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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. Go spend some time with them then, I am out of town but when I get back next week, you want see me on the PC at all. YOU ARE HOME!!!!!!!!!!What ya waitin for? :wacko: :wacko:




    i think driving is admirable...you are doing the right thing chuck....anyone that works hard for a living is ok by me


    my kids spend lots of time with me...currently though they are making a tent in the den with each other...we did hang out all day though...my daughter went to work with me

  2. Actually.....VERY. Ever own your own business or always depended on the corporate America. When I'm on the road it's 12-14 hrs a day 7 days a week. Understand?????Or no? And the money is my motivation. As we speak I am inputing readings into my other laptop using excel. SO, your point? Either you don't work or you do the 9-5 work. I work 17 staright days and take 5 days off and do it again. B)




    nope never owned my own business....co-own a couple of them....but if i did money wouldnt be my motivation....i would have my own business in order to provide for my family and have the extra time to spend with my kids...





    :lol: :lol: 1 or 2 every couple of months????????????That is a wide spectrum.......HHMM, People that are being ***H****, make people testy also, ever think of that?...... :lol: :lol:




    i did think of that...its why i posted

  3. I think DieHard hit the nail on the head with is remark about the bashing that goes on around here.


    Just like some people were telling him, I think people around here need to stop the bashing. No wonder we have so many visitors or anonymous people around here. They're afraid to post because they're afraid they will be treated the same way you are treating Chuck. :( :(



    cmon cardie...we are just playin...chuck knows this..

  4. Your guess is wrong. It doesn't take alcohol to voice my opinion as it may others. And I am SURE you are 100% alcohol free... :lol: SO What if on a Friday night of a 75 hr week have a few drinks.???????????This soap opera you people have going on with 278 is pathetic, get a job, enjoy your kids GET OF THE PC......Unfortunately, I own my own business and have to use one for work when I'm on the road. Yup, I will check posts on some nights. NOT ALL DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!So, think and judge the way ya want......... B)



    didnt mean to make you defensive



    get a job?....ill look into it


    i sold my kids to pay the power bill...to keep the internet going



    and i do drink...maybe one or two beers every couple of months.....dont use it to get by...alcohol makes folks testy ive heard

  5. WHAT?????????????I guess you smoke instead of drink. What are you talking about. If ya wanna make a point , make it. This isn't Jeoperdy. I say my own prayers, I wish NOTHING from you. ;)




    lol i dont drink...i do smoke...im just messing with ya...thats my point



    and i dont grant wishes

  6. Hummm...........I wonder how many other people has came to read p.com and thought the same thing as you but didn't ask questions........ :D

    I have to agree with you Diehard........... :D




    i would say about 278 folks just dont get pcom....



    pass the syrup

  7. Exactly. Just because he may have a gay issue but opposes public policy to allow gay marriages is not being hypocritical.


    And his issues with his gay problem, drugs, etc. is a weakness and he must deal with it, with God. As I always say, love the person...hate the sin.




    yea...lets do the twist



    just ADMIT it...it makes your points lack in the future when folks see ya bullsh your way round it just to save skewed views



    people remember

  8. Uh, yeah. Because that's the very definition of hypocrisy





    1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.


    2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.


    If you're a homosexual who believes homosexuality is wrong, then NOT ACTING ON YOUR URGES would be consistent with your beliefs. Remaining the closet and presenting yourself as uber religious and anti-homosexual is the epitome of hypocrisy.




    thanks les...less typing for me...if they dont get that...they are just ducking the truth to duck it


    yes it is hypocritical condemn gays and then turn round and be one....at minimun TWO FACED...a liar



    la la la


    So, it's supposed to be "hypocritical" for someone to have a secret homosexual life while publicly opposing homosexuality-- why? If you are homosexual and you believe homosexuality is wrong, remaining in the closet would be entirely consistent with your beliefs.


    If the claims about Haggard are true, he plainly was not living up to his own moral principles. (Of course those principles may be wrong. :o ) But Haggard's falling short of them has no bearing on their merits as moral principles.




    think of a cop that upholds the law during the day and robs convenience stores at night...what do you call that?

  9. OK The man asked for your input on the service. All I read was give me, give me. I think if he was going to give free stuff he would have posted it. Why would he ever again come on pcom and ask anyone for thier input if all your going to do is is ask for free stuff. I think that is rude . So I am going to say that out of all the sonics I have been to the one in hiram has the best food and service. There is really nothing to change. If he does give you a free milkshake it should be given to you in a cup the size of the shot glass.




    cmon now...nobody really expected mr wright to give em anything...it was all in fun...a milkshake wouldnt make or break any deal and mr wright got opinions from even those terrible milkshake needy folks...


    he asked for something that could benefit his bottom line...we asked for something that could benefit ours in return...asking isnt getting


    same as me and my business...yall got any ideas that might help me do my job?


    if i like em i will implement em and that will help me financially.....and you will benefit as a customer


    mr wright knows the deal...even if you dont...any intelligent businessperson does


    pcom is a great place do ask what he did...he got a great response...



    and the milkshake thing isnt about the $...it is cause he COULD if he wished....heck I COULD buy all of ya milkshakes....but yall havent given me any good ideas



    heck now that i think about it pbabe gets PAID for her opinion...not that that should be the case here...


    but he wouldnt have asked had he not valued the response...whatever it was


    now he knows he could generate a lot of side sales if a complimentary milkshake was offered to pcom members...heck i would make a special trip


    but thats just me...and my 4 kids..and my wife

  10. Have fun for all of us! I saw Def Leppard about 100 years ago (it seems). The last show I went to was the best concert I have ever seen, but then it was the greatest rock band ever-- AC/DC!!!!. I saw them in 2000 at Philips and then I took a road trip to Charlotte to see them on the second phase of the Stiff Upper Lip tour in 2001. It was awesome. I need to go to more shows. I hope those guys hit the road again soon.




    really man...they have to be ancient...might actually be deaf leppard now...what? what?


    Hey Lesley, I just heard that Leif is opening for them tonight. Will you tell him hello for me?

    And ask him about the X-mas party. :D :D





    leif got released?



    when is he doing the pcom benefit?



    i know yall are close

  11. BRAVO NY Gal!!!! Bravo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub: :wub:






    also thank you bumplett...for being you and supporting your husband while he fights overseas for the united states of america...



    you and your family are great!

  12. If you are a guy, I have had more p'sy than p'sy had you., don't even go there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




    i knew someone had to have me beat...im tired of dusting off the trophy



    but how would ya KNOW?



    anything else is just...well...kinda like wishin....maybe...maybe not


    50/50 guess at best

  13. Teen Points BB Pistol at the Wrong Car

    By Associated Press


    Thu Nov 2, 11:21 PM


    CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa - A teenager pointed his BB pistol at the wrong car. The car stopped and the two men inside pulled out their real .40-caliber Glock handguns. They were undercover police driving an unmarked car.


    They ordered Ryon Shelton, 15, of Cedar Rapids, to drop his gun, police said.


    "They thought it was a real gun," police Lt. Kenneth Washburn said. "He dropped the gun and attempted to run and was apprehended."


    Shelton told officers he was "just playing around" and trying to scare people during the Halloween night incident, police said.


    He was cited for assault while displaying a dangerous weapon and released to relatives, police said.

  14. That's interestering, because the first one I had (a 90 model) got popped in the rear end 3 times (two of them hard) with no damage at all. My wife got hit in it, I got popped pretty hard on 92 during a rain, and a guy at work backed smack into the rear of it again. Not a scratch (it had the black plastic bumpers). The 99 model I had got the snot knocked out of it in the rear while we were in the mountains. Almost knocked us into the car in front of us. Not a scratch on it either. But I must say, none of them were above the bumper hits.




    note to self...dont buy toyotas...wreck magnets

  15. Throw a prayer in for Jaycat too, while you're at it




    I still think it's highly amusing, either way. Different strokes for different folks, right? The guy apparently didn't bend over backwards to cover his tracks.




    ewww...pretty gooood


    Just because someone does something we do not agree with does not give us the right to make fun of them. I can't understand why it is so hard for people to have compassion for others. I am sure most of us have done things that were wrong and would have felt hurt if others made a joke about us.




    show me someone that hasnt done things wrong and ill show you someone not here long



    and feeling hurt dont kill ya..in this case he might need to feel it...feel what you have caused

  16. The Captain just prayed to Jesus about relieving your temporary pain. Unfortunately, He informed the Captain that you are most likely overexaggerating the sensitivity and have a pain tolerance of negative 4 on the pain chart. In addition, he proclaimed that you might be trying to gain unwarranted sympathy via internet forums, much like this one. It's a phenomenon that Hallmark is looking to capitalize on in the near future, whereby practical strangers divulge their medical history to other chatroom bystanders in hopes of soliciting a response of sympathy. Although this tactic relieves emotional stress, it does not numb the pain in the back, instead it exponentially gives others (including the Captain) a new pain in the backside.


    He also wanted you to know that he was in the process of saving 14 children from dying of AIDS until you interrupted him about your back. He now has you on "Ignore" and your "Prayer Request" feature blocked.


    Nice job SasMo




    just like a bedtime story i had been waiting for.....



    but i do hope sassymama feels better

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