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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. You know that Walking tall misspelled Saddam's name in the title.


    I thought about fixing it but decided I everyone knew who we were talking about and I didn't want to give the sob the respect.


    As far as the timing, I think Bush would have done better to have had them sentence him earlier and then having images of him hanging from the gallows tomorrow.


    When is he supposed to take the dirt nap anyway.


    Second point, I want everyone to know that we are executing him for his role in the murder of 148 people in a single Shiite town in 1982.


    File away the fact that we are holding this evil man accountable for a crime that happened in 1982 that was part of his efforts (misguided as they often are) to govern his country. I have no problem with such a prosecution, just to clarify.






    that was a mere speck of a blink in the long heavy handed agressive "rule" he exerted for 30 years+



    he did worse...much worse

  2. Not disagreeing with you at all.


    It just makes the cynicism easier.


    And since I blasted Clinton for the missile attack on an asprin factory during the Monica Scandal . . . well, I'm just trying to be consistent & say that it sure looks like both of 'em were trying to influence the election by manipulating the current events.



    lol yep.i see what ya are saying..but we all pretty much walk round everyday trying to manipulate the current events...even if it is just on a micro/family level...manipulate just sounds bad...



    kinda like congress saying..money spent


    ....................................or money invested

  3. If this doesn't influence my cynicism about the entire process, I should be ashamed.


    From The Nation

    Really, now. How much more time did they need? Does it not just seem really conspicuous?




    in trying to garner or keep new business (or votes), who wouldnt adjust things to their favor if possible?


    for example...tbar what do you do? [EDITED BY DEPUTY HELLO SARAH?]

    would you tell new customers about your failures? [EDITED BY DEPUTY HELLO SARAH?]


    would you do this a month before the meeting with your potential customers..or during the meeting?


    sure it is timed...but does that make it sinister?



    everyone that is swayed by something like this is a fool...and ya cant depend on them anyhow


    see gullible:


    Main Entry: gull·ible

    Variant(s): also gull·able /'g&-l&-b&l/

    Function: adjective

    Date: 1818

    : easily duped or cheated

    - gull·ibil·i·ty /"g&-l&-'bi-l&-tE/ noun

    - gull·ibly /'g&-l&-blE/ adverb

  4. hmm...right


    only he's not running for office



    nope...just announcing to the american public..using the title/posistion bill clinton gave him..im sure he is not trying to sway the vote...




    only he's not running for office




    the guy that made this movie is?

  5. Hey all. The issue is dealing with domestic disturbance. I am the guy's neighbor, so have known him for over 15 years and don't really want to release any names until I know EVERYTHING that happened. But the gist of the situation is there were a TON of cop cars that had every road near my house blocked off, ambulances and fire and rescue trucks becuase apparently he had threatened to kill his mother, brother, himself, and anyone who came near. I was a little scared when I stepped outside and heard that. Guess you can never REALLY know anyone. ...it also might have been nice if a cop would have came and let us know what was going on 100 yards away....




    damn inconsiderate cops...aint like they were busy

  6. The reason I brought up Jim Jones is because it suggests someone who has claimed some elements of divinity/perferction and has asked others to do his bidding as a result of his exhaulted position.


    The point being we know that some folks get so far into a narrative or reality of this type that, when it was said and done, 965 people drank the kookaid.


    What I'm trying to get at is are you independent enough and sure enough of scientific fact and what represents provable, repeatable scientific reality and that reality was presented to you say on a subject ... say the issue of UFO's or extraterrestials, would you believe the scientific fact or would you accept the 'societal truth' that it is a hoax?


    In a quasi Jim Jones context, consider the tobacco 'truth' that ranged from the 1964 Surgeon General report until big tobacco finally caved in the mid 1990's ... I mean the big four's CEO's testifying they didn't think tobacco was 'addictive' under oath ... the entire reality that if you smoke you increase your risks of bad health by several hundres of percent ... I mean, at least 25 million people smoke that koolaid ... if you know what I mean.


    So generally, what I'm getting at is if society says what you see and science says is true ... is not true (or at least is unthinkable) would you accept the conventional wisdom? Do you accept the judgement of science or do you rationalize around it and in so doing, drink the kookaid?


    Another big example is the news on the environment. It would appear that only a few are willing to do so much as spit in regard to changing their behaviors over the enviornment. Few among us say this is wrong and I'll not do it ... and we're not even close to the situation at Jonestown where if you dissented, they shot you.


    Mrs. Howard, there are hundreds of issues, large and small, that science would imply, suggest or occassionally prove without a doubt that what we as a society believe to be 'generally true' is absolutely wrong.


    The effort of the renaissance; the enlightenment, was to establish reason, knowledge and judgement as the arbiter of truth and the guide for the future rather than relying on the authority of royal edict and religious dogma.


    What I'm trying to do is establish whether, in our little corner of the world, the ideals of the enlightenment would prove ultimately victorious in a confrontation with the forces of convention.





    i think folks would accept it pubby...after a panic



    Don't know seeker.


    Maybe the issue is as clear as the accelaration of unsupported bodies accelarating at 32.2 feet per second and how long they would take to fall about 1400 feet.)



  7. As much as I'd like to see the guy swinging, I can't help but think that a sentence along the lines of a life sentence in a US Federal prision, general population, would be much worse. There are some things worse than death.




    not that saddam is religious...but maybe sentence him to a prison with a pig farm...would be kinda symbolic to the muslim fanatics he reaches out to when it is convenient to him

  8. Post #78.




    my post had to do with christians perhaps not understanding that this one man was a hypocrite




    that some christians didnt understand that this guy is a hypocrite


    Post #78.

    There's the moral right and an immoral right. You chose which one is correct.




    my father and mother never taught me there was a moral right and an immoral right



    just RIGHT and WRONG





  9. Just because those that fall from grace doesn't give you the right to cast shadows or doubts over ALL Christians for someones failure. Furthermore, all Christians are sinners but saved by the grace of God.


    In using YOUR example...one bad cop does not cast a shadow that ALL cops are bad because of one's failure.


    There are no twists but a fact of life of human failures, weaknesses and faults that every human possess and that includes Christians. Satan is alive and well and that is his job to faulter everyone to his ways but for those of us saved, that is the wall that we lean on when our human tendencies fail us in the eyes of the Lord. SO now his faults are with him and Christ to deal with and not of us.


    Sure it bothers and disappoints us, but we don't cast sheep down a hill because they have faults even if they are tempted and succumb to the ills of society and the temptations. He will have to live with his choice of making mistakes but it will be of God's will of what will happen, not what we think should happen and in the end, he will be forgiven.




    it isnt a right...it is a privilidge



    i didnt imply anywhere that the entire christian religion had been made to be hypocrites...only this ONE man



    but if you think i did....forgive me

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