler (one of our scouts from my husband's Boy Scout Troop) got killed in Irag.


    I have had the most wonderful time this year. I have met the most wonderful people. Pubby, thank you for a wonderful website. I have found so many friends in person and only in posts.


    I have found out so many important issues that relate to me. I have found out so many places that I need to avoid due to accidents. I have found so many good places to eat and so many good places to do my shopping. (I still like Walmart....sorry jboogie)


    Who would have known that RAKled and gtfamily are actually blonde, even if they are dark headed (Those girls are like daughters I wish I had had, but they are so funny that I swear they are blonde)


    Lady Raider was my first p.commer to meet. What a lovely lady. What a hard worker and a wonderful mother to her two sons. I just wish lots of grandbabies for her to love on.

    Madea, you and I have so much in common. We are so sarcastic, but we keep it in. Love you girl.

    Lacey, what a good heart you have. I think the world of you. I never would have met you without p.com

    Blessedbymany, what good work you do. Also I never would have met you without p.com

    gtfamily..girl you know I love you....now go clean your house.

    critty and froggy...you do so much around here, you know you have my respect.

    beerfootballchickygirl. you just keep on with your love for birds. you make me laugh so hard.

    bity bity blanket lady....what happened to all your useless post of useless funny websites. I miss them

    Misty, I don't know you, but you do great things. You have cost me lots of money on the auctions for Lily

    Rev.....I love you girl. I'll be honest with ya. With having two dogs and if I had found Lily, I would have taken her to the Animal Shelter. But you didn't and because of you Lily and her puppies will have a good home.

    RAKled, girl you make me laugh every time you post.

    DieHard...love you brother.

    Seeker....I admire you.

    Lowrider, I've never met you, but if Lady Raider says you are cool, then we are friends.

    Lesley...girl you know how I feel about you. I hate you.....ah I love you....ah I hate you...you don't care, you still like me

    If I have missed any of you pcommers just know that I love you and I love your post......I find no fault in any of you guys. Hey we are just humans.


    Yeah I included Lesley in my thank you post.


    Lesley paid me a compliment in a PM. She said that she thought so much of me that she didn't want me visiting in her website. Well, thank you Lesley. I am not a prude, but I don't want to be a tookey butt either. Love ya Lesley.


    So ga'lls and girls HERE IS IT FROM ME......Let's just get along and let pcom be what pcom was meant to be.


    So wiith all that said..............CAN I HAVE ME SOME P.COM WITHOUT BEING BOOTED OFF???


    Love ya Pubby


    Sincerely Yours,





    aww...great post..and congratulations

  13. ummm -- yea py ~ you should have warned me what the true meaning of "bros before hos" was!

    duhhhhhh :huh:

    well, I certainly learned a few choice vocab words today!




    lol...im right there lost with ya on that one....bros before hos?




  14. btw - my first mistake was that I was looking at the ads for California -- I forgot to change it to Atlanta !



    guys in Cali are certainly not camera shy!

    ((going to wash my eyes out with soap now, please excuse me))



    sorry bumplett...i wasnt fast enough to warn ya.....like i could have stopped ya anyhow

  15. No, it's not a requirement to check or notify.


    On the standard Georgia Assoc of REALTORS' "Purchase and Sale Agreement" Form F20, Section 9, Paragraph B, titled "Neighborhood Conditions", it specifically stated that if there is a concern with Registered Sex Offenders that the Buyer is responsible for checking with the GBI's website. I would post this section for you, but my forms are in a protected version of a .PDF document.


    I share your concern, but it's something we stay out of for many reasons.




    understood.....thanks for the info



    but ill tell ya...liability or not...i would have to tell what i knew if i thought a danger existed, not that i blame another for not wishing to come afoul of the law

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