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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. What you see there is a test track for a maglev train company. See http://www.american-maglev.com/


    I drove back there a few months ago to see what was up. On the fence entering the construction site (from the north) was a small sign reading "AMT". With the help of Google, I learned that it was American Maglev Technology. Specifically, see http://www.american-maglev.com/test_track.html.




    genius....thank you



    if ivylove doesnt work there yet her dreamjob just propelled itself this away

  2. I was walking in my hallway and I heard a "mew' coming from my upstairs. I opened the upstairs door and there sat a little kitten/cat. Its about 6 months, more or less, female, well kept, and a little Christmas collar with bells around it's neck. My house is a sive, so getting in my upstairs isn't a mystery, but this is somebodies kitty. Has anybody lost this adorable little kitty, that maybe lives in the Dallas area???


    I'll post a picture in a little while...



    i heard santa was supplementing his reindeer with kittens this year...energy savings...is the kitten lightweight and kind of "drifty"?

  3. Is there a web site that I can go to find out details of a supposed horrible crime that happened to/against someone that I know? It was in a nearby county and is something that I would think :blink: would be on the news if it was legit. I would like to be able to confirm certain details. Is there a place where you can get public information of this nature?




    eesh...hope it is nothing more than a sicko lazy employee making up a story to explain why they didnt come in the last week before christmas..otherwise i would think calling the individual county or communities within would be the best way to find out the truth...just ask if the crime occurred...not about the who it occurred to.a crime bad enough to have made the news would im sure be info the dept handling it would be quite aware of...i am at a loss as to how rape cases are handled publicly



    edited to add that i am not in law enforcement but have been pulled over a time or two

  4. ya know..if ever there was a good pcom investigative story to explore this one would have to be it..monorail poised just outside paulding county?...it has all the fixins....inquiring minds want to know( we just dont want to stop and ask)

  5. You are right, but as dumb as my family was, back when Franklin D. Roosevelt was president, I would not be drawing $2,000 a month today, because I would not have a 401k.


    I know I paid in a lot, but I'm getting some of it back!


    i get your point eddie....i think at the time of social security's inception people were of a different mindset than people are now.....back in fdr's days few families save the rich had the resources availible to make retirement worthy investment decisions....one weeks pay lost and real trouble appeared for many...no extra time or money to invest....govt stepped in and forced the ss issue seeing the future trouble of a retired america with no job and no money...good thing


    now technology has made lives easier...people have the benefit of having the spare time and money to make choices for themselves now...i believe the gove makes no investment of the monies it recieves...it just uses that money to pay for those using ss at that time...no gain for the customer


    most folks can now make good use of their extra money if they wish...the ability is there for the average person...given enough time, to become wealthy by retirement...just an average job...possible to become a millionaire by 65...heck 55..compound interest over time gets it done


    it was a great program when it was started...but now the framework needs to be changed...things will have to be adjusted....learning the basics of wise investing needs to be taught to all of those needing it...mandatory..no adult left behind...educate the masses...and ss can be a thing of the past...or perhaps made to toward building a future..not just robbing peter to pay paul


    sorry for the ramble..

  6. all sleep aid medication can be addictive...heck you have to be very carefull not to become addicted to them if you take them regularly....


    any medication can be abused...and a doctor saying it is non addictive does not mean the truth about the drug has been spoken...doctors can be uninformed and make mistakes also as they rush along from patient to patient all day long prescribing both familiar and perhaps unfamiliar drugs

  7. I remember being young and listening to a sermon (normally as a kid i slept through church, but this one stuck with me for some reason) the reverend was telling the story of a man who came to live with him who was a vagrant. in the middle of the night the reverend was woken by the sounds of the vagrant stealing his gold candle sticks and silverware. The rev just looked at him and said "take them theyre just as much yours as they are mine, and are replacable."


    i stopped going to church after that reverend left. because frankly speaking the next runner up was just like those in this story, complaining about the loss of something easily replaced. which just shows me the hippocracy of such thing. now granted I personally would complain if my stuff gets stolen...but then i never claimed to be religious.


    now i could see complaining about a time traveling klepto who went back to steal the real life baby jesus...but thats just a little back to the futuresque.



    man...i would have been ok with the thief taking the silver candle sticks...but dont take the gold ones...those are hard to find

  8. Words Women Use:


    1.) FINE: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.


    2.) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five Minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

    3.) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.


    4.) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!


    5.) Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing.)


    6.) That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.


    7.) Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or Faint. Just say you're welcome.


    8.) Whatever: Is a women's way of saying F@!K YOU!


    9.) Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking "what's wrong", for the woman's response, refer to # 3.


    It's so true :mellow:



    agree except for #2...then five minutes becomes somewhere around 120 seconds...otherwise known as " COME ON NOW!!"...time to go see the inlaws

  9. i didnt say hiram i said haram. haram, basically the persian equivalent of concubines and geishas. a royal brothel or bordello as it were.




    oh oh gotcha....im kind of slow on the uptake


    i had the same thing happen to me except the name was god not nodd and there was not any stroking involved...


    but i did get to see some radiant crystalline beautiful wonderous things


    and then some horribly terrifying things

  10. now that anyone on the planet earth with the will, the electricity, and access to the internet, can obtain a competitive education...america is losing its competitive edge to those not raised to think that everything comes easy...like a lot of america's work force current and especially future have been...those before us wanted the best for their kids...to give them the things they did not have....i think it was a well intended mistake...sacrificing to give kids the best of everything tangible and not enough emphasis towards giving what is priceless...a family's love, time, and a superior education



    wait a couple of more generations without a change in our education/motivation/valuation standards and america will go then to what we now call third world...


    the playing field has been leveled...i hope we can find a way to come out ahead as america has always been able to do...but i am truly worried

  11. Its guessed I was male!


    was really funny, is the Messed up stuff I typed in there!




    Perhaps I was dreaming. An amazing fantasy such as this would scarcely be regarded as anything but an intense illusion of the mind, but there I was grasping onto the frayed edges of that rainbow. Looking at the world below, and watching the beautiful streams of clear blue water as the prancing fairies performed a mystical dance that could only be appreciated by the eyes of a small child. As I let go the whimsical coil of color and dreams that held me aloft above this world below me I could only think of the feelings I once had. As my mind drifted to those glorious times when I could truly feel such things, my corporeal being plummeted down to the earth and loam below. the dreamstate, taking over my mind, as the sight I possessed dimmed into the obscurities of things that are neither real nor exist. As I returned to the truth from the entropy that is unconsciousness my vision returned to me. Behold! What is this that stands before me? "I am Nodd," the large gentle being proclaimed to me in a voice so gentle yet so strong that it could both comfort and terrify. "I know not what brings you here, but please allow me to give you all the hospitality that is mine to give." Saying this, the being placed its hand upon my bosom and stroked me gently. I looked into the loving eyes and realized I had nothing to fear; closing my eyes I gave myself to the being. As its soft fur laden hand found its way underneath the garments that hid from the world those parts of me which I had always reserved for my eyes and my eyes alone. I wailed with a subtle joy as the being enveloped me. Holding myself still from the quivering brought by my wildest dreams come to life I became whole. All the missing elements of me fell into place; a perfect circle that even Gestalt in his infinite imagination could not have conceived. "Wait," said the being, as it released me from my confines of wonderment and joy. "I must show you." Not knowing what it meant, I could only watch as my exposed skin felt the cool kiss of the zephyr. The being, took me gently by the hand and led me away from our den of passion. I could only begin to imagine the sights I would soon be exposed to. My heart raced with anticipation; my lips quivered with anxiety. I melted. My former self stripped away like so many vails from the days of the haram. "What is this?" I asked of my being of love. "What is this light that comes stronger as we approach?" "It is meant for only the eyes of the one I choose." And with that, the being thurst itself into me; every pore, every heartbeat, every breath inside me screamed with release and eternal amore. Gone were the days of my own self doubt, and now before this dim and exquisite light I find that which I have always sought for myself. Her hand caressed me smoothly, as I began to realize myself as we all did; there was no being, no rainbow, no light. Just myself and the friends I had known for years. Smiling and laughing. I had indeed used too much cocaine and LSD. But why a man, such as myself, would fantasize about woodland creatures touching my gelatinous man-chest then become a bean bag chair, to this day escapes me. Alcohol does no one any progress.




    well other than misspelling hiram i thought the story of a typical paulding county teenager out on a saturday night date was a pretty good read

  12. A jury's job is to determine if there is evidence that a person guilty of breaking the law and that the evidence makes it "beyond any reasonable doubt". They cannot interpret or change the law in the jury room, they follow it as stated.




    what they said^


    anything else the jury should talk to the judge...he/she is the "law" within the courtroom


    see jury nullification


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