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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. Yeah, I am the boss so I can take homegrown or homemade to work with me. I think

    the kids would like the home made better. I have a date with some fellow p'commers

    tonight so how about the top two bidders get choice? Come on. I don't think Mr. Johnny

    Carino will let me use his computer just to win cupcakes.

    $30.00 :p







    can i get some too?

  2. You know what? After all I've said tonight, I thought surely I would get a few more votes on your

    poll, Misty. :( Oh well, I tried. :p :lol: :lol:



    i heard you cardie...you made me think



    thank you


    Psssst Py....go check out the sonic thread HINT HINT




    mr wright apparently knows business....good deal and well done

  3. Thanks for the response . . . just mention my name Billy Wright and you will get a free milkshake with the purchase of a burger.


    Check out my respose #58 also . . . Billy




    wow...i am impressed...thank you mr wright....



    thats community feedback



    20 % off...cool

  4. Wow. I'm looking at the response. Half of those who responded are "confident" to "very confident" of biology? Maybe I'm missing something but in my thinking, a "confident" would have to be at least a biology degree & a 'very confident" would be a graduate degree.


    I flat out will tell you that I'm not confident at all in biology or physics & have to rely on the basics from my freshman/sophmore years in college to even repeat facts.


    Either we've got some serious science majors/doctors or we've got some folks that reckon their abilities much more than I would reckon myself.



    and then you are just repeating what others have said are facts....and those can be skewed through time and opinions



    truth is no one knows

  5. The order movies on the tv's in the rooms, the catv in the rooms and sometimes the wireless internet installs and networking hardline to rooms...



    cool...you must get to stay in some nice places...


    yall meet chuck


    chuck meet yall



    well nice to meet ya chuck...i hope you have a great pcom experience...

  6. I drive my Z71, with a 6x10 trailer( which carries all my tools ) and I travel to a Hyatt, Ritz, Hampton, etc Hotels and stay there about 10 days and put in the movie and cable TV system. Networking on some jobs...????Far from a truck driver to me. :blink: :blink:



    thank you...my buddy just helped on a renovation of i believe a hyatt on riverstreet in savannah



    they did the plumbing upgrade

  7. Well, Explain, "Off the deep end on what?", Asking for a truce 5 times now.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm fine, Mr Sarcastic is living up to his name.....




    sorry...what i mean chuck is what do you do...where are ya from? what do ya like to do? where do you drive to and from? wife? kids? hunt? fish? camp? waterski?

  8. Well, Explain, "Off the deep end on what?", Asking for a truce 5 times now.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm fine, Mr Sarcastic is living up to his name.....



    chuck his post was referring to what cardie said...not that you were "off the deep end"

  9. I don't drive for a living, I pull a trailer from job to home to job.......Just to make it clear, And by no means am I degrading a truck driver......Tough job.. ;)




    sorry for the assumption...i was just following your lead that i didnt spend time with my kids and or didnt work at all

  10. Youn make ZERO sense!!!!!!!!!! :wacko:




    what do you want me to say...that i started my 1st business in 1994 when i was 26.that i have an interest in more than one business now...that i run one myself?..i was just rolling with your assumption that i work a 9 to 5 or dont work...would ya believe me anyhow?

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