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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. Sometimes we have to agree to disagree....I think this is one of those times. Nobody has the "right" answers. Every action will have a reaction when dealing with "these people". I'm sure that Yahoo-Bearded Man (my mind has just drawn blank :unsure: ) will call for a huge retaliation, BUT, they "retaliated" on 9-11, for no reason what-so-ever, and have been threating even more harm to Americans....either way, they aren't going to let up.

    Maybe, we need to show "him" that we mean business and he will go on the same path.


    I will edit when I think of Creep #2's name. ;)


    ETA: Osama Bin Lodin is the Creep (thanks mom23girls) :wub:




    i agree wholeheartedly

  2. It's just , but it's just sad all the way around. He could have done things so differently.




    agreed...maybe some other dictator will change his future ways, seeing what can happen when the people finally have justice...so there is hope



    maybe if hitler had seen true world justice before he started the nazi party things might have been different

  3. I can't take any joy in anyone's life being taken. I can't take joy in the fact that he murdered thousands and raped his own country. I can't take joy in him being hung. This is just one of those situations that is evil from beginning to end. It is what it is. He deserves it They died (his victims) because of a brief blip in history when this man(?) reigned. It just is all so pathetic.




    removing a figurehead that if allowed to live, even in prison, could order the deaths of others is just

  4. Whenever the hanging is - there will be time afterwards to put a plan together. But why do this when American crowds are so vulnerable - the very next day (Iraq is about a half day ahead)? And when ISLAMIC groups are so vulnerable? This will trigger worldwide outrage at the USA!


    And that doomsday scenario could be avoided by just putting it off a few weeks.


    Has anyone considered that this is a big F.U. to Gerald Ford (the timing coincides with the revelation that Ford was strongly against the ousting of Saddam.)?




    so your argument is to wait to fight a bully later...cause too many people are on the playground today?



    loss of life period is horrible...it does not increase for me cause of the numbers...if they want to attack they will...it may be horrible...now and or then...but do not alter justice to avoid evil

  5. Okay, let's say that the execution takes place. In Mecca and in New York City, there are retaliatory suicide bombs that cause thousands of deaths as a result of the explosions and the subsequent stampedes.


    Can anyone here but me foresee the blame placed on the USA and on Bush in particular for the ill-timed execution of Saddam?


    Bush's administration will have essentially CAUSED the deaths of all of the thousands of people. Whether you agree with it or not, that WILL be the worldwide perception.



    actually any reasonable folks will see that those carrying out the attacks will have caused the deaths...now the challenge is finding reasonable people worldwide...that might be an issue



    saddam was tried by iraqi's...found guilty by iraqi's...sentenced by iraqi's...will be executed by iraqi's


    now if the world see that as good old george causing trouble...TOO FRIGGIN BAD

  6. Oh, I thought I read that he was "fine" with it. He called for a meeting with his brothers (step) and was OK. I wish I remembered where I read it so I could re-read and understnad it better :blink:



    sorry..it may have been that saddam is ok with it but his lawyers said this:Saddam's lawyers issued a statement Friday calling on "everybody to do everything to stop this unfair execution." The statement also said the former president had been transferred from U.S. custody, though American and Iraqi officials later denied that.

  7. This is not about being afraid of what someone might do. He's going to die. Why tonight, when inflamed passions might spark agression against LARGE SCALE American and Islamic (Haj) targets?



    any attack they might pull off as a result af sadamm being executed will be given life later..as their need arises..no need to hold it off in my eyes....well except that it will take away from president fords memorial

  8. No in our term of religion. But, that's what I'm asking. Isn't that their mode of thought....they must kill American's/Christians....that is the way that they enter "heaven".


    Death doesn't appear to be bothering him, and now it makes sense why...he thinks he's done "right" and is going to "heaven" (whatever his religion calls it).



    from what i have read about saddam he is a religion flip flopper...he folows the one most convenient for him at the time...as far as him death bothering him..he is screaming out to anyone that will listen to help him stay alive...at least thats whats being reported..something like "saddam is appealing to everyone to do everything in their power to help him'

  9. looks like he zigged when he should have zagged



    could have been a lot of things...owed a loanshark...unrevealed family trouble..maybe upset at the lawsuit he and air america were in against each other...maybe karl ordered him dead...maybe aliens botched the return of him after probing was done...maybe a religious fanatic pissed off at him trying to have "under god " removed from the pledge..maybe he became a last minute skydiver just didnt believe in parachutes


    poor lawyer

  10. Be sure to send a thank you note to the lady that interviewed you for taking the time to speak with you about how you can benefit their organization. Little things like that are greatly appreciated, and will keep you in their minds as they go through their selection process.




    heck yea...and if you really really want the job follow my advice...when you send the note have it temporarily displayed in the thank you gift ( insert $100.00 inlaid silver picture frame or maybe a bottle of dom...say" THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE CHANCE TO MEET WITH YOU AND THE OPPORTUNITY TO BE EMPLOYEED WITH ( INSERT PROSPECTIVE COMPANY NAME HERE ) HAPPY NEW YEAR!"



    if the job is really worth it

  11. Here's a quote from an AP article:

    "Baker’s attempt to offend missed its mark, according to Fotouh. Muslims do not hate pigs, he said; they just don’t eat them."




    man thats got to be an embarrasment...trying to insult and failing....maybe an outdoor barbecue resturant offering free weekend salad bar to all muslim's would be more appropriate




  12. I've heard that Swinging Richard's is a happening place. :huh: (Only =heard= & =NO= I don't know anything about the place other than what it is. Gesh. I have to qualify everything I say nowadays.)



    heck i hadn't been since my transsexual marine friend of mine and i took our army buddy dave to lipsticks on Cheshire bridge to celebrate his reenlistment into the 82nd airborne...was an interesting night

  13. and as for the "we got to take a stand" thing.i get the feeling the original owners of baker rd were told by the bakers or their "representatives" to "just move"...the bakers were the immigrants then..lots of immigrants came here fleeing religious persecution...200 years on a certain soil and you own it?..how many thousand of years were the indians here before they were richly rewarded and evicted from their land?



    bigoted hypocrites

  14. It is considered an "unclean" thing & they aren't supposed to even come into contact with a pig or things that have even touched a pig.


    It would be kinda like a private Gentlemen's Club opening beside a church.




    ever been to cheshire bridge rd? lol



    or Marietta...what is happening here sounds typical of two cultures vastly different becoming instant neighbors...you either accept and learn to love..or hate..the Texan may have been offended in being called a liar...but cmon...get over it...if you want fair it comes in October..heck i hear they will have pig races this year

  15. A man I work with lost his son tragically. (Thomas)

    What is so bad about it, he searced for his son for a month, hired a PI which was no help.

    Nothing was ever said by the media (they must not think a missing person is news worthy).

    Anyway, after a month of searching, the father went to the news and asked them to show his picture on TV in hopes someone would know his whereabouts.


    He did get a response, but it was not what he wanted to hear. The news he received was from the Cobb Co Morgue.

    They had his body, he had been hit by a car. He had no ID on him so they held his body until someone might come claim him. (the person that hit him did stop but with no ID, the family could not be notified).


    He was 15 years old. The family is originally from Africa and they want to send his body back home for burial.

    The cost for this is 15,000.00!!!

    Please help this man and make any amount of contribution you can.

    Call Paulding Hospital and ask for the Nursing Home secretary.


    They will tell you where to send the money.

    Please pray for this family, they are very torn from this horrible incident.



    well looks like the paulding hospital nursing home secretary(770-445-4411) might be the first step in finding out if this is legit....of course that would mean making a phone call


    bad situation...but $15,000 seems a bit steep

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