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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. Dang.... I don't know what happened to what I typed, but here goes again.


    Poisonous mushrooms can KILL your dog!!! Also they can make a child very ILL!!


    I want to warn everyone who owns dogs, especially small dogs, that some of the mushrooms that grow this time of year are VERY toxic and can KILL your dog or make a child sick!!


    November 8th marked 2 years ago that one of our small dogs, 8 lbs, died after eating poison mushrooms in our back yard. A good friend who lives in Carroll county called me today from her vet's office. Her Chihuahua was non-responsive and on IV fluids. They suspected mushroom poisoning. Thankfully, after several hours of intensive care, she showed some improvement and has a chance of a recovery. She is not out of the woods yet though.


    These mushrooms are very quick acting. Within a very short time, 15 - 20 minutes, they begin to throw up and have terrible diarrhea. Shortly thereafter, they become so weak they can not stand or hold their head up. My friend was lucky. She got her dog to the vet in time. The vet said if she had waited even just a few minutes, she probably would have died. Sadly, we were not as lucky.


    These mushrooms are very low growing and difficult to see. They have very slender stems with brown, flat caps. They are apparently quite tasty.


    Larger dogs are more able to tolerate the toxin, but still may become ill.


    PLEASE, if you see your dog showing interest in eating something growing in the yard, check it out. If they have eaten mushrooms and show any sign of becoming ill, take them to the vet RIGHT AWAY. It IS a matter of life and death!!!


    Anything that is this toxic to small dogs can easily make a child ill. PLEASE check your yard daily.





    thank you for the info....

  2. They say the way to tell if you have a leak is to not to have any water running, like the dishwasher or washing machine an dgo out and look at your meter and if your meter is moving then there is a leak somewhere...




    agreed...shut everything water related off and go to the meter....there is a little red triangle inside the reading glass dead center...if it is moving at all with everything shut off you have a leak

  3. i would say leave it alone in that your child did the "crime"...so she must do the "time"


    you may be right in that another child has done worse and recieved less punishment. let that go...your daughter will learn from this...and from what you have posted about her being a good kid otherwise, i would say no harm no foul....


    the other kid may/and probably has other issues you may not be privy to...therefore fair to your daughter and fair to the other student may be two different things....



    good luck and tell her to keep being a good student...it will pay off

  4. When they showed the close up of one of the puppies it had walked right

    up to the camera we thought the puppy was going to lick the camera. Rev

    we told you that you did good. She was afraid that she said ain't and

    yonder. We told her she did several times :D






    i do wish they had said the PAULDING county humane society is the one accepting donations for lily



    not that giving to any humane society is a great thing

  5. paulding.com peace, lol.....Let's take one think at a time :)



    pcom is the world for me lol


    I want another healthy year for my daughter and husband and myself. I want my mom to get better after a long battle with lupus. I also wouldn't mind a gift certificate to a spa for a little rest and relaxation.

    Miss Congeniality?? :lol:




    lol yep ..had to

  6. im not trying to offend anyone but whats up w/ all the stuff in the pool room the last time i was there you couldnt even shot for all the stuff.

    i would be glad she toted the junk off.




    my excuse for not being able to shoot is usually that i got something in my eye...maybe that my stick tip was broken...but i will have to remember the "too much stuff" excuse



    shaddup and break

  7. Mods....delete my last post. It is not appropriate at this time.



    thanks jatcat...



    i got to play with lily and her pups tonight...they are great dogs..well loved and quite the group



    rev and her kids are great...two teenaged sons so well behaved they should be the standing models for good kids



    heck the whole group tonight was great...say what...green meadow..pwilhelm...pauldingbabe.and as always meltid


    glad to know yall...

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