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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. Please folks, this Santa has been advertised, and we MUST have a Santa there. Can somebody volunteer even a few hours of time? We are obligated to do this now....Lunch is even on us ;)


    Please PM JBrigman ASAP, if you are available. ;)




    now im sure there is no santa

  2. One thing that was hard for me Thanksgiving was the realization that I have nobody to share and laugh over the childhood and teen year memories.. We had some good jokes and things we picked on our Mom about..

    Things they (our parnets) never caught on that we did.. Like the time I jumped out my window to go to a party and the dang thing closed and locked behind me.. (my brother not realizing it at the time) thinking I would figure it out later I went to the party.. drank a lil too much.. came home tried to open the window...only to look in and see my brother sitting there laughing at me.. He finally opened it then had to climb out and hoist me in cuz there was no way I could do it not as trashed as I was.. I will never forget the look on our parents faces when we told them this story a few years back.. The wanted us to confess everything.. LOL NOT!!!

    It just about killed me to realize that I am now an only child.. for what reason NON that I will accept as good enough....


    I just don't want to make others hurt because I am..

    My husband wants me to talk to him about it but I just lose it.. and cry.. I really don't want to talk in front of the kids.. they don't need to have to relive their pain...



    lisa...if you share with your parents and your family what you and your brother did together( good and bad) that will give the memories to them also...then you would have others to share those memories with..



    my favorite aunt raised her only son alone from the time he was five...he was a hellion..drugs..runaway..bad in school.arrest after arrest..he almost drove her crazy...then he changed somehow..got into ga southern and graduated magna...got his commission as an officer in the navy..got accepted into flight school...then he was killed in a flight training accident over corpus christie texas.nothing to bury...she was floored/devastated/suicidal...she came to stay with us for a year as my dad was the caretaker in the family...she would cry all the time...nothing would relieve her pain it seemed..we as kids heard her in her room late at night crying in agony...but time went on and eventually she began to talk to us about him..i think that helped her....now she is living a life again and i think what it took was just time and others willing to just let her grieve...we were kids at the time and we were happy to help her through this..it didnt damage us..it helped us learn how to care about someone elses pain...ill bet your kids are the same...you go at your own speed and dont feel guilty about a thing...it will get better

  3. I can say with certainty we've not come very far in 2000 years.


    No doubt, this fellow deserves little but I think we should seek to be humane in our treatment of prisoners not because of who they are but because of who we are.


    And who are we?


    Well, to begin, we are smart enough to know that if the reality of maximum security is isolation and mental cruelty of this nature, any sane person would rather die than surrender to authorities. How may innocent victims will his message condemn to death or crippling; how many cops will the baddies take with them as they prefer to go out in a blaze of murder and mayhem to avoid cruel and unusal punishments of this nature.


    Come along peacefully, you'll be treated fairly and humanely ... from your trial to your punishment ... appears a lie and a fraud.


    Yep, if we continue down this road of hate, murder, and retribution, we might be able to convince twenty percent of the loser population that it is better to go full force into being natural born killers ... instead of the .0002 percent. Heck, betcha they could kill a hundred thousand regular folks every year in the type of violent world being established.


    Recognize folks; people are what we teach them to be and hateful, conniving, stick the knife in a twist this way and then that, is going to create more hate, more death, more destruction.


    Maybe it would help if you realize that the common attitude comes from the old-testament attitude of an eye for an eye... but those who have seen the light; regardless of the source of their enlightenment ... know that the commandment 'love your enemies' is the way to transformation.






    pubby i get what you are saying...but knowing the human race is how it is..and that our makeup contains the basic need to punish when we are offended...what you are suggesting will never happen....at least in the next few hundred generations



    a snake will bite...just cause it is a snake

  4. Mine is the 20th! <_<


    When I was little, I never got to have "Real" Birthday parties since it is so close to Christmas. Now that I am older, things are WAY TOO HECTIC to even think about celebrating a Birthday. :wacko:


    My hubby just asked me about it today and I said "We can deal with it AFTER Christmas" ;)




    yep me too...mine is the 19th



    merry birthday


    happy christmas

  5. UUGH! I am at a loss...


    My husband decided not to do a list this year, and now I'm stuck! I've tried getting him sentimental stuff in the past, and stuff that I thought would get him to relax and have some fun... and they became dust-collectors.


    I found a video game that he will like, so I have that plus the normal wife-gift of clothes. After that, I still have about $100 to spend on him. I want to get him something great! :wub:


    He's a bit of a tech-head, in that he likes new technology and anything to do with his computer. But having said that, he pretty much already has everything. So I need ideas!!!


    Guys... what do you want your women to BUY you for Christmas? (I know what you want that doesn't cost anything!) :o


    Ladies... what are you getting your significant others that you are really excited about?



    you could get him a flying lesson somewhere

  6. FLORENCE, Colo. — Olympic bomber Eric Rudolph laments in a series of letters to a newspaper that the maximum-security federal prison where he is spending the rest of his life is designed to drive him insane.


    "It is a closed-off world designed to isolate inmates from social and environmental stimuli, with the ultimate purpose of causing mental illness and chronic physical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and arthritis," he wrote in one letter to The Gazette of Colorado Springs.


    Rudolph wrote that he spends 23 hours a day in his 7-by-12-foot cell, his only exercise confined to an enclosed area he described as a "large empty swimming pool" divided into "dog-kennel style cages."


    "Using solitary confinement, Supermax is designed to inflict as much misery and pain as is constitutionally permissible," he wrote in a letter.

    From the ajc


    well...boo-hoo, Eric! I remember Barney telling Opie and his friends once that if they ever went to jail, that's the end of the happy days. No more fishin', no more ball playin', no more peanut butter sandwiches.


    Maybe someone will at least feel sorry enough for you that they will get you a new room mate.....maybe someone like Charlie Manson.





    oh oh sorry eric....now that we know you are having trouble with the supermax maybe we can get you a pet bird or something...maybe a cell phone..some good books...some punch and pie...maybe let you go to town on certain nights with a little cash to spend



    nah...shut up go insane and die


    what a friggin pus

  7. I was refering to the "Jesus is the reason for the season" slogan.

    P, true Christians see Christ completely seperate from "Christmas" IMHO

    commercial Christmas has been around a long time.





  8. For the Christians, why does Jesus just get a season? Are you un-Christian for the other 3/4 of the year??




    holidays are what ya make of em....like valentines day...those in love view every day as valentines day...the love flows no matter the season....others see it as the mandatory must buy the old bag a bobble day...glad when it is over


    same as christmas...true christians see christmas as the celebration of the birth of their savior...others see it as a time to figure out how to buy gifts for others without filing chapter 13


    it is all in ones perspective

  9. he is lucky it is not up to me...i would have him in a straightjacket hooked to a wall 24/7 and have him intravenously fed with a colostomy bag for relief...


    for entertainment/exercise i would have a loop of sally struthers laughing at 100 decibels nonstop

  10. It's his parents...I know they meant well, but at the same time it was thoughtless. I knew they were going tot he mall, but I never imagined they would drop that kind of cash in a morning at the mall...how can we compare to that?




    sheesh...i would spend the $ saved not having to buy the gifts you expected to buy and take a jaunt with the kids somewhere warm...san destin maybe...courtesy of santa

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