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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. I just wish everybody would stop being so rabid, with spit flying everywhere. :lol:




    cmon now...im happy the dems ran with it....now we can blame them for everything if they dont fix it as promised...which will also help 2008

  2. For me?? :blush:

    ::covering face with hands::


    You shouldn't have!!!!! But thank you anyway.

    I'm happy to announce that I am re-celebrating my 21st birthday!!!!


    Thank you Pee-why!!!!!!!!!! :wub:



    you are quite welcome.....now we know at least that your parents loved each other, at least for a while on feb 8, 1984...wow now i feel old

  3. Hubby had an accident last night……. :unsure:


    A car pulled out in front of him last night on his way home. No one was hurt however the other people did not have insurance. :angry: They are also from out of state. Is insurance coverage required in all states? They did tow his car not from damage but because of the insurance info. When we left they were talking about arresting him. Not sure how that turned out. They got a ticket and charged for the accident. Our little truck is a 91 Nissan we just bought it for 2500.00 4 months ago and just last week put 523.00 into it.


    . I do have uninsured motorist coverage. However I don’t know how that works. I’m sure they will total the little truck... I’m sure I won’t get what I have in it back. This sucks right here at Christmas!!!!!!


    Anyone have any knowledge on how this may turn out? We do have a good insurance company. We use Liberty Mutual and have never had any issues with coverage. However I have never had to file a claim with them.


    He just called me and needs to go to the Dr his neck is very sore. Does my medical Ins pick up the tab for this or my car insurance? Thanks for any advise.



    i would make an immediate dr appt...and the next call would be to my insurance company...the next to john oxendines office,,,ins commisioner of ga


    your uninsured motorist medical should pick up the cost if it allows it in your policy


    good luck!

  4. I will pretend it's my birthday if everyone will sing to me.......




    happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you....how did that damn song go again?

  5. the us will never be taken by violence...it will be from within...long term




    not that this guy is part of anything...but on that program the other night it was said that islam wishes to change the white house....not with violence...but ideas..get out the vote

  6. Meltid,


    I want to personally thank you, young lady. People like you are who does the work, and then you try to give the credit away to political subdivision's.


    You are the one I want to thank, along with your co-workers at the animal shelter, from the bottom of my animal loving heart.


    Keep up the good work, Meltid. We Love Ya, And We Need Ya! :wub:




    well put eddie....ditto...


    thanks to everyone involved in helping the helpless

  7. i doubt they enjoyed the $ much in the 3 or 4 minutes they had with it


    sad sad sad...man were they willing to shoot someone for a few dollars?


    armed robbery in my opinion should be treated the same as attempted murder...go away forever...bad riddance



    make room in the cellblock...

  8. Someone needs to change the time on the server. It's ahead by an hour. I noticed it when clocks were set back, but thought someone would get around to chainging it. Guess they didn't.




    they are probably just an hour too late each time they try

  9. Kim, I promise to pray for you. We just went through a long, hard battle with my husbands mother. She died an awful death from lung cancer. It was so hard to watch. And I hated that my kids had to watch it happen, too. She was a wonderful mom, grandma, sister, aunt, mother-in-law and friend. I hate cigarettes! You are doing the right thing. May God be with you and give you the strength to accomplish your goal.


    I would love to see an update on how you are doing.





  10. I don't know if anyone is still up at this hour but if you are PLEASE pray for me. I did not realize it was Lung cancer awareness month but I was already planning on quitting smoking tomorrow. It is my granddaughters first birthday and for her birthday present I am quitting smoking. Hopefully it will prolong my life with her and the rest of my family and friends. Thanks for reading this and wish me luck.




    awwww you are doing it for the right reasons...you will value the extra time you have with her...not to mention the saved $



    when it gets hard just carry a pic of your granddaughter and look at it


    good luck!




    i want to quit also

  11. I like to rag on him for smoking like a chimney






    i know you werent saying it was les..but i found this part interesting


    Adding to that is the new research that shows there may be a genetic link that makes the child of a lung cancer victim almost 2 times as likely to develop the disease. For reasons that are not yet fully understood, non-smoking children are even more likely to develop the disease than smokers. http://www.webmdhealth.com/nl/nl.aspx?id=2...237&p=liv101806


    Because this disease is no longer a ‘smoker’s’ issue,

  12. When you say DA, you do mean Dumb A---, right? :D Where's the p.com peanut gallery that wouldn't vote for me if I were running for dog catcher?




    hey i know the "dog catcher" and i would vote for him above a lot of those running...lol

  13. With today's available technology we should be able to know election and ballot results within 30 mins of polls closing.


    I don't dare leave p.com,might not be able to get back on tonight

    edited to say-this is not a slam against pubby.




    agreed...seems like it would be pretty instantaneous...kinda like a pcom poll




    but then again it is govt...i just clicked on the sec of states office and it crashed my computer



  14. I voted straight democrat to offset some of the non-thinkers in this county! :lol:




    derr....next time you and i can just not go...save some time as we just cancel each other out..i promise i wont go if you will




    just a thought



    and while im hurting my brain thinkin...your vote wont offset some..just one

  15. I apologize for the stereotype....


    But she started it *points accusingly (is that a real word?) at Guinevere!*

    I thought Jessica Simpson was the one that worked at the car wash? B)



    lol....i think ya are right



    ok ok...the person that puts the flags on the freshly made mailboxes

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