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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. you're right - I should have said to grab your kleenex -


    I don't know which is worse - having to sleep in an empty bed - or waking up cold - but the days just drag by so slowly - watching this video just reminded me of why - and that it's worth it in the end to be lonely for awhile if it means a better life for someone else that otherwise wouldn't have it -- I don't know, I'm rambling - I'm just in one of those moods I guess --


    thanks for watching it though -



    thank you bumplett for your's and your husbands sacrifice to keep america safe!

  2. I know...The truth has been painful for all of us!!! (Thinking to self..What did that rascal take out of thee pool room..and how skilled she is..to even get me to hold the door for her....not even a wrinkle of guilt on that innocent looking face!)




    absolutely horrible.....using the victims themselves to acomplish her crimes...turning mizcue into a victim/accessory



    be on the lookout

  3. Hey PYrv--I thought we were friends--why are you doing this to me? Just wondering...


    It's really not very nice. :(


    Especially from a "friend."




    tabby...i was only playin with ya...tabby never told me anything at all yall...i just went too far in playin with her and im sorry tabby


    please forgive me...i wont do it again

  4. Thanks, py4. You're alright by me, too!


    Some people are to cynical to notice any good in a little legless man. There are even some that couldn't care any less than they do. But, I believe you have a heart.


    Every dog has its day. People who have never met the little man, as yet WILL MEET HIM!


    Of that there is no doubt. B)



    my lil sis has ms and keeps on pluggin...she is always happy, never down...she taught me more than i ever did her

  5. Please folks, don't stare...move along, there's nothing to see here. I've never said anything more than what I said in my first post here--that it's great. 'Nuff said. ;)


    And I was here at home with Hubby last Saturday night--don't know where you were, PYrv. :D




    lol...she was drunk and doesnt remember the storytelling

  6. Mine made me laugh like no one ever had before. He still does. Life is fun with him, and has been since our first date. He's a man of high integrity who people look up to and know they can always trust to do what he says. He loves his mother (so do I).


    Oh, and the sex is great, too. ;)




    yep...judge a guy by how he treats his mother....i tell my girls that


    Mine made me laugh like no one ever had before. He still does. Life is fun with him, and has been since our first date. He's a man of high integrity who people look up to and know they can always trust to do what he says. He loves his mother (so do I).


    Oh, and the sex is great, too. ;)



    tell us about the sex tabby

  7. I've known him for 9+ years. We've always been really good friends and I'd never really thought of him anything more than a good friend.....until I brought him to a party at another friend's house, got drunk, started talking to a someone and he was on the other side of the room talking to one of my other friends and I found myself unable to stop looking at him. I drank more in order to distract myself....yea. We were trashed and started making out. Started dating after that and now we live together.

    I'm classy.




    lol sweet

  8. Feb 8?



    ya know...9 months ago



    in whatever year....



    just that we have 9000 plus members of pcom and no one with today as their birthday


    except 21 year old numbercruncher



    just seemed odd to me...so i thought feb 8th of any given year wasnt the day for amore



    ill bet there will be a lot of folks on pcom celebrating a nov 14th birthday

  9. ok..the truth is pauldingbabe was a friend of my wife.....i knew her, but just in passing as she lived out of state..pauldingbabe and i didnt think much of each other on first meeting...i thought she was stuck up..she thought i looked mean.well.my wife cheated on me and told pauldingbabe about it...kinda bragged to her...pauldingbabe told her to tell me or she would....well needless to say i found out lol...once i knew the true way my wife at the time was "pushed" into telling me i knew tish was something special...someone that did what was right no matter...not to mention she was hot in her little red dancin dress...whew.well i asked her if she would go out with me the rest is history...glad she still tolerates me cause i love her lots

  10. First of all, Al Gore is not on the far left of the political spectrum he is a moderate. Secondly, she is not Nancy Polosy, she is Pelosi. Yes, the Democrats will raise taxes for the wealthy, but will attempt to cut taxes for the middle class. Tax cuts at the federal level mean state and local governments must increase taxes to make up for the shortfall so there really is no tax cut cut at all. Regarding the issue of illegal immigration, I agree something needs to be done. We do not have the resources to get rid of all illegal immigrants. Therefore, we need to have some type of amnesty program for the ones already here. State and local government can crack down on this problem by prosecuting businesses which hire illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants force American workers to work for less money, something the Republicans want. The Republicans have continuously voted against an increase of the minimum wage. The conservatives preach family values and fiscal responsibility but have shown niether by an agenda designed to screw working class Americans. The U.S. has very few far left politicians in comparison to other countries. Painting candidates who want affordable, decent health care, a living wage, and the same legal protections for all Americans, gay or straight seems to me like a pretty reasonable thing if we are the great democracy we claim to be. Anything less means we are not doing our job as a democracy. American citizens will never give any political party a blank check to fight a war after Vietnam, which was handled by the Democrats. While Iraq is a mess, Afghanistan is starting to fall apart. The President had the support of most Americans to fight Afghanistan but he left to fight a war in Iraq, which Democrats chose to support. I am not a fan of Nancy Polosy, I mean Pelosi, but I give her credit for being an outspoken critic of the war in Iraq from the beginning. I hope she dosen't engage in the same partisan games played by the Republican controlled Congress in 1994. The agenda she has laid out makes sense for middle class Americans; tax cuts for our middle class, a reduction in student loan rates and competitive bidding for prescription drugs for seniors makes sense. Whether this agenda can be carried out is another question.




    its neither






    and we are not a democracy

  11. Nah, I come from a LONG line of aggressive, outspoken Republicans, AND " inyour face ", card carrying Liberals....lots of family arguments there!!! So I just take the most logical (Logical for me) aspects of both parties, and meld them into my own choice- I even hate being pigeonholed as a Libertarian or a Independent.



    swing voter

  12. I am neither Democrat nor a Republican. So thats where I stand. Yes, some things may change a bit, but its not the end of the world, Chicken Little! Things naturally swing back and forth in politics, when it is strongly one direction for awhile, it seems then to naturally shift to the other direction for awhile, or at least adjust the direction to a more even balance.



    what actually happens is like the seven year itch...get tired of one..shift to another...add in a little absence makes the heart grow fonder and some promise anything politics..and you get shift

  13. My wife is having a biopsy Friday and that will determine my fee time. If I can I will for sure, I know 12/9 I can't.




    ahhh...took me a min...free time



    had me wonderin what the goin hourly rate for santa was..like in a mall


    what does a paid santa make?

  14. I invited Fly over for the first time, having never met her in person before. When she pulled up and got out of the car, my jaw dropped as I gazed on the most beautiful woman I think I had ever seen, clearly out of my league. Then as we talked, I was completely engrossed in every word that came out of her mouth.


    Every morning I wake up ever since then, I look at her face and lie there in awe at what such a gorgeous woman could possibly see in an old ogre like me. While it baffles me at times, I still feel incredibly blessed that it is what it is. :)




    man...are ya tryin to make all of us other guys look bad...quit posting stuff like that

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